Show V af A NOBLE AN INSIGHT INTO ITS S As completely equipped Is any seminary in the wl when president brigham young organized by a deed of trust october 16 1875 the educational institution bearing bis name it was bis clearly expressed purpose to establish a school destined to lead out in a system of education having the divine principles of tha work for its foundation penetrating with its benign influence the remotest parts of zion and finally reaching every fireside of the saints during the first year of its exie teace the institution ution enjoyed the most solicitous attention and caro of its founderen foun deran d plans for further endowments were under consideration when by the inscrutable decree of providence the prophet was called behind the vail leaving the development of these educational plans as an heritage to whole israel thus thrown as it were upon its the B Y academy had lo 10 loot for its support to the interest taken by its students the faithfulness and efficiency of its teachers the sound judgment of its board of trustees and above all the blessings of almighty god twelve years of constant labor have demonstrated before all the people that nonn of thesa factors has been waiting wap ting and that neither the opposition of prejudice nor ignorance nor difficulties of a financial nature nor even fiend has been able to retard its progress so that today to day few places can bo found in zion in which students of the B Y acad emy are not testifying by their faith integrity and intelligence in behalf of their alma nevertheless wo feel it our duty to bring the nature intentions and labors of the B ademy in these lines more prominently before tho public in consideration of improvements to ba made in the furniture utensils apparatus teachers ba laries and fa of attendance altuch the annual circulars of the academy dis tribute tribu td extensively students rbt turning to their respective homes improved in grown inan and strengthened in faith missionaries misson aries at home and abroad who received their training in the academy teachers in public schools who graduated here with credit and all liese having awakened an interest in the institution it haa been ascertained that not only a great lack of ac the inner workings of the academy is existing but also in borne quarters lamentable misconception of the spirit of its organization especially among the riding generation for chobe particular benefit the school has been called into being we dem it proper therefore to publish a brief synopsis in order t place every one in a position to form a correct idea of the spirit and modus operand af the aaa young academy that he may sustain it with hia influence faith and operation cooperation co As stated already inthe deed of trust the brigham young academy in to bb a latter day saint institution conducted by lat ter day saint teachers upon latter day saint principles and fur libatter day saint children although any others desirous of availing themselves of its advantage are not excluded while on the one hand it was a matter of course that besides all the branches of a so called corn mon english education the highe ones of au academic course should b comprised in the curriculum it w evident on the other that theolor would have to occupy a loading p tion in the plan of studies this ir comstance cum stance suggested at once tone principal the of con duong the theological course as muc in conformity with the general oan of the church as the students have been babli tabli hed therefore ac cordio to their in the church from the figr degree of the priesthood down i non members aa a knowledge A theological doctrines passages f scriptures events of backed hiltry and argumentative pointe in do not constitute however religious training if by practical faith nd the aholo cote of life it became the aim of the ademy to have all its and course of placed upon but also diffused the ariu liples of the gospel hoce cognizance is taken of the carcity of the pupils in their grades r md the iu are classifies accord in to the catechism Catechi bm Bible ook of mormon doctrine an covenants and compendium geological instructions to the indies and gentlemen ecly are givel weekly to the birr by a lady teacher in a aly repetition meeting in which fe nindo nii HIP organized into abma of his to ten each deover by carefully selected a set af heco cical proposition by their respective spec tive bujcs week is discussed ditl reler euce to the teachers idt hy brought out the feeling ascertained the errora corrected tid the of truth awake these occasions have proved assistance to the teachers ai incalculable benefit to the the chief objects of the held every tuesday are receive tho reports of the to accustom the boane the manner of con ducting and to make them acquainted lh the essential points of the and duties of the priesthood there ie a general theological held every wednes f baythe bains a variety of 1 dents of every yil brair 3 with singing by ct wort r y academy choir p gwei of ft c abe y note that broo wedna v j appointments w o fir flay DO moro tl 0 remain unfilled gabe wh ie infesting 1 a term but the is the c isi all turp to visitors 6 ry sunday there the pearily pta rily bear their testimony tes e another letters are read faer students returning now abroad as perien