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Show Turf Results, Entries, Riders and Weights Juarez Eesulta Bv International News Sen ce First rice five furlongs Rj e Straw 113 (Metcalf) 8 to 1 won Els e Green 105 (Acton) 12 to 1 second Calcium 113 (Hartwel ) 3 to 1 third Time 1 05 3 6 Veils Forty Native 'ion Eiderdown Ooma, M ss Tempo Amazement and Dryad also ran Second race five fur ongs Tower 95 (Marco) 6 to 1 won Frazz e Ho (Tay lor) 4 to 1 second Marie O Br en 9o (Mott) 4 to 1 third Time 1 06 3 6 Eln a. Kid Ne son S lvertone Anna Reed Fo ge and Adena also ran Third race s x furlongs Bermudlan 101 (Hartwell) 9 to 6 won Ba gee 110 (Tajlor) even second Jud e Sale 108 (O Brlen) 7 to 1 t rd Time 1 19 Florin Hard Ball and Durin also ran Fourtl race seven furlongs Hocner, 112 (Gross) 8 to 5 won R ng ng 10? (McCabe) 3 to 2 second 0 adav Jr 9 (Bezanson) 6 to 1 thl d Time 1 24 3 B Bryn Limal also ran Fifth race five fur ongs Judge Gheens 110 (OBrien) 0 to 1 won L tt e Bit 10a (C ark) 50 to 1 second Wavering 110 (Acton) 8 to 1 th rd Time 1 05 ' 6 Bos ris Amohalko Parnell Gi 1 and Dr Neufer also ran fe tt l race one m e Cur cue 110 (Martin) 7 to 10 won Lady Innocence 91 (Actor) '0 to 1 second Ambri. 101 (Metcalf) 10 to 1 th rd Time 1 47 5 Lu e Van Zandt Charles J I&ney Z nkand Wlnlf ed Tahoc Lescar and S oep and a so ra 1. Juarez Entries THrst race six furlon0? M ss Tempo Ru"s Sand 98 Pedro, "Ob ion 'Lit t e Jane Yankee Tree 103 reo 10b C arles J Harvej No Quarter Bob Ljnch Otilo Black "?heep A ice Teresa 108 Compton 111 C W Kennon 11 Seco d race one mi e -J No an 94 Transact 99 Dave Montgomery Po Is 103 Nannie McDee 11' Third race six furlongs Or mar Lad 103 Ancestors 106 'Louis Des Cognets 107 M ke Donhn Auto Ma d Lady Lon don Swede Sam Hosington Annua In terest Choctaw Hlgl Street 108 Orig inator 111 Faneull Ha 1 Li,ht Kn ht Mercurium 1 Tourth race, five and a half furlongs Carr e Orme 101 Inez 10 T pe, Stolen Ante 103 Ben s Brother 104 B ly Joe 107 Fift race ix fur onits Thomas Ha e B g Lumax 100 ,c!olon. 104 Fa rlv 106 Andrew O Daj 10 Parcel Post 109 C ar bel 109 Osaple 11' Sixth race one m e JFort Sumpter 100 Anv Po t Mud SI Judge Sale 108 Weyanoke 111 Weather c ear t a He s ow Fi e pounds appre e a owanco cla med Charleston Entries First race five furlongs Emma J s Sweet Lottie 98 Lida Earl Anfea rose. 100 o uepa 102 Blanche Lewis 103 river King B ngo lOo Hugh 106 An dromeda Kopje 107 baturnus 108 Co lun b a Ladj Jack Hanover, 109 Second race six furlongs Dakota Frontier Brig s Brother 104 Archery 107 Master Joe, Broomedge Flatbush Mlnda 109 Battling Nelson 112 Bu ly T M Green, Conso e 114 Hearthstone Crisco Transport 117 Third race, one m le Bob R Bayber r Candle 100 Joe Finn Nash 100 Marshon 104 Orperth 10a Chaxtier 106 Good Day 109 Fourth race six furlongs Perth Rock 96 Water Lady Honey Bee 100 Brave Cunarder 108 True as Steel 104 Un daunted 105 Luther 110 Harry Shaw 112 Fifth raoe one mile Gallant Boy 97 Tom Hancock 100 Huda s Brother, 101 Yellow Eyes 102 Patty Regan. 108 Fore head Wander 104 Veneta Strome D quesne 10a Co onel Holloway 108 Husky Lad S a s and "Stripes 110 Nap er lis S xth race one ml e Beaupere Hea t bea 8 Cha es F Gra nger Font 03 "Macknez 100 M ss Eleanor Ben Uncas 104 Redondo Duke of Shelby 10b Ruis seau Charlev McFerran 107 Jacob Bunn. 105 Aware Cutty Hunk 110 |