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Show jpSTOK T uemooiD ifip Officiate at itirlain Weddings. fjsbyterian General As-jflitinbly As-jflitinbly Takes Up fiflar-7 fiflar-7 riage and Divorce. Cl ITrge State and National Legis-3jJ Legis-3jJ jhtion to Shield Both Church $ and State. Hi isjKuFFALO, N Y., May 23. By a fj vote of 252 to 241 the general as-: as-: W fsrably of the Presbyterian riSl church of the United States this ukmioon wiped out that part of the Uptto' the special committee on mar-tjj.r.d mar-tjj.r.d divorce, which advised Pres-jjjsiin Pres-jjjsiin ministers to refuse to marry siBp-rrjon whose marriage Is forbld- 0 ksB'he church of which that person 3Dtmber. The committee had for-.Aled for-.Aled this pnnision to help promote Aiwk of the Inter-church confer-fvit confer-fvit m marriage and divorce, which jm In thirteen denominations, and Ktcilon of the assembly, It was deer de-er tonight, might prove a set-back "jf" It conference. The remainder of ifc -stfon was adopted. 4 k neral assembly also approved lartlal report of the special coin-t coin-t i(j k on forms and services, which jtH rides an order of morning service i in order for the baptism of in- Aa3 Bth orders are 10 Dc OPtlonaJ- ti ilit Committee Recommended. i ti rtcommendatlons of the special " . miltee on marriage and divorce arc ini fit general assembly again enjoins i tJnlsters under its care and author- ft) rtfusc to perform the marriage Ha 4 tony in tho cases of divorced per--j.Ef I except as such persons have been n I retd upon grounds and for causes sej flilzed as scriptural In the stand-, .r. I of the church. ilifc cognizing the comity which should - : i, between Christian churches, and ' 1 fTlug that it would be desirable and 5 A "to the Increase of a spirit of Chrls-J Chrls-J innlty, we earnestly advise all the jlrs under the caro and authority jfji general assembly to refuse to 'idt lnarraKe anJ' person or per-""'(X per-""'(X 10&i marriages such ministers r?JFv S00lJ reaEo to believe is forbld-'jiS,'tlie forbld-'jiS,'tlie laWB of tlie church In which liitfir or Perens seeking to be mar- 1 b. y 'niy hold membership. PiW appeal and address to the in-? in-? .1 pch conference Is hereby ln-rll ln-rll r by tns general assembly, and "Ts'SH Girted to the consideration of all J. r,Isters and congregations." ,i-jL !fln"nhtee on marriage and dl-Uct4 dl-Uct4 continued and instructed to Vet ?atftwlth the representatives of JSjli 'lurches in endeavoring to obtain Mtt . ecclesiastical unUy, and such lf national legislation as may ?leU' ? toth ch"rch and state from 3 . and Pendlr"K perils." ir JConnU.tee is working with com- ? of, the thirteen other denoml-: denoml-: H all of which form tho Inter- " ' c.onference on marriage and diet di-et i.nL ,h recently issued an appeal bli Chrlstiun public i e report of the committee on mis- i lor freedmcn was adopted. It te J S"lends the expenditure of $300,000 ? Work oC the coming year. Ice 0vei' Probable Union. ....i. Uraros were received and rend, .' jF621 enthusiasm, from the a&- ' J8 o the Cumberland Presby- 'church at Dallas, and the Pres-1 Pres-1 E u crch of the United States at fvjolclng in the probable union "'ree oodles, liiwwport of tho special committee '"KI115 and sen-Ices was then taken citXt au Dykc oC Princeton is hEL.wun of the committee which re-'tltlK't re-'tltlK't a or rnoming service and tti5ra for baptism of infants. The i"cw forn,s hajre not been 0 lTB;i ,ln fa-vor by the conservatives, ,c!Lli i tney savor of ritualism, :f5Sr!,? on the subject, Dr. Van V that 75 Per cunt oC thc 2000 JIKK? selected at random by the Pfjiee were already using some -IjSBu,a2rvlce with a responsive fea-ln5IBLje-tcnths of the mlnlstera de- 1 ' UK t ot forms not a prayer . . 1 a litany, not a ritual, but a ' m! n,or forms, proiK-r and help- 'ujj "Utry use ln P,"e9byterlan "'M6 CtlClU9i0n f Dr Van Dykc's address a resolution was unanimously adopted Indorsing tho work of the committee com-mittee so far as It has progressed and continuing the existence of, the committee com-mittee until its work shall be completed. com-pleted. Dobating" a Report. Debate on thc report of the committee commit-tee on marriage and divorce was then begun. A number of the commissioners commission-ers took exception to the second paragraph para-graph of the committee's recommendations, recommenda-tions, advising ministers to refuse to unite In marriage nny persons whose marriage is forbidden by the laws of other churches, This paragraph wns finally stricken out by a vote of 2G2 to "41 The report ' as amended was then adopted, when adjournment was taken until tomorrow. i |