ces the fl yn 1 J 11 bothem forck gan but only og tha led by student ya cons act m tasi a athe P and elders tho young ladi aa tary in turns ac dually DD firmat idna order 1 W of hands for abes 0 tue are taking ikc ab do abe olife call the attends att endi S y optional but th ah ht tended aeve 06 1111 teachers is j THE DOMES is closely conne ical and feature of the iem y amling to cultivate the rr of the pupil and control IF aad out of school toa i all wi dents on entering ar od their word of honor onre constien piously the Aei demy A biweekly bi weekly deos of tho appoint edom c visitors are received and ge per to beho atrell being of the students a ga students arding to their boarding placid nd rio lations of the rules alny aitho students receive their fiak a in a private ii principal in serious cases ww the academic council has tal the yd hand THE dai comprising t preparatory and y been jurgan iced with aati training of fl Is u jl the branches arru to a eigher course all teas s in thrift departments part ments acted to previously il c t flajs under the 0 on 01 tho inn i nn cipal anda cangi the pest methods of alii teachers abere arere porting the B ot leir passes not the dyn riste studies jant fol consults eions afis in aa classes and the i ais leehy session alters pee ining to the welfare at student ind abe interests of thamy la academy has foi ts lower de part menta sot of abc books approved by J convention saving ry expenses m ing ahe continuance ti nuance par lessof comparatively easy academy from any of bali the reg adar teabe assis i in these lower fei by of the senior froal class of great care can be bis idoa scholars the b ia bearg divided up in suited to sabe vario rs of opacity ipa city thus therba teso dep aane six studies five in m geography three in four id some of them ean rea irice a day to yep within fie higher gaido of the nevertheless features which do not enjoy as tho number of teachers bis branch a special te small classes enaid the aljier watch much dev lop yenti 0 ne individual th hilf hour changes jre mg a weariness apiag ovir lintl st sr apfl lie of 0 ah moving afy eha influence of sfa adf and intellects intellect us we take pleasure to a few of the spy L br aiho id to the spirit in i chaj are di ducted g include jH Tomay botany sf by means P specimens t dents bei the prim ic series of readers apal th a spirit of j cpr into the s ich indeed tins h ling stone owing tham 0 o of this branch si eo eions have been pro cl un the p Q best way to govern p 0 ck them correct ann u ranch jias not d the AL d acin r with the ie mg air tree ansti uit ions adi iii tho con of boht afa usa ve r ms att part of the been taught ir as to m spire lovo of our 1 l an anxious ti and destiny T lekh gs rory lade the plan moz leadin nowfe to jS 5 K ancient ancier ovenus ia raiq an tuo course of r and espee own coun try aside from the regular textbook text book promiscuous questions on historical subjects constitute a prominent fea ti e in these recitations JI vo classes have been conducts 1 l iii mechanic perspective and ornamental drawing the chief object in view being to cultivate the faculties of observation and invention the recent introduction of the pantograph by which copies may be enlarged or diminished to any desired size has proved an interesting and instructive addition to the apparatus used in this branch of the arts LADIES WORK every lady student is required to report semiweekly semi weekly to a lady teacher some specimen of ladies work the workmanship of her own hands preference is given to plain practical T ork penmanship so conform to the demands of the age which require rapid writing as well as swift transportation and communication of thought a revolution if it may be so called has taken place in the methods of reaching this subject the slow anger movement ha been thrown aside and michaels rapid system introduced trod in its stead it has been demonstrated to a fact that a child can bo taught to write legibly at three times tho ordinary rate of JE special care has been taken to establish a healthy position a correct movement and a rapid and perfect formation of the letters MUSIC has received until recently but little attention in our common schools it is therefore exceedingly gratifying to notice the attention which this branch of study has received in the academy there is not only an excellent academy choir assisting in all devotional at opening and closing of school and enlivening the ss of the Poly society every friday evening with beautiful selections but also a singing class receiving instructions in the theory and practical execution of the vocal art and an instrumental class on the organ showing by its increasing numbers that interest is taken by the stu dents in that accomplishment THE LANGUAGE forming a part of the academic department part ment and consisting of two classes in rhetoric one class in french one in german one latin and one in is necessarily confined to comparatively few students The necessity of tho study of the ancier I 1 classics is disputed by man and will always 0 cupy 5 in cubr arv gramme of the institution while the pursuit of modem languages especially german french and spanish claim a constantly increasing prominence in the leading institutions of the country the class of the academy has