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Show WILL BE MARRIED AT ELKS' REUNION ' Two prominent society peoplo of Provo havo expressed a willingness to bo married mar-ried at the annual convention of tho Elks' State association. The couple called upon Judge M. M. Warner, who Is director-general of tho Elks' rounlon, and. nsked to be permitted to avail themselves of the opportunity of being married undi the auspices of tho Elks. Tho only., quest they made was that their nam be not published until tho day preccdli the ceremony. Judge Warner, who wj in tho city yesterday, said: 1 If "Tho public will bo surprised wheal leurns who tho couplo tun. All 1 can B at this timo relative to their personally! Is that the prospective bridu and groe are highly respected people In Prow They Intended to get married about t middle of Juno and as a Joke decldcdl let tho Elks liandlo the ceremony them. s9 "Wo proposi; to make It the most clobw rate wedding ever held In the State. Hjl1 penso will cut little or no figure. T ceremony Is to bo performed tho mornlmk of the first day of tho convention, Wodnejk day, Juno 15. It will take place in Vm midway, at the thron of the carniJi queen. Tho queen, who will be Leah Daniels of Provo. ndorned In In coronation robo.s. will give the bride sw Tho maids for the bride-to-be will be tHB-t maids in waiting upon the queen. m During tho progress of thi war in tj Philippines a detachment of soldiers umHj command of Gen. Funston. while oo.K expedition Into tho Interior to iP"! Agulnaldo, captured a wild man. He kept captive until hostilities ceased. wj he was brought to San Franelsco. lfr. Provo Elks heard of him nnd sent Twolves, cashier of the bank, to the co to make arrangements, If possible, for im being exhibited in the midway dmipg celebration. A telogram was recelvjKJ from him yesterday announcing "at.fJK doal had been consummated whereby xiK wild man will bo brought to Prov$ nJ month for cshlblUou .purposes. W |