Show DAILY IC 14 1895 JOHN 0 manager TIB bamber is 27 local mention m tn is 30 cent par line each insertion and changes must be officio not later than 10 a m to escure idaer ti ia aada dav awarded highest honors woolda fair MOST PERFECT mapa A pure crapo cream of tartar funder fre from ammonia alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS STANDARD the U S goat reports show royal baking powder superior to all others headquarters for fis bioc tackle at provo hardware aej iron company f PORK john henra brandy for medicinal purposes at the smoot drug gos t da was awakened baat night from bis peaceful at 1230 a m by a load report he thought at first that a mihaile bad been thrown through his brandom tran dom but to hie he found the door of hie reception room wide open he made several attempts to close the door hi the dark and discovered that there was something wrong with tha lock the jock which secured the doar bad been broken off and splinters eplin of tha wood work lay scattered on the floor the ock WAS a good yale lock and firmly fiet ened to the door the toot printa oa the door indicated it was kicked with tha foot jhb marks of the nailor aho wine very plainly if ania was don for x boke such conduct is re ible the doctor is tired of it aar thinka he can aay his bands on ali party aal immediate abreut 9 ikels to tollo v ha davs he will aj 50 reward lor the apprehension RIK conviction of the parties who r bb fa his cafice tome time ago bog is by imprisonment in ahe not lis than biz month cor more than tarse years A sure cure for rilea arc known by moisture like perspiration itching ahen athla form ns well me blind Pr yield at 9 dr Bosan kos pile remedy whick abets directly on parta affected ab florba allais hitchins ni n i fleca 60 acta 09 gaail circulars re dr PhU adolphU P abold by excelsior drag paint co the beany thrived on good food and ban bine with plenty of exercise in tha dpn air her torm glowa with health fand her face blooms with its bean ty if bar system need the cleansing action of a laxative remedy she uses the contle and pleas am liquid laxative arrop of fias che worlds fair teals showed no powder so para or so great a eav tho royal bloney to lioan on farms at ten per cent per annum long or abort time write or apply in person to B BW spanish fork utah dr prices cream worlds fair hubert award TO THE 1 J Y agent for the white sewing machine and common sense milk cans and pails dealer in notions groceries etc free delivery to any part of city J street opposite post office provo city children cry br pl caffo OUR MOTTO STILL IS and oia r bittle victory is faill blast ON SATURDAY SEPT 7 WE SHALL MAKE A SPECIAL SALE OH NECKWEAR 1000 at 25 cents each pairs no 1 pants shades aad colors at each A SINGLETON suot H SINGLETON CO H now wade right in and read it a few of our bar ains come in our store and see the rest 50 pcs wool delaine worth 20 now 20 pcs cashmere double width worth 30 now scotch plaids in cotton and wool at 12 to all wool brocaded brocades bro cades 38 in wide nice fall shades only all wool broadcloth two yards wide worth 1 25 now two toned brocaded brocades bro cades all wool per yard only canton flannels worth now lie quinea hen flannel worth now chevious cheviots Chevi and shir tings 8 1012 15 and ladies momie cloth wrappers worth now 1 00 ladies wrappers in satt yen outing flannel and lwills twills worth going now for aco ladies heavy fleece lined union suits worth offered you as a bargain just to to come and see our immense line of underwear for oc childrens underwear from up bolts of all silk n worth yard now QC lace curtains curtain 9 woith yd now only 25 37 and si nw aim 6 aloalii AT TAT where we gaze in wonder on the exquisite creamons cre alons in dress good that so embraces the loveliness of woman we little think of those who toil so deftly to produce these elegant fabrics but you can come and enjoy yourselves by examining conr stock for it is a treat come while the stock ie complete and make your selection for your new fall suit mesdames COLEMAN and of our MAKING and MILLINERY parlors are always anxious to meet the ladies and talk styles and prices with you call and take a rest when you arc down town whether you want to buy or not ANNIE manager ab cs 1 1 l 31 ica clothing stores have come and gone and still we continue to grow in sales in popularity in everyday Every way season after season a larger and larger portion of utah s male population turns its eyes Schwa bward for what is best best in every possible in way ready to wear clothes and season after season we continue to furnish it at prices that are simply competition proof THE FALL AND OF iqs is will find us another notch higher on the ladder of fame our assortment will be the largest ever shown by any clothing store our styles workmanship fit and finish with the lowest price will satisfy you coupled ON THIS PLATFORM our business methods have stood the of scrutiny thousands of customers and we solicit your patronage this fall we give you an inkling of what splendid briefly mention things we have in store for you we AT 00 mens strictly all wool black chevious cheviots chevi and less than 1200 rey casi meres never before equalled equal led for AT dickey casimere suits in large variety of less than 8 15 00 colors not sold anywhere for AT loos the famous beaver dam tricot lawn suits in black stock and gray and so we goon all conr with valnes never equalled equal led S fw A r L s s ft aas fews PI iiii si iki tt y yd ii k 7 t t 11 1 1 1 f 3 wt ayi 1 1 y t fikri i I 1 i |