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Show SCHOOL GIRL QUITS TENNIS Leaves the Court to Be Married. Romance of Year's Standing Culminates in a Wedding. Wed-ding. Student at Rowland Hall Leaves School to Wed Man of Her Choice. A romancs of a yenr's standing cuimln-biM cuimln-biM yesterday afternoon in the marriage of Cljd Rummell, a prominent Bolec, Ida., man. and Miss Sadlo Il'-ndorson, a Rowland Iiall student from Kiko, Nev., dtpplto fmntlo efforts on tho purl of tho faculty of that school to head off the young coupio brforo the ceremony was performed Eloped From Tennis Court. Miss Henderson was In tho tennis court shortly before 6 o'clock, when Rummell drove up In a closed carriage and slg-i slg-i tied to Ml.ii Henderson. She nurrled to the vehicle and tho young coupio drove rapidly away to the Count) Clerk'? office, where a marriage license was issued with illfpatch. From the office the lovers hurried hur-ried to the residence ( tin.- K-v. H-njamln Young, pastor of the First Methodist church, where the ceremony was performed per-formed Effort to Stop Marriage. Another young woman student at rtow-land rtow-land hnil "who saw the carriage drive away ith Miss Henderson hastily informed in-formed Miss Colburn. t li - prln.lpal, who ct once telephoned to the M.-rk's oftl. e but It was too late, the license had been Issued and tho yojng people had gone. Girl's Parents Advised. Mis Colburn says that she then telegraphed tele-graphed t" Miss Henderson's father, a l inker at Elko, who wind In return. "Stop the marriage, If possible, it will k:ll her moth, r Girl a Good Student. In a statement made to Th.: Tribune, Mjss Colburn, principal of the school, said tlat she bellevc-d the girl had a. I'd I .... 1 -Jshly and upon the Impulse of the moment, mo-ment, adding that Miss Henderson was a line student, a regular uttendnnt at SI Mark's Sunday-school and always obedient. obedi-ent. Search for Couple. At a late hour last night MlSB Colburn reeei ed a second telegram from C. L. Henderson, father of the bride, which rend. "Return Sadlo to Rowland Hall tonight to-night at anv cost:" Mis? Colburn and Penn Bddlo, rector of St Mark s church and an old friend ..f Mr Henderson, thereupon 1 n 1 1 1 1 j t 1 a search for the young couple and flnallj discovered that "they were roistered at tho Chadbourno. but had gone out to tpend the evening with friends and hud not returned Third Message From Father. While they were debating what thev could do to find the young wife, a third tegram arrived from Mr. Henderson. This message read "Have Sadie telegraph tele-graph her mother sho Is married and I will arrive tomorrow to congratulate her " 'That ends m responsibility," said Miss Colburn, with a sigh of relief Dean Eddie, while vexed over the marriage mar-riage of Miss Henderson Just a month before be-fore her graduation, said that she was a splendid girl of fine family Mr. Henderson Hender-son being one of the leading business tnon of Elko. Rummell Prominent Young Man. A dispatch to The Tribune from Boise last night said: "Clyde Rummell Is an employee of the Boise Statesman, being the mailing clerk. He loft Boise about a week ago for a vacation. It being tho Understanding that ho would return In a short time He did not say where he was going, but It Is understood he was attracted at-tracted to Salt. l,ako by a young lady with whom he lias corresponded ever since sho loft Boise. Rummell is about Zl years of age. His father and other i datives da-tives 1! e h.-re." Who the Bride Is. .Mies Sadlo Henderson was born and raised in Elko Nev . and Is a most hlgh-lv hlgh-lv "ste.-med ..ung lady. Shi' Is the only flaucrhter ..f 1 O Henderson, vice-president f the Henderson Banking company of Elko and one of the most prominent men in Nevada. Mr. Henderson, with his family, spent last summer In Boise, here Miss Sadie met Clyde Rummell The young man Is highly respected by the parents of the oung lady. No Opposition to Marriage. They were not opposed to the marriage, jbut express regret that she did not wait until she had graduated and tcme home to be married News of the marriage, according ac-cording to advices from Ellto to The Tribune, was a complete surprise, na It was not known that feelings of more than friendship existed between them Will Bo Given Warm Welcome. C. B Henderson, uucle of the bride, left Elko for Salt Lako lar.t night on No. C. He will return thcro with the bride and gToom. and thev will be gl eh a big reception at the home of tho bride's parents Aek Parents' Foregiveness. The brldo and groom In a jointly signed message, telegraphed Mrs. Henderson Hen-derson upon their return at midnight to the hotel, where Miss Colburn hod left a copy of the last message from Mr Henderson The message road: "Wo wore married this afternoon and we hope for your forgiveness." Mr. and Mrs. Rummell paid that thev had arranger! to defer the mnrrlago until after the bride's graduation In Juno but as tho discipline of Rowlnnd Hall pn -vented them the enjoyment of each Other's socletv. thoy concluded to hasten matters, and through a mutual ftl-nd tho slopsmeht was planned. Mr. Rummell Is I years of nge. His bride passed her IKth birthday a month ago. She Is handsome In face and form and charming In manner. |