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Show TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF WEDDING CELEBRATED Special to Tho Tribune. PBOVO, July 10. Mr. and Mrs. David Da-vid Jones entertained at their home last night, tho occasion being1 .the twentieth anniversary of their wedding, and in honor of William A. Petty, brother of Mrs. Jones, who leaves on Wednesday for a mission ln( the Southern States. The evening was spent in playing games and listening to music. J. G. Jones, W. G. Petty and MaronI Snow each gave .sketches of early experiences. experi-ences. Beautiful china seta were presented pre-sented to the hostess by her friondB. A Bumptuoua spread was enjoyed. There were present John G. Jones, Messrs. and Meedamcs W. G- Petty, Moroni Snow, Enoch Jorgenson, S. IT. Jones, Mads Jorgenson, John Gatherum, William Wil-liam A. Petty, Mr. W E. Bassett Mrs. T. W. Jones, Mrs. Nancy Acord, MIsscb Fern Gatherum, Lottio Hodson, Lizzie Jones, Mary Jonee, Hazel Jones, Byron, Barton and Cleo Jones, J. G. Jones. Judge Booth and Mot Roberts have gone to Vernal to hold court Attorney Robert Anderson has also gone to Vernal Ver-nal and will look after the Interests of the State In tho absence of District Attorney At-torney Hatch. Edna Pyivj has returned from Mono, where sho haB been visiting friends during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Peay of Charlston will spend the week In Provo with friends. The home of T. E. Daniels was quarantined quar-antined yesterday for diphtheria. Miss Edna Daniels has the disease in a mild form. |