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Show sir llfSUS REPORT IL Girls Have to lift Married. 2? Candy Stores Have ii Best Oppor- 1 tunity. : I OJ. . I Girls Come Next, School Follow, Then Stenographers. Stenog-raphers. f . jrho are In a hurry to pet pt fniri,''v,n,,nl 1,1 f""11'' or factor r.s clerk?, waiters f cau'ly 'if f,,ir ' ar8' ec" Eri to go by then all girls ! By Inclined should rush inio Wpuslne-s. -A ' irgir were ntnge Wls have mnirl'-J In 'he last ''Mhan from any oth-r places fc2Kf iris are emnlojed The lel-Btands lel-Btands next n ti.J Is ;i elnsr 'wter hei Alio l not the 1. .w.-f-t In the the fact thcit the -eheol-l>topulml 5-M'i-"-'! ' '" '' A maid. Ami l'-t in the '.-t tuX gr come the clerks In the Ant itore I'he; i ecu. it ' m . -. from th" rec-Weddlnp? rec-Weddlnp? 'Kraphers are SKilar, ihough from whut fls- Igkui-I i 1 1 : m , ' 1 1 :i i-l t la Population r.f tii- no.eptc-d kind JKi all teachi-is r.l.l maids. ..-Mndy Girls First. slm-l that eight it of JHgHenclv Irls k1 marrleil everv jJJea50n mn.v I"' that their op- me'Ui.g ;.'..) rllrlini: will: fc Is often h.ttir than that I rJcs. There Is no doubt som--: abO'lt '.ir.'.ni; ml" .1 pair of TA" over a cap iml while , inds an'.ing' iliv b ' i" I"-L:' I"-L:' It cunnr I..- s ill howi'vei Klrls di ji.y pit-tl'.-r than k The department store girls HUI la rule, mm h pr ttl r. jlh Hello Girl. im telephone girls out of every seen to h wearing brtnd ? 1 rlngr which mean busi- ry, S r at iun tun. of the year. It) j I a number of pretty wed-ne. wed-ne. A i on.- tf'ephoiie ex- 5j b cll the manager - . i. nr Unit a'l our irirls are ue bonds on their third lingers, tub pected that there will be a cajS jbpplng off sunn. The girls til chance io mwt mui:j men pM BBS -hours '-3 tumber, Please. 1(9 j. way In which the might win HI t theie times Is l.v a soft llt-)dng. llt-)dng. 'Number, please.' But tf I not the least of a woman's 3 bid manv a man has felt his jrtil flt the sound of a feminine yo; toy before marriage, and somo rg plxed emotions , i. w ard ' 1 Ma'ams Attractive. jjgf buch-mallgned sehoolma'am S3 n l often an attr&ctUe. ln-sl9 ln-sl9 Cheerful girl n where from 1 faenerallv keeps herself well-fcid well-fcid does not always look her the other girls' mentioned i above, her salary Is often as great as that of the man who courts her. Her opportunity for meeting the other sex Is l.mllless, and she is educated well enough to meet them on equal terms Clerks, as mentioned above, do not always get enough to suppci t themselves unless they live at home with their parents. Love Over Hash. The schoolteacher boards, and many a n.atch is mad" during the eon vers., j t. q over the prunes and hash She has more money for clothes than BOIU) ot the other girls, and the man Is not born vet who Is not affected by fine feathers, even though he may pride himself on being free from tiuir blandishments So the schoolteacher's schoolteach-er's reputation for ei-llb.o y and particularly particu-larly for lost opportunity. Is only a fable of long-past jears. when the schoolma'am took her knitting to school with her, and also her parrot and cat. Stenographers Flirt. Another exploded theory is thai stenog- n. pliers hnve a poor chance at the matrimonial mat-rimonial market. The record, which Is prlnclpa 11 colUi ted (mm the dlirrtory and marriage license books, together with general Information from men who employ stenographers shows that there is more flirtation than serious match making am mi; stenographers 0 ca-slqnally ca-slqnally a man marries his stenographer, but as" a rul-: the man Is married and any attention on his part is most questionable ques-tionable and liable to drive off any young man who might chance to look upon the girl with serious intentions. Some Men Marry Flirts. The summary would make it that tho stenographer's! temptations to flirt are too great to give her a legitimate chance at the matrimonial market Some men marry flirts out most of them get over It to flirt again. Their unconscious theory is that He hi fllits nml get nwa-v Will llv to flirt another da . Pretty Girls in Big Stores. Only two girls out of one hundred clerks In the department stores marry per year. This Is rather appalling when we think of the pretty girls who are measuring mea-suring out cloth and selling hats It lius been suggested that they may leave the employ Of the stores home weeks before be-fore getting married and not tell the employees em-ployees the reason. And then, again, It may be In the lack of opportunity afforded af-forded the girls to meet men In business hours. Few men come to these girls to buy, unless It is a timorous married man with a handful of samples. The man Is too much QCCUpled to flirt, and the girl ma not care ti do It, ar.d. anyhow, he Is married One girl gave es her reason rea-son that she would not marry because, being a clerk, she could not meet the men she would many, and she would not marry the men she did have the chance to meet. Much Depends on Girl It might be safe to add, however, that a great deal depends on tho girl Some girls are foreordained to wed. even though thej be cross-eyed and scrub back stps for a living. And some do not marry, though ihe he beautiful ami have nothing to do. The reason is that there are just as many queer men as women, anil some men are made to match some women. When they meet, her means of livelihood doesn't amount to much. Still, hny girl who has a desire to marry might try entering the candy business as a clerk Facts and proof are certainly with her to cheer her |