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Show Turf Results, Entries, Weights and Riders f Louisville Results. By International NOws Service. First race, one mile and a sixleooth Old Koe-nlg, Koe-nlg, 101 (M. Garner) J3.40, won; Sister Susie, lf3 (Martin) 5C. 10, second ; John W. Klein, 103 (Murphy) $3.10. t'.ilrd. Time. 1:47 1-5. Sansy-mlng. Sansy-mlng. S"outhni League, The Carmet, Gal away and Ma- Va alpo ran. Second race. lour and a lialf furlongs Nettie Wak'OU. 115 (T. McTaggart) $6.70,' won; George i. Love. 118 (G. Garner I J 12. SO. second ; Dr. Tuclt. 118 (Gentry) SI. 10, third. Time, :;4. May W., Juvenile, Miss Jazbo and Hot Toddy aleo ran. Third ra'-e, six furlcnss-Mar1on Gooshy, 105 (Address! Sf'.GO, won; Hodge, 115 (C. Hunt) S5.30, .vficond; FlfMiro, 100 (Loudor) S4..70, third. Time, 1 :12 2-5. Little Nephew, Bringhurst and GypBay George also ran. "M. ('. Moore entry. Four tli rnre. sts furlongs Reglna. 115 (T. Mc-Tdgartt Mc-Tdgartt j:i.80, won : Kathleen. 115 (M. Garner) S'J.M. afconrt: Julia U. 115 (Kederis) $2.80. third. Timo. 1:13 1-5. Trappold, Triad and Moinen Star alo ran. Fifth rare, one mile Grover Hughes, 112 CC. Hunt) S'SM, woo; Aldtibaran, 108 (Goose) $3.70, PC-olid: Plf, Jr.. 110 (Cooper) S2.80, third. Time, 1 :3S 4-5. Bonanza and Star Shooter also- ran. Sixth rare, one mile and a sixteenth Olga Star, 104 r!. Hunt) 510.50. won; Sumucl R. Meyer. Ill iGoo.'P) $0.50, second; Irish Gentleman, 111 (M. Garnorl J.t.20, third. Time. 1:46 3-5. Mc-Adon Mc-Adon and Waterproof also ran. fti'vcnth race, one mile and seventy yards Guide Post, IM iGwi S 70. wm: Billows. 1"? ii". Hue 1 1 f i.Afl. Kii; ; Erook. iid. ".10 1 Coc pn t".-n. third. Tim 1:41 4-5. Orange, Gild Color. Flhaway. ASiamahi. A. C. Haley, Louise 1'aul and York Lad aleo ran. Jamaica Results. By International News ?rv!re. Fir .st racr five furlonps Wood Trap. 112 (Havnest 7 to 5. won: Bally, 112 iLoftus 5 to 1. second: Ntcht Owl. 112 i ButTvelh 3 to 1. rhird. Time. 1:01 '2-5. Whirling Dun. Ja-k Mount, Tandy Land and Chatterbox also ran. S(.ond rare, five and a hair fnrtongf Paw-huska, Paw-huska, 117 iFairbroihfri 4 to 1. won: Virginia W., 103 (Buxton) 6 to 1, second : Sflarme. in;; ij. MfTagartl 5 to 1, third. Time, 1 :i. Wood Fair, Thwlercc. Ray 13.. Irresistible, Queen Mab and Dr. Cromer also ran. Third rare, five furlo:igp Straight Forward. !W (J. MeTagiart 4 to 5, won; Leonie, 107 fHan-over) fHan-over) 12 to 1, second: Solvnig. 1V) tM'Cahey) 10 to 1. third. Tfmi-. 1:01 3-5. None Such, Running Run-ning Fliot, Brefzp and Co-jnly Court also ran. Fourth rare. ?l - (urlonxp Sand MarFh. (Snhuttinger) 15 to 1, won; High Noon, 12'J flvif-, flvif-, tust 2 to , won; .lacoba. 103 (J. McTaggarl t 12 'to 1. third. Tim'?. 1:12 1-5. The Finn. Slumber j II. Top o the Morning. Flying Fairy. Klilcia. . Prince of Co mo, Benevolent, Lorac, Montrcseor and Tpa Caddy al?o ran. , Fifth race, one mile and a pist-'enth Sam Mc-Mekin. Mc-Mekin. 116 tHaynoK) i0 2, won; Gallop. 115 (Metcalf) 11 (o 5. t-f'ond: Luther. 113 (Taplini 12 (o 1. third." Time. 1.4S. Only thre starters. Sixth race. pW furlongs Trvlfh, 117 Lof;us) 6 to 1. won; Ambrose. 124 iMi-tralfi 7 to 10, w-ond; w-ond; Pullux. 