Show when baby was sick wa gave her castoria when she was a she cried for cantoria Ca etoria when she became miss sha clung to a when she had gave them Catt orfa A sure cure for piles hiloa ia known by moleton itching irlan arm form as well M blind yield kt bea to dr Bowan koB pile remedy mgt directly on parta aff acted blaye mi beca a 50 ct Draeg ox mall ree dr pa sold by excelsior dang A paint co LOSI A ladys old watch on sunday fore noon N L belsons nelsons Nel sons residence ward finder will be rewarded reward sd by leavina bame at tha enquirer office to lunati improved farmr at ten per cent per annena lone or abort time write or apply in person to spanish fork utah highest of all in leavening power latest U S goat report free pills send your address to H E bucklen go chicago and bet a free sample box of lr kings new life pills A trial will convince you of their merita these pilla are easy in action and aro particularly effective in the cure of constipation and sick headache for malaria and liver troubles have been proved invaluable they are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable they do not weaken by their action but by giving tone to and bowels greatly invigorate the regular size per box sold by druet and paint cc children cry tor pitchers castoria fer over ity lity l rear kajm ifal oves eltty bmw by of mother for children teething frith perfect ano aers it boothes the child coltena the pala core wind colic and ia the belt remedy it will tereve th attle auderer bold by in every art of the world twenty five cent bottle be bure and uk for mr Win slova kod oither kind denver and i 2000 the union r will beil round trip ciket U r oct at 20 00 final limit on CW both the method and results when syrup of figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colda headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced pleasing to the and acceptable cep table to the stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial m its prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known syrup of figs is for sale in and 81 bottles oy all leading druggists any rs liable druggist who aay not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it do not accept any substitute california FIG hyrup CO t SAV ami tow r abw YORK wy hosi ho si ax fc received baa aaa S apis in the latest wears and patterns FIaM Belette wrappers balme bilme of choicest goods in the marker COATS JACKETS haicl capa BEST BEST and LOWEST the best line of ever brought to provo will be here monday or tuesday call and see me ANDREW EGGERTSEN mgr OT successor to provo L M B co J WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IN lumber doors windows blinds and Moul dings rustic siding T and G flooring asack lumber sawed and dressed to order scroll sailing and turning done utah valley iron paint combination wire and slat fence office and lard opposite R R depot P 0 box telephone no 20 1 J ilu v u wl WEDNESDAY vi we have selected the following lines for sacrifice on this day the sale will begin abt 8 0 clock and we will only sell the quantities we offer and for spot cash f fc i LOT 1101 60 pre ladies fine dongola kid sheea patent tip and one of the beat sellers in the house it comes in these styles paris vienna and ideal toe and P width our price on them is 2 50 and S a pr for this day 60 ars childrens heavy grain leather school shoes size 12 to 2 one of our best ve sell them at and a pr for this dy only 80 acts 60 pair aada as aboe only sizes 8 to 11 they sell at and a pair for this day only J t 60 pair misses fine mongolia Don golia kid shoes patent tip size 12 to 2 thia is our finest 2 shoe chev go for this day only at LOT HO 2 i f 5 doz mens white shirts all linen and our regular price of these shirts is and they go on this day only at j s i t rov yf i w 4 30 AND 32 ST THAT IS WHAT THEY ALL SAY OF THE A worth of merchandise to be sold regardless our shoe department our our dry goods department 30 yards suiting 15 cents retail 25 cents h clothing department yards brovo woolen mills all wool suiting and cloaking 50 retail 1 dobrola shoes for 52 and sizes 2 2 3 6 zypher ginghams 10 cents retail 15 cents amr of A J johnsonb sell for and yards veiline at 5 cents worth 20 cents fa and 4 76 child suits 4 to 8 years boar zypher ginghams 8 cents retail 15 centa and G D K E regular redaction choice for and of black saxony yarn at 5 cents 1 A shoes sizes 2 ar 3 aud 5 at a graat 40 yards california plaid flannel 25 cents retail 35 cente liun button of dzukola below cost lobee A line of mens worsted sacks and cutaway amis eiroa 34 to 39 price 50 yards fancy novelty suiting 10 cents retail 39 yards tricot double width 54 in wide 50 cents retail salling ail cloth and 12 to 1 at a vry v ry low price 2200 and 2300 for 1400 92 yards worsted suiting new colors 20 cents retail 40 cents yards bredeh sa teens fancy figured make excellent quilt ano line don covering of misses gongolas golas a at cost A line of mens suite regular price 1300 and 1400 for 40 yards stripe worsted suiting 30 cents retail 60 cents 15 cents retail 35 cents all Blip pera in the haaso price A line of mena suits prise 18 1860 for 1050 61 yards strips mohair 35 cents retail 75 centa 2 dozen ladies regular price to 2 now 25 cente L aboff nod selling at a shoes at A line of mens suits sizes 34 to 42 regular price and for 20 yards batise 15 cents retail 30 cents 2 dozen ladies french flannel waists regular price 2 to 4 50 sl phiroz alena button csc and congress A line of mena aniag 34 to 36 regular price 1050 and 12 for 7 60 yards figured suiting 25 cants retail 40 cents dozen buttons regular price 15 to 75 cents now 5 cents now centa our grocery department A line of mena undershirts sizes 36 to 42 regular price for 50 cents 16 yards plaid suiting 15 cents retail 30 cents ladies cloaks at a sacrifice the most dainty mens Degli gae shirts sizes 14 to 17 regardless of cost 12 yards plaid suiting 25 cents retail 45 cents the tastes 0 sail Is complete in every particular to A sm BRIG JOHNSON ast mgr L 0 manager icat i mr J K fogler secretary aal treasure of the corinne mill canal and esock corinne lutat in of chamberlains cough remedy save it the beet in abe market I 1 have used many hinds but find abam most prompt and effectual in giving beliel and now keep no other in my house when troubled with a cough or cold give this remedy a trail and we assure you that you will be moie than pleased with the deault for eale by smoot drug co |