Show OVERWORK INDUCED nervous prostration complete rKeeccoovveerryy by theo use of ayerI1 s sarsaparilla some years ago as a result of ttcwo close attention to business my health taaiilleedd I1 bbieccaarmmee weak nervous was eunaabllee to lloooofke alftterr imnyy interests and manifested all the symptoms otf a de-cline I1 took three bottles of ayersa sarsaparilla began to improve at once I1 and gradually increased imnyy weight ffrroomin one hundred and twenty ffiivree to two haunnddrreedd pounds since tmheenn I1 and my family hare used this medicine when and we aarroe all in the lbeesstt of health a fact which we attribute to ayers sarsaparilla I1 believe my chil torreenn would hhaavree been fathbeerrlleessss ttoddaayy bhad it not been tforr ayers sarsaparilla of which preparation I1 cannot say too much SH 0 postmaster and planter kinbnaarrddss S C aayyeerrlsS ta sarsaparilla feofil AT WORLDS AVYERS pPilsls savo doctors bills CASTORIA for infants and children ttiht fat 9 as wWap DISEASES OF aTmHE SKIN the intense itching and smarting ind dent ttoa eezceezermnaa tetter salt rheum and othe disseeansseess oodftthhee skin i1s3 instantly allayed11 bby appllyyinngg chamberlains eye and 11 LY ointment many very bad cases have been permanently caurreed by it it is equally efficient for iittcchhiinngg piles and a ffaavvoorirtei rem-edy for sore nipples chapped hhaanndds chil-blaidns frost bites and chronic sore eyes for sale by drugegsitssts at 25 cents per box 37dr ccaaddeyss condition ppoowwddeersr the7 are just what a horse needs when in bad condi-tion ttoonniiccs blood purifier and for sale Tr smoot drug co DR sigf FOR cottons COLDS ta AAIRNDD 4baargt eRarAinneddByoOoffTorerrdrddccCoahhenianldddrebSoni1o4 edileeiitTnhheetrr ttoe6t1acsk a and 0n0o made by da MID co pV sold bhy EerrMel sIar dang paint co MADE lMeEaA MAN AJAX TABLETS positively CcUuBrEe E 1 A LZ jfrebrrryooums IU fali mem i yd y en AS avsdl bcabyr atbi use thoetyhher I1 amanid suraellyy taaaabbBseenaiknabYwtttiiimeefr1esiettsttohmreeiarltnoaffsiUtontirrfsvascinhtaoieitwltyiytsy babbianiaamsnssdsiimi0oonnn1lleeeUedtttdssssioaortertobniamnrpreiraoivgaenadit cirt apaonnd 1eh1faafencdtns sathCeUfKenEnownheereajaaaxluloottathhbieflrfeststI1aaaielthieny bato cared tthousands anndd wWill anra toa 1 0 eite a aoplrmariietnfawwkrrrdwaptrmhpiteeterUfnmuioln1lgn1aeumtyarreraaentcpmteeriieepenstttoo56efef0fffppfoerrrccirieectennaatW2scucp rerecrullafpllaa7aalcbrctdiatekijcanafauaeazrlBaelcleaiiowmair AJAX RiEdEMMeEDnY CO I1 SS ssa1 for sale in proveo cita by R S hhiimnleess aad smoot drug co druziete rhodes byros de1 utah toorrss lwggaTighbStr 1A1 OU mmS eeakslnl out 0 wood piipe CU str JA wanted I1 your tea trade from now on sscchhiilllliinnggss best wants it I1 your money back if you dont like it A Sch Cling company ssainn francisco SO THESE is only one brand of jye in this market that iids not aadduulltteerraaltpedd with seatt rbeedd sbeeaall is packed in sifting top cans lost or strayed one large dark bay horse about 9 years old weight twelve hundred pounds bbrraanddedd THE combined on right tthhigihh had on him horse bbllanket nose sack and hobbles the owner can have him by paying expenses and for advertisingg J C nelson Plesanta grove utaah ds for sale I1 one bhorsee marine engine and boiler combiinceedd good as9 new ttooggeeathbeerr with propeller wheel and shafting or will sell 20 ffooortt swteeaamrn lancea co just the four duck hnnry on utah llaafke for particulars H corinne utah tf 1 01 1 aay gV o I1 egg but no matter who is elected slices will still be wanted W LEX HEMUQUIST will still be found at old stand rear of store now occupied by Mmcccoaarrdd bros better prepar-ed than ever to furnish FIRST CLASS SHOE WARE REPAIRING DDOOPNISE 0 N SHORT NOTICE I1 excelsior I1 ddrruigg and ppaainkt gGoI I1 new stock carefully prepared pre script ions experienced and licensed pharmacists full line of drugs toilet articles elco our CIGARS are the best in utah prices to suit free silver the best and the inos for your money WWHH WOODRING manager 0utu anIVoo one ever gets a great deal for nothing there is no sense in wearing za cccllloootthhimnieg za that do not fit and wont hold their shape nMo onHoB goes away YOTU bwoonn1i come and se0a9t INGLE ON CLOTHING CCOOMMPPAANNYy t P 9 e 1161U 0 Con arence PeoP 1em cboommee and get your TA M M- A W IIZZYY D and save money we are making special prices on our entire stock T I1 f d I1 A gGeeoorrggeoouuss aarrrraayy of all the latest weaves and shades A superjrbb line of cheap goods also for childrens school dresses 9 9 nKs coMP FW W I1 aaaa a I1 A 7 0 KA M I1 E 0t aa clay worsted sSai I1 a ilits m t ML WWI serr CY 14 vverc0 ts vtSL8 50a ot ahild le w s s w lats 0 o 11 UWM A 0 to q 5 hot aud IV 11 a aweau 1 suite 7 hot styles in shhuogteess from up I1in fac will make HOT EPRICESS on anything you i want w Is in our line ccoommee and see us CA awarded Hhighest honors worlds fair DR IM 9 MMAN R MOST PERFECT MADE A pure grape cream of tartar powder free from ammonia alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD |