Show awarded highest honors worlds fair IN-MOST C fits a PERFECT MADE A putrse grape cream of tartar powder free from Aammmmoonriiaa aallutamn or anyy other adulterant 4 R 1112 STANDARD A bnaurree caurrae for puss itching piles are mown by moi itera like perspiration causing intense itching whaen twearrmm this form as well sass blind bleedingor yield at oncae to dr Bosan kkooas ppiilllee remedy which ascettas directly on parts affected absorbs tumors allays itching aanndi effects sk psetirlml anceinrctuculaatreres 50ir acts dDrrugbgoustasnko02 pa sgoolldd by aexxcceelsior drug paint co 1f7rreuiitti fruit reatdhye triofcukrnicsahnytohne poerocphlaerdwiisth now cpvnhraoirowciieocsrueessatdowytfhreeuribthsakarivntlaedetstttothphfeeepaerfasliogcwheoseertssat nvGggameeerrrsiameraatttkaiihnaeeenedslst cmoamiille anadnsdee suesaveorraslenkdinydosuirofordgerarspebsy W O r tthke flao emila it 11 2 eTmy TSza k w that joyful feeling with the sense cof renewed health aarnadd settrrenrgetthh and iinntteerrnnaalf clean-liness which feollllowss the use ooft syrup of figs is unknown to the few who have dnott progressed beyond the old time mmeeddiicciinneeas ard the cheap lutes sometimes offered bautt nevar ac-cepted by the well informed DR 0WYSS 0 IMPROVED LL1IIVYER PPIILLLS A HWILIDD boym ONE PILL FOR A dorRpP A i itbamrheimerlikrtmhaidiandlteniiidtrtetthhehhcepwelireslaaeeTrtoOljappfIhiaiolbltsmshnesobuyropawpspcileclayl1yksrteeneeUhaabbc otbhyhxtTedottdhtaeeyorhoiitn6nshrteihhnbenaarecrcneemweslimyaBsrockarknytryaytayttpaeot faorrcsc abbera MED co p rrsooolllii by axe asior aarrnnea A paint cooo dprroouu S S jones prop 8 J jones mgr W SAM X BUERTON AND THE CHARMING comedienne S S LILLIE COLEBMfAiANN IN THE NKEEWV 81 L I1 1 A ssuappeerr c pPrroodduaccttiioonn A Hhpp I1 1I hHiillaariroiounss comedy drama A rRooaarriinngi rousing rally of fano laughter and yells THE SI PE SKINS SOLO ORCHESTRA of twelve skilled musi-cians is tmtfe strongest ever prressentteedd to ahe pubicickby a traveling company OMI of the mmaatt 7 features for a first cblaafsrs ilsa the best of maussiicc rrenuddeerreedd ijnn an artistic manner especeiaalllyl is tthhi eo in 8B1I PERKINS with songs dances catchy music where a gonod orchestra is abso-lutely necessary see the street parade at noon by the famous pPPuugghhtotowwnn farmer band FREE CONCERT in front olf the opera hhoonueere at 7 p m regular prices ATA Is a LOCAL DISEASE B and lIas thhee of colds aend P bXixbWL sam LD sudden climatic changes ak iittcan be cured by a pleasant frreemmeeddy Is applied da asttco the be latzemat aites relief tt onccee elys cream balm in leagea to bae thae most thorough ceewre for nasal catarrh cold in head and rhaayy fever of all rme edea it 0 and cdleeaaniasiesas the passage aduayyiapianin aannndenianflammation heals the sgoorreesst pro-tects the embrace from colds rreessttoorerse the senses price oft ELY BROTHERS 568 warren street snaeww york tho perfume of violets the purity of the ililly the glow of the rose and the flush of hebe combine in Pozzoommsa wondrous powder PROiVvOy MEAT bCO naCeeuntteerrSstt provo ALL KINDS OF fNreOsti and mod not constantly ON HAND ihmemmee rMendeMred lard cash paid for fat live stock to st paul via the aBBrulrilninggtons ve flyer which leaves denver every even-ing at reaches oma-hha at four the next afternoon in time to connect with trains from st paul and minneapolis to these as all aother points in minnesota the route via omaha is the shortest in time and distance and travelers who want the best there is will ask for tickets that way tickets and time tables at the local office or by addressing ukWe cFity Un walker bbleorcilkl abt salt TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DdAaYl take laxative bromo quinine tablets all druggists refund the money it it fails to cure to the public in Cgieeneral we take pleasure in adding our testi-mony of praise with so many already before the people t1o0 the great worth of john G cCoolttrriinnas salve oaurr mother VwMaSs sorely afflicteedd for several years with a very bad case of salt rheum all endeavors seemed to be of rcoo avail un-til salve was recommended her after a faithful appliance for about four week ehe was entirely caurreed aand ehe now feels duty bound to recommend it t1o0 all who are thus af-flicted HARRY bBoOS SARDD J R bosi BOSHARD aug P S 1I i1s3 now ten yearsa bince she was cured ald no or trace of any return of the disease ans for sale one horse marine engine and boiler combined good as new ttoougeetthheerr with propeller wheel and ishhaafftitning or will cseellll 0200 foot steam launch comoleettee just the tthhainng for duck hunters oann total lake fforr particulars address H corinnae utah tf 75 1 334 CENTER STREET 314 CENTER STREET Fmccoard BR00S our shoes are NEW STYLISH wehandle a complete line of the and serviceable brown shoe co shoes of st louis our aim shall always be to furnish HONEST G at rreeaassoonnabblele pricceess oouarr rgooooddss are marked in plain figures and are sold at strictly oonnoe pri1Ice but aahnaatt is the lowest for courte us treatment and fair ddeeaallnaonz give rces a caill el bem y 5 but no matter who is elected SHOES will still be wanted A aft LEX N 01 aus 18 w i n I1 will still be found at old stand rear of store now occupied by mmcccooaarrdd bros better prepar-ed than ever to faumrniisshh FIRST CLASS SHOE WARE REPAIRING DDOOMEE 0 N SHORT NOTICE excelsior drag fainndd paint gooo new stock carefully prepared pre-scriptioionnss experienced and licensed pharmacists full line of dDrIuMgs toilet AaArrrtttiiiecollleegSss etce our CIGARS are the best in utahh prices to suit free silver the best and the most for your money W H va manager get 010 no one ever gets a great deal for nnootthhiinnggs there iia no sense in wearing clothing that do not fit and wont hold their shape no ouBt ades away ddiissssatisfied you WwoDDn1t ccoomme D 8see D SINGLETON CLOTHING aCtmOjMaPlANY L 47Y q V 1 UI1 M IR W N a 1l1l y 1 au W to keepp in tboouucchh wwiithh all their beautiful lines of DRESS GOODS SILKS and MNtOVELTIES TT 3 ta T y C y s W rri iLl va W JL Ss A fine line of ladies uUnniiiooonnn suits natural wool from upwards awmj S 0IVE OOIITTSS ery and log k EVERY DAV for we are H VIN I1N NEWE KY 0 a V A AT ENT00KA as M cm 3 bML Ooee P laut calyva KZ ir t evv 49 cjffeR M ut ainslts frgsoms ca2ll TO 4 5 HV ai JUdem1 ear 1I a s ILL it hot styles esy iilnl 1 zspihhoeess from uuxp j in fac will IF V mmake HOT PRICES on anything you rr want W V in our line come and see uus A sk W |