Show I1 sB KX anio THOMAS KING JOHN attorney i bwy block PROVO UTAH j lar 1I1I Whitecotton AT LAW rooms 11 and 12 cormn and savings bank building PROVO CITY UUTTAAHB fire and life Iimnssuurraannccee J MARWICK abt continental of new york norwich union of london northern of london underwriters national life otf vermont bankers life of des moines office at psrwovasoeycity muatarthins bank IIC 11 C iie E Bbottttomn ley ovar iftaararrreerr bros co store provo city utah office honursa 9 to 12 a mmp 2 tto 4 p m A4 hecurtainMs D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON office palace block rBeessidideennccee 2 blocks east bank corner rReessiiddeence treeepllehphoonnee nwoo 45 office so 28 PROVO UTAH k DEMOISY attorney at llaaiwo boom 15 bbaanckk building centre st PROVO aoiirry UTAH S H ALLEN oduth alijaceiaa sSaurrggeeoOnll B G W no 50 office at residence smoot brick house 1 block east of itbsaebrenrnaaccllee PROVO UTAH afy CANCER 1 1 Is now bbaeiinneg tcrreeaatteedd under the OoRp SYSTEM BBYY melissa STEWART A licensed non graduate OVO UTAH 3 i8t 2 KNOWLDEN 19 L1 0 knowlden jones I1 general fire and life I1 INSURANCE AGENTS P 0 BOX 11 PROVO upahl I1 JOSEPH itEi CROOK I1 ATTORNEY AT law collection agency office bank building PAYSON CITY UTAH D D AT rboooommss 4 and 5 rbeeeedd smoot block PROVO UTAH I1 BN BOOTH A L BOOTH ATTORNEYS AT LAW I1 23 N J street provo city JIM 00 at bank building PROVO CITY UTA 11 I1 al AR WARNEERR LAWYER rooms 11331144 and 15 union block PROVO CITY UTAH DDRR AM GILLMAN dentist office and residence center st 9 two doors east of mill race painless dentistry a specialty by the celebrated Odou method SAMUEL A KING AT LAW rboooommss 5 and 7 bank building PROVO CITY UTAH MOVER ccommission COMPANY 0 0 gnp A s 0 o kansas city mmooi altonk yards 4S6 Wyate LOANED L0 I1 austion a J P I1 cray mausu OR SAM WEST I1 W T abay kauuatt breurt arm I1 0 7 E5 I1 I1 ff q d 1 as M az M I1 zI1 clr I1 HAT atif E F T alf g N w IRM 24 FAC I1 I1 agege I1 1I 1 INg U SIGNATURE wom tag aadilkelsooff ipet OF I1 z I1 G 10 e I1 azra A A u- lca4 0 ile lnieessss and Rest Contains ONypoiumt MorphineOnTIoC rna 111 ISMOKIT THE za craper BL ai K A 1s1ampaaa rj alvr ff offaofJ OF butt Setd I1 az J bottole 05 sigar rhier apar ct remedy for constina P ren 1 tion sour bonns cris L rnieessss or SSLEEP A signature of 4e I1 i 44 11 NEW YORM A g cCaastttaclreia lIas ppaarttt trpp ilna cnariza I1betwtleess 1 oay it Is set stoilldl ilan tbaullkk dont aallllomw aanhyyamnnea to sboanll ku aa I1 I1 yyon anything elss ecna the pea or tha t it Us is 1 just as good and wiilnl every pa Ppose 1 1I az bee that jyueaa get 0O A B T O R I A nabo e EXACT copy DF aca a 1 I1 easj aCfS Aea f T itV I17 c I 1 I1 ga I 1 I 1 10 I1 I1 1 dr walter R pike physician and surgeon office at residence corner I1 and a3rrd eatts PROVO UTAH HUMOR ad m ilna all its branches haae alde and CASKETS A specialty HYRUM CLUFF manager next door east of gates furniture cgoo FIRST irpta liidi dbeallrll OF connul bastise basss tainttetlsli I1 DIRECTORS W R president 8 8 joash vice president J 0 GEO tayloe gGrEiOo Q i E F D A SsWwAaN D A SWAN cashier exchange drawn on nnoeww york chicago tsiaann francisco and all the principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from per annum and upwards zions savings bank and trust company K salt lake city clab