Show MONDAY jolin E booth president joan henry smith vice J 0 0 D blasiar Gl asiar W D robinson A singleton oscar walkine Wil kine AD MH grabarz Gr abaro john 0 graham SIena eer at the postoffice Post office fit ae clapa matter I 1 TERMS OF ba MAIL daily edition in advance parta of a year per mon thin advance 80 senai vearin advance Rd vance TO CITY daily delivered sunday 80 cants per month in advance i or 25 ceata a address co city deli varv ia irregular gleaso sake at tho offles or through no 27 ana has a ciron lation hat every week exceeds that of all the other in central and bollhorn utah in utah conaty it has a circulation that exceeds that of al tha other territorial electric bitters electric bittera is a medicine suited lor any season but perhaps mora rea arlly needed in the spring when the languid exhausted feeling prevails when the liver is torpid ani sluggish and the nead of a tonic and alterative is felt A prompt use of this medicine has eften averted loci and perhaps fatal bilious fevers no medicine will act more aurely in counteracting and free ine the the malarial poison indigestion constipation dizziness Dizzine es yield to hectric bitters only bilty cents per bottle at excelsior arne paint co mrs E E davis of san mi gnel gal saya 1 I am trying in a measure to rd s pay the manufacturers of chamberlains cough remedy for the preat good their haa done me for years I 1 was a constant sufferer from weak lunga and bronchial asthma my rest at night was disturbed by a hacking cough so that I 1 felt miserable the greater part of the tima many remedies recommended by friends were tried none of which proved suitable to my case I 1 did not experience any beneficial results until I 1 beean taking cough remedy after two bottles ot abs tbs larie size have been used I 1 am pleased to state my health ia better than it has been for bearg the soreness has left my lun 28 and chest and I 1 can breau e it has done me BO much bood that I 1 want all who are sufferina erinc from lung troubles as I 1 was to give it a trial for sale by smoot drua co lost A ladys gold watch on sunday forenoon heir N L belsons nelsons Nel sons residence fourth ward finder will be rewarded by leaving same at the enquirer office DR J K mcleans MCLEA jS 22 BLOOD AN ANTIDOTE POR tw spirits sickness and Pica esat to ibe and a fi onan conlo art ii latles 1 1 by all E DR J H CO si louds IVIO at smoot drug co w for infants ami children yaps of castoria wita of of jergons per gons permit ng to of it it is bay th beat remedy for infanta and children tha garld hag ever irown it i liann lega i n it it giat them health it will gadt their livee in it mother haag ig M fe and a medicine borina 7 orina cantoria Ca etoria catoria CB toria provenza pro venta conr curd castoria caros diarrhea bad wind colios Caa torin reli epen teething cantoria Cag toria carea constipation and cantoria Cag toria the effect of carbonia car bonio gaa or cantoria Ca atoria does or other narcotic property cassorla Casi orla the food alie stomach and tarrel giving healthy and sleep cantoria Cag toria ia ant ap in one abc only it ia not bold la pent allow any one to ell yon ele on the pie pr pro nii that it is anat a good and will anaker see that yon get C A S T 0 B I A the facsimile fac simile ia ignat pre of s wrapper children cry for pitchers castoria wagon and buggy wood and a large stock of iron tires drill steel etc the best cook stoves in the city mn M aal caina outfits ice cream mm fet give na a call for anything in the hardware line PROVO AND IRON COMPANY L D Wat erSt mer ara your nerves pretty shaky arent theat Is Oi pretty poor it thin Is your blood almost like water eh ONE THING will make a whole raan of you that is DR HENLEYS celery beef and iron try a case it will make a new woman of your wife and she wont want to vote either i for sale oy smoot arne co ty ss cm makers of ENGINES AND BOILERS IRON AND BRASS MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS MADE AND REPAIRED BICYCLES STOVES AND LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED ALL kinda OF PIPE WORK DONE P 0 box 91 UTAH ALL SORTS SEALS cannot live in fresh water itsek zealand cats are used to de stroy rabbits TAME turkeys can ba trained to hunt wild ones the largest town in alaska has two newspapers an opera bouse a brewery and a news company DR l 1 FOK courns COLDS AND CROUP amt samedy for pleasant to uka and no dandier ID nn sold efly bottle biada by da Boe boeneo AEO HIED co P sold by excelsior arne paint co Is now being treated under the DR JOHN rigga SYSTEM BY STEWART A licensed non graduate BENJAMIN UTAH caveats ad trademarks trade marks obtained and 11 pat t bt busi less conducted for MODERATE fees i orfice is u s PATENT ad we can secure patent in less fmc than thoa a washington i enodel drazine or photo wibb aloa W c advice if or not free of i chause our fee not due aih pa lent is secured A PAMPHLET how 3 oata n Paten tSi wibb j cost of same in the U S and foreign countries sent free AC ess f tae v s ilaa tf LB commercial mercial Co and savings CITY UTAH capital surplus DIRECTORS aeed