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Show Must Tell What He Knows of Polygamy Relative of Ex-Queen Lilioukalani of Hawaii, Who Wedded Utah Girl, Is Summoned. Among the men subpoenaed to appear before the grand Jury at Honolulu to testify on the question of whether or not polygamy exists on the Island Is Abraham Ferjiandex, whoso family spent one winter In IhH city. The family CO ej.,.,1 ,,f wife, two daughters and a " . ih.' daughter having been educated In Kuro .e'and having had all the odVO tages thai w.-alth could Obt .In TK5 was a student at hJB,S5f at idemy Provo, and before returning i Honolulu mar. led on. of I tah's na ve .laughters. Miss Lydla Robert of Provo. Related to Fx-Queen. Mr Fern and i-7.. the father is B Wlthy hardware merchant ol Honolulu and owns I, large sugar plantation a few mil. s ..u -side- the city Of Honolulu he family Is related to ex-v.ieen l'"'?unUnl, Md the wife ami laughtera of Mr. Fernanda .s- t Isted in receiving the guests at the re-,.,, re-,.,, cv.n in honor "f the W.., the Bee Hive houso In this city several years ago. Headquarters for Mormons. Tho Fernandez home, on the big plantation plan-tation lust outside i lonolulu, 1 1 the h ad-rjuarters ad-rjuarters for Mormon missionaries travel-Ing travel-Ing on th Island 1 hey are always royal-,, royal-,, entertained bj Mr Fernandas and his family, all of whom are members of tho Mormon church. It Is four years or more since the family fami-ly vlPlt. .1 Salt Lake, but they will be pleasantly r membered by many acquaintances acquain-tances made during their stay here |