pays five per cant interest per annum on any ddeeiposits you maaxee write for particulars WILFORD WOODRUFF GEO M CANNO prest cashier american I1 for ill I1 I1 I1 F I1 0 CAVEATS MARKS 7b0jiissprpasas CDOEPSTICH eatcja for information andd free handbook wartiete to co sueai YOEK oldest bureau for seen patents ilan america aery patteentt taken out by 0 Is brought becom the pu c bbyj a notice given tfrree lta ttohoe 0 bamme CA largeesstt of anar rbambeerr in thae awroorrrld splendidly illUlunssttrraatetedd I1ko anaa bbe aithot it aweeky a re 4 O0O0L broadway FkAw tYYoXrXk city 7 I1 74 h n A I1 Y I1 I1 it Cc yeats and elul ku busi acsosnducted for MOVER ATC acca 1e0neecr is UuiZs PATENT oreme ts we axilaa secure patent ianilemss teimce ltbha elhawa i 3 i sevlaee from washington seid model or kaiowto descar iosca wce if ratentibor dndoott trfrreeeeee raaj charia oarice cot till atcas iLs secured A A hhaow 33o0bbtaaiinn pIattents edth 0costt f ageg a ttcc U S aarldid laela 1I scat t ac S 0 ill A 1 I1 M 041Wax P 4 V I1 i fMassa NOTICE asMas dr JI1 N cChhrriissteasen hhaag3 faal sayears continuous practice the well known ddeenntitssitt and resident of provo will give the people the benefit of the rbeesstt tAibrteiffaeual teeth in the world made exclusively by him at RE-DUCED PRICES also cgrroowwns and bridge work at the lowest prices in the ramnrakrkeett also gold and amalgam fillings the crown and bridge work are warranted to be the neatest cheap esatt aannddrbeesstt in the market eevveerryy piece of work not done accord ins to 1aIggrreeement the money will be rreeffunded teeth extracted every saturday from 9 aamm to 12 rn i nf from I1 to 5 p in FREE OF clai GE to the poor office oovyeerr apynee MMmaaaiiblbbeeennnsaa drug store 1I V 15 1 I1 ap I1 5A 0 A I1 I119 r AND BOOKS make up our stock good books are cheap now and a whole library of in-tteeresting volumes in popular and standard literature history biography travel science fiction art and poetry will be found on our shelves you must comee to see everytthhiinngg in the world of magazines reviews quarter-lies and the valuable weekly publica-tions in every department A glance at our presentation shows you what there is to read and how much you have missed if you come here to see such as Mun cosmopoli-tan century ladies home journal judge paucck fashion books etc prov11o blok ad mm f5a0i 1 PROVO OUTAH 31INERS OooUuuTttwFfIiiTttTttiiINnnGgg DEPT AND headquarters FOBR all kinds of miners supplies CTTT q C c0IVIs I1 I1 I1 I1 t 1 I1 J z a 1 ttgaailaanntt powder caps and fuse fancy gGrrooccearriieess etc special attention to mail orders P 0 bMox l1i1e6s6 SALT T ma CITY I1 I1 I1 liv I1 1I D copyrights CCAANS I1 OBTAIN A PA TEST T ffoorraa 3a1i u A aannsswiCeeteOrrr awndhoahnnaavvlbeeoonnaheenassddtt noepairnlyioanfiffttwyyryiteearttsr experie6ncfelinu tthe yaga lpaaltent austrem uzma lfoorrmmaasttitioroincntly confideensttiiaall A hananddbohaok tootoibn-tain tthhememtene ree aallssoosa cataio jue of in echar iccaall and selen tille bboaokkss sbeenatt free ppaatteenntst ttasdkeen t 11 S CCOOL rece tva s1pecialI noticeee 1inn theetrere m ja american aaandad ahns are widely before the public alth ontt cort to the inventor this cpr weekly elep oatly illustrated bis by faaurrttkhee largest birc avon of amnyt sciesUSo grork in the word sa 11 year ra I1swasoia sbeyneatrtresetubla