Show you can expect ttobo much of schillings best it is only tea but your grocer gives your money back if you dont like it in packages full weight JAL schun company an 1IfFarI1rnaancnidcsicscoo awarded honors worldss fair adre MOST PERFECT MADE A aws1 ggrrapee cream of tTaartrabrr powder fife aadduulltetrearnatn i from ammonia aAlIuLmLi or anyother 40 YEARS THE STANDARD free pills send your address to H E bucklen accoo cChhiiccaagsoo and gneett a free sample box of bdr kings new life pills A trial will convince yonu of their merits these pills are easy inn action and are particularly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache for malaria and liver troaubblleesa they bhave been proved invaluable they are guar-anteed to be perfectly free irom every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable they do not weaken by their action but by giving tonse to stomach and bowels invigorate the system regular size 2 c per box sold by smoot druz cgoo 14I thse 12 42 ever ct 5 wik wn A nooltiiccee the local cccoooinfffeeerrreeennccceea cf the primacy associations will be held saturday oct 31 at 2 p m aaillI1 are invited to attend CORNELIA HU CLAYTON president ID I1 secretary DR GUNNS IMPROVED LUIYVEERR PmUuSs A MWIILD ONE arll IIVOOEERAA DOSS ArearE 1 of ia whmwaakleilanrnetfidatttbhlhcieelersaearentpnhilaelltihecnaoao0bympt1mlpacylcoekreteinobnwbAhtedtotdhtheheyceroniIasTObrisicogo hI1dlctaeoctnkentrtfrhroteaor klaara 1 CgOo bia E ssoold bv rallAA dartz A ppaaiinnt c0o0 MADE ME A MAN Z AJAX TABLETS positively CURE AALlTr JfVerrou di fialdliinngg mem cachedd bbfrarntbbsedandd kothtlier GandMindis S t ccCrreUeattiioonnss 2rihty and amly I1 7 restora lost vitality ia old or r and wk ffit man for or maniiapMa Ss rr tt I chasity aad C N iift takeno tfilmee their nse shhoowwss immediate implore ment and eeffffeeccttsa a CURE awlal others tal1l in basrted caredchhtahanonugsanthdes and willI1 CacjaarexwEo1a1 blewtae katvheeya positive wriitttteen gua r an tee tto0 eeffect a core iinneeaachseccaasme or defondd tthhe mmo0nneeyi aPrriicmo s600 c8enata or 1I coaxes fuanlilt treatment for sff mMaHlliian plain wrapper receipt of price circular AJAAXX REafMRa EEDDYY CO 79KW SIM for ssaillee in provo cita by R S hines aand drug co druggist aak Iissaa LOCAL DISEASE aanndi is the result of ccohldas and climatic cchhaannggese it can be caorreed by a pleasant remedy which is applied di-becayy inttoc the nostrils be yqueickllyY absorbeddiitt gatea ely s cream balm b ed to ba thae mostt thorouUgh CUM or nkaassall cCatarrh cold in hRead and hayy ever of all remmedies it 0 and cd res the babal passages allayyes pain and 1b1 ealas the sores pro-tects ohp the embrace from ccootlds reeastores the senses ELY BROTHER 66 warren street new tyoortkt provo opera HMO 8 S jones prop 8 J jonese mgr ONISNIGHT ONLY saturday remve WM NW SAM J BURTON AND THE CHARMINTININGG comEeDdIiEeNnNneE pma s LILLIE COLEMAN IN THE KNEW A suver scenic production A up I1 I1 hilarious sensational comedy drama A roaring rRoouussiintigg rally oofl faun laughter and yells THE NOTED 81 PERKINS SBOOLLOO ORCHESTRA of twelve skilled mmuusi-cians si i1s3 the strongeesstt ever presented to itbhe pubic by a ttrraaveling company ona 0o1rathbee most 7 ffeeaattuurreesa for a first ccllaaesss performance lias the besatt of music rendered ino an artistic manner especially isa tha ceo in SI PERKINS ROoVv r wh songs dances ccaietcchbyy whre a good orchestra isa aaso see the street parade at noon lbyy the famous pPuugghhtotowwnn farmer band FREE CONCERT in front o0f theo opera house at 7 p m regular paires to st apnauul1I via omaha the Burling tons flyerr which leaves denver every even-iinng at reaches oma-ha at four the next afternoon in time to connect with trains from st paul aMndinneapolis to these as well as all other points in minnesota the route via omaha iias the shortest in time and distance and travelers who want the bast there is will ask for ets that way tickets and timae tables at the local office or by addressing W F av benl abt sSaalltt laka city 11 wweaalkkeerr block TWOO CUBRE A COLDO IN ONE DAY take laxative bromo quinine tablets all druggists ts refund the money if it tfaaiillss to cure boc fcoorrssaallee one horse marine engine and boiler combined good as new together with propeller wheel and shafting or will sell 20 foot steam launch coomplete I1 just the tthhiinneg for dock hunters on lake for particulars address H 11 corinne utah tf constipation is a painful g disagreeable and life diffi-culty it ddeersaauges the system causes etch headache bad breath and poisons the blood it can be readily overcome bbvy ddoe wiltts little earia risers these little pills are great regulators smoot drug company fruit fruit the rock canyon orchard is now ready t0i furnish the people with the choiicest fruits at the lowest market pprriiccees we have the finest varieties nnoowv ready bartlett pears oranges and f various other kinds of peaches german prunes and several kinds of grapes come and see us or send your orders by mail W 0 BEESLEY 34 CENTER STREET 34 CENTER STREET BROI ON 81 oaurr shoes are NEW STYLISH wehandle a complete line of the and serviceable brown shoe co shoes of ssttlolouuiiss our aims ball always be to furnish HONEST GGOOODDSS at roearssonn ble prices our goods are marked in plain figures and are sold at strictly onnae prisze but that is the lowest for ccoouurrtteeocuusss treatment and fair ddeeaalliinngt rgiivvee us a call JULIUS JEHNSEN agic and bemler byj j DEAI EB uml r WATCHES JEWELRY vl LO S- ALL KINDS OFP W t 0ap t14 CU G 00C1 Ex cesier drug alre centre st RES 4 provo city ddrriilgl and paint go new stock Vcaarreefualllly prepared pre-ssccrriippttioionnss experienced anud licensed pharmacists full line of mg toilet articles eettoc our CIGARS are the best in utah prices to suit free silver the best and the mos for your money W VV H WOODRING manager ec 0 area cCuutt no one ever gets a great deal for nothing there i no sense in wearing cclloocthhiinargg that do not fit and wont hold their shape 0Fo onme goome away you Wout ccoommei tand see SINGLETON CL LOTHIINNGG COMPANY LOO Y IN A 00 ra M for sale at M I1 funny thing to say about if you look gloves but if you find thee 1 further in 1 you word KkAaYySseErRiainn the 1I will find a hheemm then you know you guarantee have the genuine 1 ticket 9 6 6 KAYYSsEERR in eeaacdhi pair it patent is good for a fFiinnoger 25 ea Tipped new pair freet cashmere if the ttiippsi j wear out before gloves J gloves a M M V tVi 0 U n L WE la N urba A NEW L anue iu FT 14il I1 N ilk 7 FV 9 sim i 0 lay WUL stod mult 1 a hot orse veruoLLaAA ts za 7 ua U NOIlsifts fro 0 51 J ot andul wear rin 1114 hot ssttyyliees ill 1 shiymfoefncss liafivqou uw iennftaacct win VV mmmaaallkee HOT PRICES on anything you want in our line come and see us am |