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Show Hasty Wedding and Quicker Divorce Bride Wooed, Married and Separated by Law, All Within the Space of Thirty-Six Hours. SYRACUSE, N. Y., May 29.-Courted, 29.-Courted, wooed, wed and separated sepa-rated all within thirty-six hour?. nMi i tVm romance In which Miss Edna M. Mosier. one of Cortland's pretty school girls, and Warrent H. Jarvls of Ithaca are the principal actors. ac-tors. It was all born of the desire of the bride to ace the boat races at Ithaca Memorial dav. They had met only once or twice until Monday afternoon of this week. When they left each other at 6 o'clock it was agreed that they should meet again at 7:30 o'clock on tho normal nor-mal school grounds. . . .. The appointment was kept and in the shadow of the walls of tho school building build-ing they mad' plans for their marriage. After an hour they went to the home of Kcv. David W. Keppel. No. 39 Church street, who permitted the marriage mar-riage ceremony. Early Wednesday morning the couple went to Ithaca. The bridegroom's mother ordered her son out of the house. , , , Th bride's mother soon arrived and a9 a result of a conference the two mothers, with the young couple, appeared ap-peared In court here today, where articles were signed annullng the marriage. |