copies iusp cents Eliveerryy aber contains bead af plate in ccoolmloornr and otf nvew mwaiaitdewaliathnsalabpnud sedenecanubrreolincgontbrailcltdsers aaitdodddsrrheesossw 1u1i MUNN 0CO VS tons armily LOSTsad permanently restored 11 EMM 7 NmaviA i iitthis woaldd on a I1 to ccoatra any 10 torm 0ot nervous or any disorder I1 otf the recital organs otf I1 either sKeSx caused i 1 befaorore by excessive amnsea olf after tToobbaaccceoo alcohol or opium or on aunt ooft or over etac 1 JIzzi nese ft S fiteni ainan wwvetk amry bearing down pains sSeenmnitiinneaell ulster a zi haub locast power and 11 IS neglected i1n5a3y7 lead to premature old age end insanity arim a box 6 boxes zeacmsi ta sent bbiyr waja on rreceipt tcp A whitten M with every as5o0d0 order t9o IM tthhe MmOoney it a permanent ccvrisiIss PO R cao detroit lstad for solial by smoot DarMc co 0 0 8 0 a0 9a a 0 a a 80 I1 00 I1 toaa a 1 0 I1 a Z77 11 A I1 eft X a 00 0a I1 I1 I1 I1 fj a iven awayfly 000 0 4zi 1 A 1 11 I1 11 this year in valuable 90 a I1 S I1 I1 va1 0 1I articles to smokers of 0a a a a 11 1I blackwells I1 9 8 enuine 8 I1 0 a I1 0 h nm I1 0 a I1 I1 I1 ill i i Z 9 bueg op a 0 0 1 1 1111 4 0 a a I1 11 I1 2 i tobacco I1 8 1I 11 0 I1 J u 1 I1 you will find one coupon in-side 8 I1 11 I1 I1 I1 I1 each 2 ounce bag and two 6 coupons inside each 4 enuce 0 ag the best bag bBuuyya a bag read the coupon 0 0 g Smoking Tobacco made and see how to get your share 0 W OOFFFFICIAL LIST OF I1 of utah county state of utah for bgeenneerraall election november 3 1896 for electors of president and vice president oodftthhee united states kernes of candidates rKeessiiddeennccee and placae political party charles I1 W bennett east a2nd south st I1 republican 1 I1 I1 salt llaaklee city joseph I1 A smith I1 logan cache county I1 republican 9J D page I1 mt pleasant sanpete co I1 republican john J daly I1 j no east south tteermn-- ij democrat independent apliee st salt lake city 1I republican hheennrryy W lLaawwrreennccee Nno0 13 1 nN1o0rrtthh Mmaaiinn Sstt Ddeemmo0ccrraatt iinnddeeppeennddee nntt 1 salt lake city 1 I1 j l p3ar7ty republican peoples robert C lund st george washington democrat independent I1 county republican party peoplesI1 s for representative to cCoonngrgers8es8 2 warren foster i j no a2nd south st I1 j peoples party salt lake city j lafayette holbrook I1 J SL beewen ath and ath I1 j independent republican st provo utah county j republican wWillillliiaamin H king I1 j east south temple I1 democrat st salt lake city j I1 far judge fourth judicial district warren N dusenberry I1 provo city utah county I1 democrat 1 I I1 abram 0 hatch I1 heber city waatch co independent republican I1 I1 republican the following named aarreb all of utah co state of utah for state senator seventh district 11II george H brimhall I1 preovo city I1 j independent republican 1 j republican I1 1 I Abel jphn evan I1 lehi city I1 democrat A 0 smoot I1 provo city I1 democrat george D snell 1banish 1 spaanniisshh fork I1 j independent republican republican I1 Ffor membbeerms of tmhee house of A 8 eleventh district NY 0 creer I1 spanish fork city I1 democrat john M hollaaddaayy I1 sSaanntaquin independent republican j J republican lewis kPKlunJdluunndd 1I pleasant gGrroavvee city 1I democrat 1 1 1I1 I hhyarurmpm lemmon 1I payson city I1 democrat 1 john mmecnneeiillll american