Show awarded highest honors fair RF MOST PERFECT MADE A paurree grape cream of tartar powder free alum or other adulterant 6roormn ammonia apnyy 40 YEARS THE STANDARD AAL nbuurre cure for PPUUSSs itching pnieless aree known by moist art ilke cituning intense itching when warm this ffoornmn as well as blind bleeding or protruding yield at oanacae ttoa dr Bosan kkooBs pile remedy abich seta directly on partsa affected absorb tumors allays itching and effects 14 permanent cure 560 acts Drug guts as dinall circulars fkrmee dr bBoossaannkkeo adelphis ff egoolldd by excelsior dreg fpaaiinntt 0o0o C the A to a v lost or sstirmayed one large dark bay horse about 9 years old weight twelve hundred pounds branded THE combined on right thigh had on him horse blanket nose sack and hobbles the owner can have him by paying expenses and for advertising JT 0 nelson Plesanta grove utah ds fruit fruit the rock canyon orchard is now ready ti furnish the people with the choicest fruits at the lowest market prices we have the finest varieties now ready bartlett pears oranges aannd various other kinds of peaches german pPrruunneessaanndd several kinds of grapes come and see us or send your orders by mail W 0 beesley badges and buttons finest line of bryan and sbeewwaalill and mMcckKininizleyv and hobart campaign badges buttons and songs for sealle by ley and graham at enquirer office notice the local conference of the primary associations will be held saturday oct 3311 at 2 p m all are invited to attend CORNELIA H COLlAAYYTTOONS pPrreeseidideenntt IiDn 1i CnE secretary 6 DR GUNNS roarn 1 LI1VER PPIILLLLSS 0 22 A14 MILD OWNYEE PIM FORU A DO hheAailtthh tthhese opfutlhae bowie wehacaht tdbllyycyssSt a lack to tieamwbhnytaiyklreekleeysrmeaanuiinteldidbthBeeddeOareeurSaulAdreNtnhKpeerOthcDeoOymTSIpcElaDereduohKbneoattxxatddotafatcoteehr hreattfhohaibbnnrsrioagbalohdwtTteOtnpOebrtifwhrgaail by excelsior aadrmr sa paint co provo oferd tee 8 BS jjooniccss pgrnpp S J jjoonnees mgr as ig1h1 rt saturday edioe oct M COMEDIAN SAM J BUERTON AND THE CHARMING comedienne MISS LILLIE COLEMAN 1IN NEW SI A I1 I1 A super ibsbceenniicc pPrroodduaccttiioonn A up I1 flarrah I1 hilarious sensational comedy drama A rBooaarriinnKg rousing rally of fua laughter and yells THE NOTED sStI PPEEBRKIINS SOLO ORCHESTRA of twelve skilled nminussii 1 ciansisis the strongest ever presented lto the ppuubbiiiccc by a travyeelliincge company one oofdtthhee most v tfeaturesa for a ffiirrsst classa performance i1s3 the best of music rendered in an artistic manner especially iiss this seo in SI PPEERRKKIINNS8 Rover wah songs dances catchy music where a good orchestra ihsl abso-lutely necessary see the street paradeo iatt noon by the famous pPughttoowwnn farmer band FREE CONCERT in front of the opera houskee at 7 p in regular prices MADE ME A MAN AMJAAXX TABLETS positivVelyLY cure AaLtiI A 1b4uei falling rmuacha taken in timeobfrbopaierrrrnttsatYoahtbvomibeemrmienrattlenowtIfaonowttrrsthvasssnipoehtthtituaoyhawlSdtiedrytsrrVyabbbJiniiamnniisdlntm aon1lseeeddooisvdaoaaioatrantatreatyeadootncuuidmnntgsagcpiucirarndoirsdveesenielsiyddf sabhinastetonZutecpaoonrnddedhftaafhnonnasraautnhdCdeaUa aSgnSednuwwinilheleraaenbraaa1lx1lyoootttahahbelrewstastaaialcTtein- poel tira writitteenn gguarantteeee tto eject sp or refard the M 7 fprriica 560 cenat copreer inoacblaEekcaaThzeccaaosmor i fouill treatment focretaor w m2a2hln PplainU wmrapper receipt oal pricma cairrcualarr tre AJAX REMbEoDYf CO avsDdsbb 8 for sbaallee in provo cita by 4 8 bilnues anud smmoooott drug co ddlruugggi isatt provo marble works A B FRISBEY manager mm Hhadodonecs i all ills cf ce first class mataeerriaiall and workman guaranteed P 0 