122 tKlfegen II to 5, third. Tim-, 1:13 2-5. Navigator aUo ran. Louisville Entries. By Internal ional News Service. Fii'fit race, five furlongF High G"ar 110. Evelyn V. Ill, My First. (Juan, Blrigon. Phoclo. Sol Gil-sey Gil-sey l'J. Outfit, Diamond 110. Walter H. Pear jo 113, Now Then 113, Velvet Joe 113, Fairal 113, Cheer Leader 113. Second race, ix furlongs May Bird 95. Luzzi 100. Blackthorn 113. Moirlstowo 111, Penalty 114, Cash on Delivery 116, Mary H. 100. Thcodorlta J05. Mi.-JB Declare 110, Creata Blanca 112, Noble- ' man ill. Third race, one mile and three-FlxteenthF Com man ret ta 105. Kris Kringle 107. Camel la IfiO. Surpassing 116, Malabar 107. Charles Francis 107. Conflagration 111. L. H. Adair 116. Fourth race, pix furlongs Hubbub WO, Faux Col 113, Margaret N. M, Dr. .Moore 10S. Belgian Trooper 108, Big Fellow IDS. J. J. Mur-dock Mur-dock 113. Hanaa U'S. Blind Baggage 113. John,, Jr. 107, Pockichoo 108. Cane Run U'S, Primero 110. Hubbub and Hansa WhUney entry. Fifth race, five and a half furlongs Amazon 107. Conning Tower 109. Dr. Larrick 117. Solar Star 120. Bam and Stripes 103, Dark Flower 112, Leo Skolney 120. Sixth race, six furlongs Black Beauty 100. Sugar King 102. Wanda Pitzer 103. Liberator, Tll-lotson Tll-lotson 114, Leo 'Savin Jlti. Water Warbler 100, Brizz 102. Flight Ella 109, Mex 114. Bolala 116. Seventh rare, one ralle Dollna 100, Brown Velvet Vel-vet 100, Brooka 102, Queen Apple 105, Amulet 107. Little Bigger Hi8, Lady Worthington Ku, Miss Aikin 100, Industry 105, Louise Stone 105, San Ward 107, Uncle Will J15. Jamaica Entries. By International News Service. First race, six furlongs The Dean 112. Cockle Shell 113, Jullaloon, Burlesque, Precise 112. Second race, one m i le and a six teeuth Good Counsel 32, Cliff Haven 10G, Star Gaze 123, Sun God 38. Third race, six furlongs Ash Can 107, Dervish Der-vish 117. FXimable 114. Flig Day ms. Fourth ra'-e, six furlongs Comely 117. Etruscan Etrus-can 117. He Will US, Lord ROckvalC 97, Landslide Land-slide 37. Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth Monmouth 112. Julin 110, Ivil Fish 115, Luther 115, Mono-cacy Mono-cacy 110, Cliff Havim 115. Sixth rare. . five and a half furlongs Naushon, Chesterton 115, My Dounie 103, Theseires 115, Dr. Gremer 105, Briglioiise 115, Volupsa 105. Tiajuana Entries. By International News Service. First race, six furlongs Fort Johnson 111, Petit Blu 111, Rosrae 111. Bermudien 111. Hannis 111. Losbla 102. Breezer 1GU, Commendation IOiJ, Sam Couuor 10ii. In Dutch llti, Zinkaud 111, Lonla 109. Second race, five and a half furlongs Real Worth ill. Erfolg ill. Kenneth 111, Marian Rose II 107, Hapaburg H 107. Beaumont 111, Antrim 107. Letitia 104. Trulane lOH, Aunual Interest 111. MIbs Fielder 107, Joy 107. Third race, six furlongs Eugene Sue 98. Miss Edith 110, Charles J. Harvey HO. Sweetbrlar Rose 110. Upland Klug 110. Bertha Weaver 110, Ladv Mint 110. Tom Franks 110, Knights of Pvthlaa 110, Oblivion J10, Charles W. Hodges 110, YJp Hy Ya 104. Fourth race, five and a half furlongs Zenotek 111. Bad Prospect 111. Phyllis Antoinette 111. Eel 111. Uncle Jimmy Gray 111, Marie O'Brien 109, The Feller 114. Call Shot 114. Dixie Mlna lOti. Briton 113. Valadolid 113. Mona Canomann 113. Fifth race, one mile Duke of Shelby 108. Ada 111. Prlncewa Industry 111. Classy Curl 107, Ambii 111, Nebraska Lass 10S. Dick Benson 112. Decency 112. Ora MtGeo 112. Henry Hutchison 112. Sixth race, ono mile ZeteUc 107. Wis Mason 111, Madame Darkness 111, Downland 111, Blooming Bloom-ing Poeey 107. Viso 113. Bredwell 113, Mug 113. Mandadero 13, Endurance 102. Weather clear; track fast. |