fork j independent republican I1 1 I1 1 j republican J jonathan S page jr payson city j independent rReeppubulbicliaacnnt I1 J republican I1 1 I W M rRoOyyllaanuccee I1 sSpprriinnggvvilillele 1I democrat 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 I1 fannie E stewart I1 pleasant grove city j independent republican 1 j republican county ticket for county commissioners i Z james 0 bullock I1 pleasant grove city I1 democrat JT S aPpPeerryy 1I payson city I1 democrat stephen W rosae lehi city independent republiiccaann I1 I1 j J republican 1 I joseph B richmond j1I provo city 1I independent republiccaann j 1 rreeppuubblilcicnan L K stewart I1j benjamin I1 I1 independent republican republican W H winn I1 lehi city I1 democrat I1 ffoarr county clerk george havercamp I1 provo city I1 democrat herman S martin I1 j provo city I1 independent republican I1 J republican for sheriff I1 0 william H bErrecrreettoonn I1 J provo city I1 independent republican I1 republican george A storrs I1 sSpprriinnggvvilillele I1 democrat for recorder iL 1 I rose wmoorree I1 provo city j independent rreeppuublbiclainc 1 I I1 republican 1 I hyrum F thomas I1 provo city I1 democrat it for county aAtltloorrnneeyy f thomas john I1 j provo city I1 j independent republican j j republican samuel A king I1 provo city I1 democrat for aAsssessor J J mercer I1 american fork I1 democrat f james B whitehead I1 Sspringvvilillele I1 iIdncedpeepnedndeenntt republican I1 republican iffoorr treasurer I1 GC 0 bahr j salem j independent republican I1j republican I1 ellen JbaaLleemmaann 1I provo city j democrat tforr sswurveyor I1 i andrew 1 adamson I1 american fork I1 democrat r caleb tanner I1j j provo city I1 independent republican republican for justice of the peace provo precinct A I1L booth I1 provo city I1 democrat charles demoilsay I1 j provo ath and I1 streets I1 independent republican republican for constable provo precinct I1 ray bachman I1 provo ath between hHaanndd j iidDnedpepeennddeenntt JI1 I1 streets13 I1 I1 republican wren wilkins I1 provo cciittyy 1I democrat 0 foorr Jautiticcfee 0of the lpaeaccee pprreecciinncct ts jjoohhnn s boyer I1 sSpprriinnggSvvilillele smlaaiinn street I1 ddDeeemmmaroaccrraat L jjoosseephpehl M westwood I1 sSpprriinnggvviilllee i j republican I11 republiccaann for ccoonwstatabblele Spring vi 1IIs pprreecciinacctt r I1 I1 C bird 1I sSpprriinnggvvilillele wash street I1 democrat joseph B whitehead 1I sSpprriinnggvivlillele I1 independent republican I1 republican fPoorr justice of the peace mapleton precinct samuel D fFuolllmlnieerr I1 mapleton I1 democrat john H lee I1 mapleton I1 republican for constable mapleton precinct D wells snow I1 mapleton I1 republican frederick 0 I1 mapleton I1 democrat for justice of the peace spanish A fork precinct james L hales I1 spanish fork I1 democrat george A hhiidcelss I1 j spanish fork I1 independent republican republican for ccoonnstable ssptaanniissah fork precinct george F bboofitteenn 1I spanish fork I1 democrat I1 william P hales I1 j I1 spanish fork I1 independent republican republican I1 ffoorr jjjjuussttiiccee 0off the peace salem precinct john A olsen 1I salem I1 ddeemmoocrratt oile soren I1 j salem I1 1 independent republican republican for constable salem precinct I1 william 1 H gardner I1 ssa- leemm 1I democrat 1 james hanks I1 j salem j j independent