Show this space belongs TO T E DANIELS photographer i te AFTER THE HOLIDA we shall continue to carry full line of at the WEST CO call and see our fine stock of dress goods notions boots and slice hats a s SS OUR PRICES ARE DOW as low as any other bouse can afford to sell at asua nd no where else can you buy tt 18 IT r 9 tf t w w MH S ar TWO DOLLARS METS AT ONE DOLLAR good shirts linen fronts vs i 1 AS A S f f at Q cents A manager aravs nd manufacturers of doors windows blinds Moul dings and frames screen doors stairs stair Ba lusters newell posts and brackets wholesale and dealers in sash cord door locks hinges sars lr 1 tc WAGONS AS of the celebrated studebaker bros malo ST A CS 0 S we manufacture and keep on hand alie cell rated coni fence composed of 6 8 or 10 annealed stel wire aith 14 pickett per rod at bricca from 50 cents to 1 00 per rod ravine the farieri more than per mite office and factory opposite sa W U C R R ovo aty W RH apt j 1 DR F pioppi tor WHOLESALE FINE DRUGS CHEMICALS TOILET ARTICLES f AUTOGRAPH AND j PHOTO AN VARIETY TOILET AND ODOR CASES ALL PRICES our display of holiday gabs h in variety and cheapness in price J I 1 TRUSSES 10 REMEDIES and a full and complete lin of gods as can be found in any drugstore a thelow market rates Op tin glouse Pi City alame WORTH OF BAKING POWDERS gat L pure aga tf Bim ul a powder g 75 when SIS gliE rhen fresh wi ibbs S I 1 swa ba it saat t cz begs eSa SESa raffe ss osjas 1 is a I 1 kepess Kepl SS 2 not fresh 11 SPORTS OF government CHEMISTS ilona baldner powder E jk a pac lApo ot royal bakia rowil cr I 1 in tha commod of pore and holesome hol csome of adluh of merit and dobia not contala either alani 01 otter injurious E G LOVE phd A w aati aiti fact that the royal is absolutely pure 1 phd a package ot royal baking powder purchased by myself in it entirely free from alum terra alba or any other injurious denb glance gt ance clr D president of institute of s1 sa a package of cloyal elinar the of U pure and wholesome S UANA ilare ila re state mass thisba tan powder received ece ived the highest award over all at exposition 1873 at the philadelphia at tho cw york and at fairs throughout the country ko ay 0 oan fod has acer received cucci high emphatic and annl heroal bennt froni cai ineat chenista che mista scientists aad baarda of health algae n orid bots Ila strates ana hyorth of various bajog raade by prof A poo adt i as taen iha total leavening leave aing power or volume in ech caa suit bins as this practical test for worth by plot proves 11 hat crary consumer coa sumer of the koyal balduff powder that cilc it costs a few pound mora kinds it is far c economical and besides affords tho advant A tingle ct th bain wil colv fair y of these fact shows bobic f h iii n pov ars to be ot a deab aher powders ranard aclo v biem i s not to be taken as Ing tait fi elany value all alum powders ra how bish their tre to bs coy dangerous u all S 14 H ars yrs ilip 1 our stock of Ts this department is reh in every respect our aw fine our K isarel uie with goods our purpose er everything on hand i P demands of oar ausye trade the cpr ummil T H are aled with everything needa beave a fine line of ara TT A anra ia 0 r our of isa we athe best cook stove in the market if u y ane and calap goods call aith 14 coop co op bhae you will fin abarge assortment to select from I 1 JOS ARRIS bupt supt brt M ie Provo Bi I 1 co ly bep an stock oi hemd but tie luve the agency the 0 0 o a laree rl gift books autograph a i j te bac ave subscriptions for all morelsa nelipa 8 SEE I 1 |