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Show 1 NEWS Of MAIMTI Spoctal to Tlio Trlbuno. MA NTT. Jan. 2. S. M. Callaway and wife of Blackfoot, Ida., aro visiting in Manti. James Marker of Emmett. Ida., is visiting with friends and relations here. .1. B. Crawford of Orangoville has been spending the holidai's hero with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Tut He entertained enter-tained Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Kasmussen of Ephraim. Jessie Crawford returned Thursday from Blackfoot, Ida., where sho spent Christmas. Mr.?. Lee Kenner entertained Friday afternoon at a family dinner. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ilornung entertained enter-tained New Year's eve in honor of Miss Margaret King Moore of the Collegiate Col-legiate institute of Salt, Lako City. Covers were laid for thirteen. Those present wero given a musical treat by Miss Keil of liphraiui, who is an accomplished ac-complished pianist. Mistr Bertha Ioonurd and Miss Myrtlo Nelson entertained .Wednesday evening in honor of Kov. Frank Leonard ol Springville and Miss Mossick. Miss Maria Wilson and Miss Jennie S. Work entertained New Year's day in honor of Albert Bo land of Ohio. Those present wore: Misses Jcnnio and Mary Martin. Miss Kitchlio of Ml. Pleasant. Miss Thorpe of Snriugville, K. II. Mix, Miss Winnie Fitzhugh. Kex Jensen of M"t. Pleasant and Albert Holnnd. Olo Jensen is ill at tho home of his son, Henry Jensen. Miss Jennie l.owry entertained at a I o'clock dinner Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Belle Brown will entertnin at a 0 o'clock dinner this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Madson entertained enter-tained about thirty-five of their friends Monday evening. Progressive sixty- j three was played, after which a delicious lunch was served. The home of Luther E. Tuttle is under quarantine for scarletiua. The Ladies' Literary club gave their annual ball Thursday evening. It was a grand success, both socially and financially. fin-ancially. Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Anderson, Jr., , en mo down from Salt Lake City a few days ago to visit with relatives aud friends. Miss Jean Cox, teacher at the Agricultural Agri-cultural college, at Logan, is spending Iho holidays in Manti. Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford entertained enter-tained Tueeduy in honor of Miss Single-ton Single-ton of Ferroii. About, forty friends woro jiresent. A fine lunch was served about 12 o'clock. Tho basketball gamo between Company Com-pany F.. N. G. UV, and tho Arrapine Commercial club Friday afternoon resulted re-sulted in an overwhelming victory for Company F. Miyor William B. Lowry and Councilman Council-man Nophi Ottoson attended tho meetings meet-ings of tho State Municipal loaguo at Provo this week. Miss Beatrice Burns of Mt. Pleasant is visiting with her brother, J. M. Burns, tins -week. A number of Bkaling parties havo been tho order of the wcok. Miss Annie Mickleson was tho hosloss at a social Wednesday evening, givon to( about twenty-five of her young friends. The evening was a most on-joj'ablo on-joj'ablo ono, spent in games and music. A midnight lunch was served. Ellis Henrio, eon of Daniel Hcnrie. is bore from Alberta. Canada, visiting his parents and friends. About thirty friends of Mr. nnd Mrs. James Christenaen took possession of their homo Wednesday evening and surprised sur-prised them. Progressive sixty-three was plnycd until a late hour, when the baskets wero brought forth nnd a delicious de-licious lunch was served. Mrs. S. M. Parry was hostess at a dinner party Monday ovoning, in honor of her birthday. The evening was spont at cards mid music and singing wero interspersed in the programme. Lunch was served to about fortv. ' Go rge BIcnk of Salt Lako is visiting old friends in Manti this week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Storrs of American Ameri-can Fork aro visiting relatives hero this week. Mrs. Storrs is a daughter of our townsman, Walter Stringham. |