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Show MARRIES GIRL AND THIS SETTLES ABDUCTION CASE Special to The Tribune. t OGDBN. July 23. Tho finale to thc Christensen abduction case came today, when C. M. Brown and Miss Gladys Chrlstonsen wefe married In the office of Sheriff Bailey by Judge Howell. Brown was arrested in St. Louis, accuBed of abducting ab-ducting the Chrletenaen girl and taking her to the World's Fair city. Hft was brought hAck by Sheriff Rlsrby of Cache county and lodged In theWetx;r county Jail, to bo held to answer to tho chargo of abduction. Brown today pclitlonea jupid Holllngs-worth Holllngs-worth for a permit to maJte tho clrl his wife and this afettled tho case. Elijah Farr was today oppolnted administrator ad-ministrator of tho cstato of Mrs. Eastman East-man In tho matter of thc estate of William Wil-liam Roso, deceased. The appointment is for the purpose of bringing ault to adjudicate thfe estate. As announced In The Tribune some months ngo the union depot at Ogden Is to be materially enlarged. Another story Is to ba. added and an addition put on the north end. Thc three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz died suddenly last oven-Ins oven-Ins of convulsions. Tho funeral will be held from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. William Hancock, 2310 Jefferson avenue, at 3 o'clock p. m. tomorrow. Tho preliminary hearing of Due, Andor-son Andor-son and Austin for tho Glenwood park tragedy, was again postponed until tomorrow. to-morrow. A man named Johnson reported to th pollco that his room In the Bennet block had been ontcrod by burglars and 510 In cash and a few other valuables stolon. The funeral of Peder Otteson will tako place Sunday afternoon from tho Swedish Lutheran church. . . A coroner's Inquest will be held over Peder Otter3on, who was killed In the railroad yards Wednesday morning. Tho Jury Is composed of H. A. Shupe, William Raymond and M. J. West The Investigation Investi-gation may take place tomorrow. Glenwood park Is arranging for a grand celebration of Plonoer day. Business will be generally suspended Monday In honor of Pioneer day. Nannlo Tout will leavo London on July 23, accompanied by hor father. E. F. Tout, for a visit to her home in Ogden. She will stay In Utah but a short time, but thc peoplo of Salt Lake and Ogdon Will have a chance to hear her Sing. Tho town Is full of railroad men out of a Job today, as fourteen crews have beon laid off on the Salt Lake division of the tho Southern Pacific, us well as a larRC number of men along tho cut-off. Tho i recent strike of tho meat-cutters has had much to do with tho discharge of tho men, I as It has practically atoppcu tho shipment of cattle. In the Churches. First Church of Christ. Scientist, corner Twenty-fourth and Lincoln avenue Services Ser-vices 11 a in. Subject, "Lovo." Sunday-school Sunday-school 10 a. m. Wednesday evening meeting, meet-ing, 8 p. m. All are Invited. Free reading-rooms, suite 212 Ecclca building; open daily from 10 a. m. to 12 a. m., and 2 to 5 p. m. All welcome. Rov. C. W, Noble, an Ogden young man, who has been attending th Moody Bible school at Chicago a number of x-ears, will preach at tho First Methodist church tomorrow at 11 a., m, Services in tho First Methodist church, Rev. C W. Noblo. acting paHtor 10 a. m., Sunday-school; 11 a. m., preaching by the pastor; class meeting immediately aftor thl.s service E, J. Wherry, lender. 6:45 j. m., Epworth league devotional ser-vlcse. ser-vlcse. Harry Hansen, preoident. |