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Show TO BE MARRIED RIGHT. Supposed Runaway Couple Wedded by Judge Howell. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN. Utah, Ma C J Frank Pflug. aged '", of Huntings. Mich, and Z- Ida Shimmlns, aged 19, of Salt Lake, were granted a maxrlagu license in the Count) Clerk'3 office hero today. The couplo, Who were both most attractive In tin lr personal appearance, repaired to the court room and wero there solemnly Joined in wedlock by Judge J. A. Howell Tin rs U said to be a romance connected With the wedding, but Its details could not be obtained. The entire fitness of the contracting parties, nnd their physical attractiveness brought out the hoarty congratulations ol Judge Howell ami the wllm sBef. all cd them strangers in the contracting parties, who witnessed the ceremony The lulde Is istd to bo a daughter of John Shimmlns, the Salt I-ako merchant who does business on North First street. |