box provo city utah PROVO miRT CanOyoB 24 center st provo ALL KINDS OF fresh anidl aureil constantly ON HAND rhoommee rReennddeiaFrlielledd lard cash paid for fat live stock to st paul via omaha the Burlingtons ave flyer which leaves denver every even-ing at reaches oma-ha at four the next afternoon in time to connect with trains farrooira st paul and mMiinnnneeaappoolisq to these as well as aUll J other points in minnesota j the route via omaha is the shortest in time and distance and travelers who want thae best there is will ask for tickeetts that way atttihcekeltoscaalndoftfiimcee toarblebsy addressing laWka cFity 11 waalaklfer bbleonckl act salt TO CURKE A COLDO IN ONE DAY take laxative bromo quinine tablets all druggists refund the money if it fails to cure to the public in general we take plesaseEunurrreee in adding c0onnrr testi-mony 0of praise with seo many already before the people t1o0 the great worth of john UCL cCCoooltttrTitininness salve our motthieerr was sboorreellyy afflicted for several years with a very bad case of saltrheum all endeavors seemed to be of iBnOo avail un-til cCoollttrriinnes scallve was recommended her after a ffaaiitthhffuall appliance for about conr beell sehea was entirely cured aaaldd ehae now feels duty abnound to recommend it t1o0 all who are thus af-flicted HARRY J R boshard 1 DMIAARRTY 1 aanueg 32 1896 P 183 iP- ia now iteenn ryeeaarrss since she was cured sarldd no signs or trace of any return of the disease trniga for sale one horsae marine engine and boiler combined good as sneeww ttoosreetthheerr with propelllleerr wheel and shafting or will sell 20 tfoooott steam launch ccmoomopleleettteee just the thing for duck hunters on lake for particulars aacdidress H corinne utah if 34 CENTER STREET 31 CENTER STREET ra 1 K A R p 5 slices SkSlllaaiooeess s6l1i oes I1 our shoes areo NEW STYLISH we handle a complete line of the and serviceable brown shoe co shoes of st louis oouarr aim shall always be to ffuarmniisshh HONEST GODS at creasan ble prices our rgooooddss are marked in plain figures and are sold at strictly one price but that is the lowest for courte us treatment and fair deal nmwr eive cuas a call dau emka q but no matter who is elected SHOES will still be wanted ALEX gels E DivbU 1l1l I1 ST will still be found at old stand rear of store now ooccccuuppieydd by llIicccCioaarrdd bros better prepar-ed than ever to faumrniisshh FIRST CLASS SHOE WARE REP DDOOWNEE 1I 0 N SHORT NOTTIICCEE excelsior drig and paint go new stock carefully prepared pre-ssccrriippttioionnss experienced and lLiicceenusseedd pharmacists full line of dorrumgs toilet articles etc our CIGARS are the best in utah prices to suit free silver the best and the mmoosst for your money W H WOODRING 9 maannaag0ePrr ostap ca C no one ever gets a great deal for nothing there iva no sense in wearing ecllootthhiinngg that do not fit and wont hold their shape KN0 ohnioe Sgooeass aawaayy DI1sss widSR0 ul you coat come jand see SINNG0LLEvedTTO0N 4 CCLLO0TTHHINilk G NTI1 O COMPANY q D U fa y S U TIM all ss to keep in touch with all their beautiful lines of DRESS gGuONOODDSS SILKS and A mNOOVVEELLTIES 19 TIES 0 sa es nesuaf yLL saAL vv yL ay il ss j lyLaaaLllfaLJ vv JyL i A fine line of ladies uUnniiiooonnn suits naNathturraall wool from upwards rIlLe ri r OUElab millinery moiLL d cluv91ia N it e Usts rf T 90AV for we are always HAVIN 0 TH 1 n- we a ff ATTENT10PIPleis C2 ot cubbva ey eriqpuit ree HOA wv wa A ff TA V erceg TJ uxeaa nor p 0 hot drwal s uits from t amot bluder 11 1 aft wear qa sm vaiet fj T 4 H rt tyles in shages from L uwif 1 I 1 1 in ffaacct will mmake HH0OT PRICESS on anythingg you wwaannnt in our line come and see aussi |