Show champion short writer sir A 3 white the well known author of whites famous aa the champion shorthand writer of the world received the first prizes in the international ter contests at london edinburgh paris and berlin he came near baing pw man antly disabled by rheumatism hia recovery by the use of a remedy infallible in curing rheumatism and all blood diseases is told in a letter from his office 02 wal ington st chicago dated june 20 he writes your remedy has done wonderful eer vice for roe for the past five years I 1 have been troubled with rheumatic pains my right hand bad become almost usa less and I 1 was gradually losing speed as ft shorthand writer A mend of mine dr advised me of your remedy I 1 used a dozen bottles of S B and am now entirely recovered I 1 ahall never ceaba to commend your excellent medicines and you much success tom toms s truly A S anite 1 and here is another witness BENTON ark august 1887 last spring I 1 was dangerously with erysipelas and my life was despaired if by my physicians As a last bobo bopo I 1 tried S S 8 and soon found relief and in two v delca waa able to attend to my baines bu ines I 1 bod five bottles ah saline courier treatise on and skia diseases mailed free ane SPECIFIC co drawer 3 atlanta qa |