Show rToO CcUuKrEe A COLD IN ONE DAY takae laxative bromo quinine tablets all druggists refund the money if it fails to caurree 25 J C WITHERS has the largest and mosatt cceommplete line this sisdidee ot salt lake of harness sad-dler sad-dies choomrsaa fFuurrnniisshbininggss Robes Whips etc also a fine line of tents and bazon covers prices areaawwaayy down end com-petition connot compete with us dont lfaajka to call and examine oaurr llaarregse stock we are seunrre to suit tvoonn remember the pplaaccee proveo ooppeerar ahhoonusaes I1 elas this iagstcoounrr opportunity a ogennreercoeuispt soafmtpelne cweniltls bceasmh aoilredsta0omf ptthue meolsytspoccprreuaalmamr cbdaaatlalmrrh saunfdficihileaanyyt lfateofevedremcuorne s the great merits aotffjiilae rreemdedyy ELY BROTHERS 56 warren SsEt kneeww tyoorrkk city aler jr of great ffaalllsl mmootit recommended elys cream bhim to rmae I1 ean emphasize his sttaatteemmeenntt it is a pori ttiivrea cure for catarrh iift used asss directed francis W pools pastor church helena mont 1e3lyYss ccrream ibdallm jias the for catarra sod no mer sirrryt bior 4 din 1140 60 |