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Show College Baseball At Cambridge, Mass. University of Pennsylvania. 4, Harvard 3. At Amherst, Mass. Amherst 5. Massachusetts Mas-sachusetts Agricultural 4. At Worcester. Mass. Holy Cro3s 5, Brown 0. Hardwares at Bingham. The Salt Lake Hardware team will play the Bingham nine at Bingham today. to-day. The Hardware players will leave on the 7:45 Garfield & Bingham train this morning. Fuel Nine Plays Midvale. The Utah Fuel baseball team will travel to Midvale this afternoon to play the Midvale nine. This game promises to be a very Interesting one, as both teams are playing good ball. The Fuel boys will take the 2:30 o'clock car for Midvale. Mid-vale. Latonia Besults. By International ICeim Service. First raco, five furlonjrs Ida. Laviali, 1M (Ettep), $11.60. J3.70 and tS.10, non; Old Bon. 10S (Borel). J!.90 and S2.-10. second: Hansood. 105 (Buxton), M.19. third. Time. 1:00 2-5. Ju-raella. Ju-raella. Tlk-Tock, Klcp Cottoa, Beloc sod Mike Cohen also ran. Second rs.ee, one mll and seventy yards Whltft Wool, 111 (Ganr), 54.40. ??.60 and S2.70. won: Ohlnook, S4 (Martin), 35.30 and (3.60. cocondt Wander, 109 (Tapltn). J2.90, third. Time, 1:43. Cousin Fuaa and Supervisor also ran. Third race, five- furlongs Caution, 37 Ofertln). $7.60, $3.60 and J2.90, won: France M., 102 (Buxton), (Bux-ton), $3.20 and $2.60, oecond; Cos Is, 106 (Henry), $4.10, third. Time, 1:00 3-5. Elandro, Ftamlnc Flamingo, Shepherdess and Brig's Brother also ran. Fourth race, the Latonia derby. on mile aad a half Gowell, 117 (Teahan). $4.80, $2.60 and out, won; Great Britain, 123 (Loftus). $2.X0 and out, rocondi Foundation. 122 (Taplin), nut. third. Time, 2:23 1-5. Only three atirtod. FirtU race, six furloucs Cash on Dallvery. 106 (Buxton), $10.40. $4.90 and $2.90. won: Amoret, 109 (Eatep). $6.90 and $1.90. tecond; Maria C. M (Manln), $4.50, third. Time, 1:12 2-5, George Oxnard, Luther. Ilear7 Itltto and Sonada also (an, Sixth race, otio mile and a sixteenth Flora Tina. 105 (Andrc?s), $15.40, $7.20 and $3.59. won: Bena-net. Bena-net. 90 (McDonald). $12.00 and $6.M, second: Samuel E. Meyer, 105 (Henry), $6.30, third. Time. 1:44 3-6. Melton Street, Morrlalown, Irish Gentleman, Gentle-man, Any Fort and Impression also ran. Oouer d'Alemo Besultc. Ftrat race, tlx furlongs Mazurka. 102 (Benton). 2 to 1. won: Dehicrcn. Ill (fllelaff), 15 to 5 second; sec-ond; Holahlrd, 106 (C. IColIy), 11 to 5, third. TIrao. 1:15 15. Tocy Koch, Mada. Oaouro. Dublin Dub-lin Minstrel and Martlnman also ran. Second race, flvo furlongi; ICtfflo Wing. 101 (Groth). 16 to 6, won: Rim Orlgsby, 103 (Gentry I. 16 10 1. accond: NovHIc, 101 (mill. 11 to 6. third. Time, 1:02. Ed B., Eler.trowun. Oratorlan, Prlneu Conra-d, On Parole. Bello Griffin and Grizzly Bear also ran. Third raco. tlx furlongs Dennis Stafford. 110 (Mora), 2 to 1, won: Votaday, Jr.. 113 (Slelaff), 9 to 2, second: Lillian Ray, 110 (W, Mclntyre), 12 to 1. third. Tlmo. 1.1C 1-6. Lord of the Forest, For-est, Maud McKoe. Boas, Hermla and King Stalwart Stal-wart also ran. Fourth raco, five furlongs Othello, 116 (E. Me-Kwen). Me-Kwen). 8 to .". won; Mttln Bit, 103 (Oentry). S to 1, necond; Blng, 108 (Oroth), 8 to 1, third. Time. 1:02. Kindness. Muy Bucna, Colmle Dou-gall Dou-gall and Shndrach also ran. Fifth moo. five and a half furlongs Seneca, 110 (Anderson), 16 to S, won: Orange Blossom. 103 (Hill), 7 to 2. second; Ladr Fatiehlta, 105 (BezatiBnii), 9 to 6. Ihlrd. Time. 1:07 Parlor Boy, Sidney Paters. Tllford Thomaa and Ben Ara also ran. Sixth raco. flvo and a half furlongs Yuba, 113 (Cavanaugh), 3 to 2, won: Beda. 107 (W. Gar-nan). Gar-nan). 6 to 1. second : Charlie Brown, 110 (Burlln-gama), (Burlln-gama), 7 to 1. third. Tlmo. 1:07 4-6. Itojlrle, No Quarter, FItxcorald and Definite also ran. Seventh raco. one mllo LoUa Creed, 105 (W, Malliewe), .1 to 1. won: John Loulu, 112 (J. Murphy), oven, nocond; .Molts, 112 (SIclaff), 8 tn I. third. Time, 1:41. lladad. Slstor Florence. Mandadoru and First Star also ran. |