Show Former S. S Bountiful Pair To Observe Wedding Anniversary y 11 Mr r. r and Mrs 1 rs J Jed cd M M. Brown formerly of South Bountiful will ill celebrate their 5 wedding anniversary anni anni- which comes conies on St. St Valentines Vales Valen tines day with an open house bouse e a at t their ironic home at East Fast Seventeenth Se South in Salt Lake City Sunday Feb Feu from 2 Z to 6 p p. p m m. m Their relatives es and friel friends s ar arc e cordially emited to attend Mr Brown is a son on of Bisho Bishop p William Brown and Rebecca Chapin Chap in Brown Drown pioneer of 1847 He waborn was wa s born in South Bountiful March 1 I 1864 He filled a mission to th the e 1 southern states and was a temple worker for over 11 35 years rears Mrs Brown is the dau daughter o of f Samuel and Annie Holmes Otterway Otterway Otter Otter- way and was born Nov 28 1866 1566 in Derbyshire England She came to Utah in icy if 1883 1853 and has been an active church worker as a Relief society nurse for many years They arc are the parents of seven children five of oj whom are living I two sons and three daughters Samuel J. J and Fred L L. Brown Mrs Agnes nes B B. B Robinson Mrs Afton Harrison and Mrs Emily Lancaster er er all of Salt Lake City 16 grandchildren grand grandchildren grandchildren children and three great dren |