republican republican for justice oofdtthhee peace payson precinct joseph W huish I1 payson I1 dDeemnioocrat 4 frederick A huish I1 payson I1 I 1 independent republican I 1 I1 republican for constable payson precinct thomas cloward I1 parson I1 dDeermnoocrratt edward H harper I1 j rrpaaayfosooiilnl 1I independent republican I1 f I1 republican for justice of the peace benjamin precinct john H hone I1 benjamin I1 republican 8 al richardson I1 benjamin I1 I1 democrat for constable benjamin precinct jamesa R hawkins 1I benjamin 1I republican I1 F M koontz I1 benjamin I1 democrat 1 iz for ju1ussttiiccee of the peace San precinct 0 H frank I1 sSaanntaquin 1I democrat for constable sSaanntaquin precinct I1 daniel 8 jerman I1 sSaanntaquin I1 democrat I1 for justice of the peace goshen precinct james gardner I1 goshen I1 democrat ifloorr constable goshen precinct brigham fowler I1 geiben I1 democrat 21 for justice of the peace fairfield precinct i aDDlLtLhothmomaass I1 fairfield 1I republican I1 for constable fairfield Pprreecciinnccti william flack 1 fairfield republican for justice eoff the peace cedar ffoorrte Pprreeccinct Ihenry F greenhalgh cedar fort I1 democrat I1 for constableI1 cedar fort precinct 1 1 thomas M smith I1 cedar fort I1 democrat I1 for justice of the peace I1 lehi precincctt 11 newel A brown j lehi1I j independent rReeppubulbicliaicnn I1 I1 rEpeeupbublilcicaann b I1 rRoobbeerrtt gGiillcchhrriisstfc 1I lehi 1I democrat I1 ltorr constable lehi pprreecdinicctta 1 D T fowler I1 lehi I1 democrat hHyyrurumm timothy I1 lehi I1 independent republican I1 republican for justice ooft the peace aallppiinne precinct ben bates I1 alpine Cictityy I1 j independent republican I1 republican a for consstable alpine pprreeccinincett joseoph B moyle 1 alpine city independent republican I1 I1 I1 j j republican for jJuusatiticcee of the peace american fork precinct I1 ebenezerhunter I1 american fork I1 democrat citizens i john mcneill j aAmmereicrasien fork independent republican i I1 j I1 rpReuipbublilcicaann for constable Aammeerroiiccaann fork precinct C M beck I1 american fork I1 democrat citizen thomas S asxeelllleeyy american fork I1 independent republican I 1 1I Rrpeuipbublilcicaann I1 for ju7ussttiiccee of the peace pleasant grove pprroecinct jonathan L harvey 1 pleasant ggrroovtee I1 democrat I1 joseph D wadley I1 pleasant grove I1 republican w I1 for constable pleasant grove precinct I1 i james gillman j grove aid ward I1 democrat charles M jepson I1 pleasant grove I1 republican for justice of the peace vineyard precinct I1 1 cohvaarrlieess 0 craig I1 vineyard lake view PO 1I democrat for constable vineyard precinct I1 thomas H williams I1 vineyard lake view PO I1 democrat I1 I1 for justice of the peace pPprrreeeccchiiianct t I1 ER W westwood I1 Tthistle I1 democrat I1 for constable thistle pFrreecinct LlyN olsen I1 thistle I1 democrat sautttatathei 0o1If IuC tah 1I ss 1I bounty EbEoLnejoosnneess county clerk in and for utah county state of utah hereby certify that the above is a full and true copy of the names of ccaannddiiddaatetesdltoo bse vo at thae election to be held in emaiidd county november 3arrdd 1896 wwiitthh poli-tical designation and residence and place each as tome occ T i witness my hand and official seal at my office in prova cciittyy itbhis day 6p1 A D 18 10 1 JONES bouldi iffet |