smoot breet D T alark vice breet john joanos james A bean boger farrer E K eldredge L B hilla J R general banking business transacted OF eold M ssi W R S 8 JONES vice president J 0 GEO GEO Q E F D ASWAN D A SWAN cashier exchange drawn on new york Oh icaco tian francisco and all the principal cities of europe safety deposit boxes for rent from per annum V wy JK W IN ALL sinda 0 LUMBER LATH SHINGLES GLASS PAINTS OILS and ALSO or DOORS WINDOWS and FRAMES ornamental CORNICE PORCH SAWING TURNING and WORK and N NAIR AIR anoy boua no sa city A is enough to write when youve nothing to say but if you have anything in particular to communicate muni cate write a letter slake it the rule of your correspondence to nse only the best stationery obtainable A good letter ought to be well served so to speak now you know we are not exah ge rating in the claim that we carry more stationery finer stationery and a greater variety of the latest styles and novelties than can be found anywhere else in this 01 any other town in this part of the state come to us always for the best values and the lowest prices PROVO BOOK CO AlINE KB outwitting outfitting OUT FITTING DEPT BOB B OB all kinds of miners supplies giant powder caps and page fancy groceries etc special attention to mail orders P 0 box SALT CITY copyrights CAW I 1 OBTAIN A PATENT for prompt answer and an honest opinion alta lc M iss CO who have had nearly fifty years experience la the patent business tlona strictly confidential A handbook ot la formation patents and bow to ob tain them ben free also a of mechanical and books bent tree patents thrones munn co receive epenial notice in the and thua are widely before the without cost to the inventor this paper issued weekly elegantly elee antly ed baa by far the largest circulation ot any crork in thai world 83 a year sample copies abent free building a year single 1 copies is conta every number contains beautiful platen in colors and photographs of new houses with plans builders to show the abet and beaure contract B address uehl t CO HEW YOUK SAVINGS BANK main sail lake city open saturday evenings from 7 to 8 5 per crint interest anid on de posits of or more and compounded four times a year UTAH title CO capital f full paid JE DOOLY president W S me vice president A L THOMAS secretary and Ja abier delivered to any part of the city bock springs uncap castle gate lump pleasant valley lump winter quarters lump rock sponga nut leGate nut anthracite 1100 TELEPHONE 17 SMOOT agents zions savings bank and trust company sail lake chiy ulala pays five per cent interest per annum on any deposits you mace write lor particulars i ako M i cashier THE PEOPLES BLACKS general blacksmithing and waon repairing done on the shortest notice HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY first clasa work at living prices J street 1 blocks north lat national bank city send for prices for FRUIT TREES SHADE TREES AND ornamentals ORNAMENT ALS evergreens EVER GREENS ROSES SHRUBS CLIMBERS LAWN GRASS SEED HARDY GARDEN ROOTS BULBS GREEN HOUSE PLANTS FANCY BASKETS FUNERAL AND WEDDING DESIGNS PAMPAS PLUMES estimates made on enrka and landscape gardening part pay ment in trade to suit the times west 3 st P 0 box 39 provo city only gold medal in utah held for fance japan foliage plants NEW SERVICE TAKE R G W by leaving Provo p m connecting at denver with the burlington ROUTE train tor amaba kansas city at joseph st louis aad chicago T pullman sleepers free reclining dining cars A la carte tickets at RG WRy office R F W F mcmillan art PasE gt broom 11 over no 10 W second south bt salt lake city utah evfim 1 D fj T ld T ti millis elsoos eE of and dealers in first class flour and feed quality guaranteed come and us cosm J W HOOVER WESTERN COLORADO TOPEKA AND SANTA F ILAYa BA the only line which arna palace sleeping care between ogdan salt lalu city and chicago and pullman declining chaar cara between ogden salt edke city denver and chicago THE SHORT LINE SCENERY EQUIPMENT unsurpassed ARE YOU GOING EAST if BO be bora and reading over th SANTA FE ROUTE grandest and greatest railroad on earth ogden salt or provo on the evening train in to BOB the moat see nervin Aai prica train epaves eio grande depot provo at p m 0 0 9 50 W second south general abent department aalt LAKE CITY UTAH THE ENQUIRER during the has given to every one of its subscribers alio has paid for one year in advance One years free subscription to the well known magazine THE ENQUIRER was the first homo paper to introduce this popular agricultural magazine to the people of utah and will continue to semi postage THE erml prepaid pre paid WEEKLY THE AMERICAN FARMER for one ear to any subscriber residing anywhere in the united states who will tor yard to as 1 tt we have recently introduced i another feature to our premium department ono that is of special interest to the ladies for Only we will mail to any subscriber in the united states postage prepaid pre paid for one year THE semiweekly ENQUIRER and W sad 9 an entertaining and instructive that haa already become acome ahome necessity 1 among tho w |