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Show Engagements and Weddings. Mr and Mrs W. W. Biter announce the engagement of their daughter Elsie, td Mr. Tracy T. Cannon, the marriage t. take place In the autumn. Hoth tho bride and groom elect are well known In thl-- ili After tho wedding, the young people expect to go to New York, and later to Berlin, where Mr. Cannon will study music. Mr and Mrs. J II Krekson announce the engagement of their daughter, Leone to Ernest Au9tee, the wedding to take ''w'C'- !n June. Mr. and Mrs Joseph Kimball announce the engagement of their daughter. Ethel, to Herbert Williams of Pocatello, Ida , the maniag to take place in June . Cards have been lecolved for the mar-rlus mar-rlus of bflss Pearl M. Evans and William i Itshel, the wedding to take place on June .. al the bom ..f the iridi- s parents, Mr. and Mrs Harry Evans. Cards have been received of the marriage mar-riage of Miss Clara Peterson and J 11. ed r. which took place at high noon at Si. Stephen s Episcopal church In Baker City, Or The wedding w u.s a quiet affair and witnessed by a f-w intimate friends Miss Josephine Morris, the well-known elocutionist Of this city, and George Ar-nold Ar-nold Goff were married at noon on Wednesday. During the evening a reception recep-tion was given In honor of tho bride and groom at th? home of Mrs. J. A. Brown, a sister of the bride,. After the reception Mr ard Mrs. Goff left for their future horno at Bingham Junction. On Wednesday evening, at tho Indies' Llti-rarv club. w.s given a. reception to Miss Hilda YoUTigberg and V. W. Stewart, whoso marriage took place that noon. The hall was prettily decorated In white and green Mr. and' Mrs Stewart will make their homo In southern Ctah. The marrlaso of Miss .Tennle Freeze, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Freeze of Murrav. and A F. White took place at noon Wednesday in the Temple, The mar-rlago mar-rlago waa followed by a large reception Wednesday night at the home of tho biido's parents About sixty friends attended at-tended the reception. Mr and Mrs. White will live In Murray. Mrs. E F DrnmiT announces tho engagement en-gagement of her daughter, Edith, to William Wil-liam U Wlmmer of this eltj, the marriage to tako place, in Juno. |