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Show WORK AT SILVER BELL Manager Sonnodscker Reports Re-ports Change in Rock, IS NEARING ORE BODIES Splondid Spsclmans of Dolomite Dolo-mite In th Properly, This Occurs in Irregular Raises in the Ledge, but Is Indicative That Ore Is Near. ' TRIBUNK BUREAU, Park City, Jan. 11. Manager N. W. Sonnedecker reports an importnnt change in tho rock at tho bottom bot-tom of the incllno in the Silver Bell. He brings back with him splendid specimens of dolomite, which ho says has always proved to be a certain sign of tho near-r.os3 near-r.os3 of ore bodies In tho rcslon in which the Silver Bell Is located. The dolomite, ho says, occurs In Irregular masses In the ledge. The Incline Is now at a depth or 00 feet, which means under tho conditions condi-tions at ihc Silver Bell 5C0 feet below tho surface. Tho Sliver Bell Incline starts riom tho California tunnel level, soythat Ihc 2X) feet of drifting has taken It practically prac-tically Into tho heart of the mountain. Operations at the Silver Bell are along the dip of tho vein. Malachilo and cop-I cop-I er ore have led the operating force Into tho present deposit of dolomite, which has practically In-that vicinity always contained ore bodies The three-horsepower gasoline englno has proved amply capable of handling the waste PORTLAND PARK SHUT DOWN. M. L. Canity of F.ureka reports tha,t the Portland Park, which Is a neighbor of tho Creole, has shut down for the winter, win-ter, having finished Us uHscssmcnt work for the year. The tunnel Is now In 101 feet, with good quantities of carbonate ore In sight, and it is tho Intention to begin be-gin a regular course of development In this promising propcrt next spring. PANNING OUT WELL. Jnmer. Duffj and James Mara are down from their properly today, nnd report It In splendid condition. The startling disclosure dis-closure of ore brought to light recently in tho crosscut from the bottom of the ubaft Is holding out well. A large, strong and woll-dofincd ledge shows here, with large quantities of high-grade ore. In lew of the fine showing here it has been decided to engage In deep mining in the Duffy and Mara, and henceforth operations opera-tions nre to be confined to the lower tunnel, tun-nel, which will tap the formation at a treat depth. I PAINFULLY INJURED. Michael Fallon was painfully Injured Khllo tlPiborlnt; at the station on the 700-fdot 700-fdot level if Hie Sliver King Consolidated early this morning. A piece of rock from tho station roof ."truck him In tho face, splitting his Hp to tin bone and bruising his face otherwise. Mr. Fallon was one of the victims of the accident in which Kdward Cutler was killed, and this Is the third or fourth time lis has been Injured al the Siler King Consolidated. AGAIN ON TUB RAILS. The Union Pacific freight engine ditched Ihc day before yesterday was restored to the track last evening bv the aid of der ricks. The engine Is badly wrecked, there being little Intact but the boiler and wheels. The engine will bo sent to Evans-ton, Evans-ton, for repairs. 4 PARKITES DISAPPOINTED. "Word was received about noon today lo the effect that the Corlanlon company would not u)Jpenr hero tonight. The Opera-house management expressed considerable con-siderable Indignation- over the fact that although the company has known for nearly a week that It could not possibly fill Its dato here, it did not take the trouble trou-ble to Inform tho people hero until after the arrival of the train today. The cancelling can-celling of the engagement was rendered necessary bj the damaging of tho company's com-pany's scenery nearly a week ago at Logan Lo-gan The seal sale had been good, and the people have been asked to come and get- tholr money back. This Is the third time that the "Corlanton" company has failed with Us engagements here. LADIES' ATHENAEUM MEETS. The Ladles' Athenaeum met this afternoon after-noon at the home of Mrs. Charles Shields, and devoted the session to the study of Martin Luther. Miss Jewel Bullln read a paper on "The Luther Places," and Mrs. J. Midhour read one on tho reign of Chnrles V. of Germany. Mrs Charles Heath read a selection on "Early German Ger-man Art." The society will meet again on January 25lh at the home of Mrs. C. 11. Wilson. PERSONAL MENTION. Joseph Williams left for Blsbee. Ariz., todav. C. T. Mixer left for Salt Lake today. He will probably take a fow woeks' trip East before he returns. J. P. Lungford left for Salt Lake this afternoon. Miss Joan Woods relumed to the L, D. S. Business college this evening. J, A. Klrby of the Daly-AVcst was on the outgoing train ihls evening. Miss Cora Sutton, woll known here, and Herman Grimm of Provo will be married Jpnuary -'Oth at Provo. C. I- Rood, manager of the Ontario, visited cam)) today. John L Weber, an old-time resident here, who has been absent for several years in Mlnnesotu, was among this morning's arrivals. Frank Warren returned from Salt Lake today Hurry Spiiggs. Jr., was among this morning's arrivals from Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Armstrong arrived todav from SalL. Lake. Joseph Gilbert delivered a leeluro last evening at the Clerks' union hall on tho nubject of "Capital Punishment." Those present were highly pleased with Hie lecture. |