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Show 4 Turf Results, Entries, Weights and Riders Pimlico Eesults. By International News Service, First rar e, six furlongs Aldebaran. H7 (J. McTnpgart), won; Lady Lon don. 13 tllayncsl, $9.(iH, peconM; Hiker, lu3 (Turncri, itT. Id, third. Time, 1:11 li-T. St riker, Guar Michael, Outlook, Ednioud Adams, Patience. Jim Pasey, Rnsila. Bat-wa, Bat-wa, Cotton Top, Canto and Letfcttl also I an. Second race, steeplechase, two miles and a quarter Collector, 1:SH (J. Smith), $2i'.90. won; Robert Oliver, i::8 ( Williams). Wil-liams). ?S,4u, aecond; Cu Bon. 1 "fy (Crawford (Craw-ford ), ?;:,2rt. t bird. Time, I ;2o. .'ynosure, Leu ma 8. J uverencc. ; old en Yule, ,HI-w ,HI-w nod, CharleH p. ( Jrainger. Young Morpheus. Mor-pheus. Mcsliach, Buck t hot n and Abdun also ran. Third race, .six furlongs Franklin, lf8 (Smyth). Jll.r.O. won; Spur. lu;t (Byrne), fl. second: Socony, 9."j (MeCnheyi, $3.10, t bird. Time, 1:13 Tiajan. Bam hi, Startling. Anita, Ca nt le, Polroma. Tea Caddy. I lorcas, Peiky, The Decision, I'himoe and Daddy's Choice also rail. Fourth race. mile, and forlv vards llarrv Show, 101 (J. M. Taggartl. JIT.. Hi, won; I lohdny. K3 Mw 'ahevi. $13.10, second; Strnmhnli. 12J (Itice). third. Time. 1 :12. Coquette, Cork of the Walk and Short Gras also ran. Fifth race, six furlongs Martin Casca, li3 (Turner). $1.40. won; Anxietv, 112 tRvci, second; Maxim's choice, 100 (J. M- Taggai t i. $f..S'. third. Time, 1:1.1 2-."'. Perthshire. Parlor Boy, Pharaoh. Pha-raoh. Devil Fish, Casaha. Old Bob. Coy. Miss Barn Harbor. Colonel 'Conk. Car-laverock, Car-laverock, A udrey Austin and Kayde rose-ros also ran. Sixth race, one mile Sir William Johnson, John-son, 1 OS (Schut t i tiger j, 5 1.",.70. won ; Ben (juince. 107 ( lllnphy l, $1 2.Sn, second ; Surprising. Ill l Bore i, .:Lrt, third. Time, 1:12. Cannonade, Tiepin, Brave Cunar-der. Cunar-der. Disturber and Dom M'oran also ran. Seventh race, one mile Cliff Field, lnH (Turner ). 1 1". won ; ' Lit t le Nearer. 1 "6 (Fairbrother), $."..10, second; Ambrose, no (Cooper), $2.90, third. Time, 1:41-1 1:41-1 ( 'a ushoii, Fuzzy Wnz.y, Nephtliis, Rose-water Rose-water and Black Coffee also ran. Pimlico Entries. By International News' Service. First race, nix furlongs Tftanla, Veda-do, Veda-do, Moonstone, Mary Blackwood, Sand Ught, Golden Mate, Life, Queen of Paradise, Para-dise, White Eye.. Narmar, Friar Nought, Jerry. Jr., Mohle O., J0; Brvn Chant, Walloon, Algardl. 112; Parachute, 104. Second race, steeplechase, two and a half milf-H Hiblcr, Top Hat, 138; Shannon River, Weld ship, 160; Exton. If.ii; Julia, 130; Northwood, 132; Zellwood, Hurgeoi-s, 134; New Huven, 137; Cynosure, 138; Bryndown, 148. Third race, six furlongs El with, 108; Our John, 93; Vldet flfi; Joe Blair, IIS; Wanda Pltzcr, 112;. Briar Path, 106; Stel-larlna', Stel-larlna', 92. Fourth race, mile and one-sixteenth Afterglow, 92; Camellia. H:L Trovato, 10 ; 'HIT Edge, 9 1 ; Hester, 95; Andrew ( ('Day, 94 ; Hilda's Brother, 115; Baby Sisier, 99; (joulse Tra.vers, 97; r'arlton K'3; Henry Hutchison, Colonel Ashmeade, 100. Fifth race, nix furlongs Greetings. Shy nan. 94; Kenworthy, Woodfair, Colonel Fred, Finalee, Alaboy, 95; Edith Ban-mann. Ban-mann. Megaphone, pj; Anxietv, Kopje, lot',; Hiker. o.s : Best Bib and Tu-'ker, 9!(; Kneelet. 97; Cora. O.. 8S; Vignola. 102; J. H. Harrell, 100; King Caucasus, Devil Fish, 112; Plantagenet. 100. Sixth race. mile and one-eighth Wooden Shoes, 110; Christophine, 93; Stone Henge. 10S; Black Broom, 111; Napier, 94; Buzz Around, 102; King Box, 110; Ambrose. All Smiles, Corelcan, 106; Hedge, 109; Yodeles, 105. Seventh race, mile and one-sixteenth Roger Gordon. Joe Finn. Sigma Alpha, 9S ; Luther. 1 or ; lallop, 107; Surpassing, 99; Cogs, Ienavaal, Supreme, Tale Carrier. 109; Harry Laudei1, 96; Sepul-veda, Sepul-veda, 9T. |