produced several active reporters since its organization BUSINESS utah with a population of nearly and with upward of acres of rich land under cultivation her citizens engaged in scores of manufacturing enterprises together with atoch absing aising mining dising etc is fast donning a business and commercial garb and taking her part in the traffic of the country in the midst of all this activity and variety of pursuits is felt a need for young men possessing in some degree the rudiments of a business education a technical training that will enable them to work icalla and successfully m some special calling it is true however that a thorough business training can only be had in actual guisness buis ness but it is true also that a man young or old must know at least the elementary principles of arithmetic in order to sell or buy a ton of hay or a bolt of cloth and so should a man understand the systems and methods in vogue in business operations if he would hope for success in the pursuit of his choo vocation all thit any school trading in the world cin do however isato help a boy to lay a solid foundation on which to build his future business career sch preparatory is yearly imparted to scores of aspiring youths attending the academy this institution points deeds of its graduates who are mow working in the by fields of trade some ai tf engage as superintendents and managers of tie great turin gand mer merceile caile establishments in our territory beades many being in business f or again are employee as and accountants Wit fedj exceptions these young ron have good record and are wac disappointing their employers or rhe BOOK kebling is the art ani science 0 keeping accounts land accounts should bo kept by pery tody the frugal woman working for daja ages the farmer the merchant in fact ives and pays out things of e every person should be able 11 at any time bow he or she the world this can be no intelli gently only by anderst ding sonie tiling of the principles book keep mir ih tho academy 10 lo and en instructors s orth these such clea shape and add to this such thorsti thorp Ti drill jond practice that the euba becomes at once fascinating suli plain and earv to master epoff as there taught is stripped Q the technicalities arid with which many tethers have en tangled its simple is now brought with inthe Cia city of the average boa or the class work is as practical as possible and comprehending tp transitions of life entzian ent gian an en everyday every j day ter a classay clas sat theP gmo of any 1 term doub tle many il abt il e of themselves commence comme going par list boi commercial course the class is open for all students who are capable to enter the course comprises those principles of arithmetic chic have reference solely to business education many met of laborsaving labor saving operations a given business forms in gret variety are introduced and their y ture and uses explained the mii ner of keeping book accounts mk ing out of bills and dividend sats statements averaging partnership settlements and so q is fully explained and illustrated nf fice it to say it is a complete buy ess course for everybody giving all the short ways of computing edyed by the best accountants as vl as the general rules and business peth which every man needs if have at hand commercial LAW I 1 another prominent in the business course of this institution is the lectures on commercial comier cial law which comprise short acks on constitutional statute and jimmon law together with rules ant principles governing contracts fi goncy partnership sate af goods arm cam mercial paper youths tending soon to take an active maxw lousiness matters should certainly y something of the responsibility they are to assume and the legal of their acts f THE this division of the school labor includes full and amal instruction in eigher arit alebra geometry trigonometry abaly cal geometry and surveying attention is paid to the of mathematical knowledge fy practical use the ordinary school stales in mathe matics as pursued ine lower departments part ments are so as to lead the students omally o m ally to the higher courses and thus render such a true unit such practical drills plane and corn pass surveying and leveling is the advanced students THE ih all courses ence conducted here practical is the watchword A lecture without illustration a rare exception in this feature experimental proof the scientific detriment very justly enjoys the of excellence i ample facility are offered in all branches adver an na professions made ine circulars of the institution ution aregust case realized in letter and cpr the scientific lecture room isted in a convenient style with teheled seats from every one of which full view of the oper Hs Ss is arranged for thorough labor rather than display and it may be properly termed the workshop of the department A separate and properly arranged room is provided for tha students practical researches and experiments peri ments CHEMISTRY covers a two years course the first year is devoted to lectures and experimental peri mental work in general chemistry and qualitative analysis the student is trained in the methods of analyzing boils waters minerals and the various articles of commercial importance also in the study of poisons their antidotes and the methods |