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Show Young Bride Has Lockjaw In Arranging1 Hair on Wedding- Morn Girl Runs Brass Pin in Hand. N. EW YORK. May 28. The pin that held in place the bridal veil of Mrs. Kate Carroll, No. 2S First street, Newark, N. J.. on her wedding day, lcs3 than a week ago, may be the cause of a terrible lingering death from lockj&w. In fastening the soft folds of tulle In her hair on the morning of her wedding the young bride ran the long brass pin which she was using Into the palm of her left hand. In the excitement of the day and In the happiness of the days that followed fol-lowed she gave no attention to the wound until a few days ago, when It began to fester. She treated It with home remedies, but It grew rapidly worse! and soon began to exhibit symptoms of gangrene. Her husband called a physician, who, realizing her grave danger, removed her to tho Newark City hospital. There the stiffening of the Jaws presaging lockjaw set In, and an Injection of antitoxin anti-toxin was given but failed to check the progress ot the disease. The physicians look upon her case as extremely grave, and there Is little hope that she will ever recover. |