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Show PENROSE THINKS GIRLS WOULD WED New Apostle Declares That Thousands Thou-sands Aro "Waiting for Hushands. "Thore arc thousands of the lovely daughters of Israel who are still In tho slnglo condition, and thercforo unable to fulfill their destiny In this world. And this Is through no fault of theirs, for I hold tho young men entirely to blame for this." In his first sermon in the Tabernacle &lr.co his appointment to tho apostolato as a successor to tho lat Abram O. "Woodruff. "Wood-ruff. Apostle Charleo W. Penrose delivered deliv-ered tho above remark. The subject of his address was an Indorsement of a discourse dis-course by Apostle Ttudgor "W. Clawson. and an oxhorhitlorP to tho young people of tho church to observe tho various laws enjoined on all members. Ills criticisms wcro leveled at the young men of Zlon for a lax observance pf tho laws of the church regarding matrimony and posterity. "This law needs to bo moro fully comprehended com-prehended by our young men of today.' said the aiioslle, "I do not bcllovo that he opposite sox Is to blamo for the stato of affairs In oxlBlence, for I believe them to be ciuilo willing to live in accordance with the laws." |