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Show ii PROMINENT CITIZEN OF j OGDEN WEDS IN SALT LAKE j! OCJIKN". May 27. Albert G. Horn was j ,jrrifd lst ovening at tho "Wilson bolM SaU Tik? Clly. to Mrs. Lillian WM1-fon WM1-fon of Paadena. Cal. Tho' ceremony wan Ptrormrd by the Rev. 13. I. Goshen. The biMp ami groom left Immediately itir.t lie ceremony for California, on their Iwcdtllns t Judge Hnrn is ono of the most widely j known men m Utah, not only ns an at-l at-l (0nicv and politician, but as ono of the i lfHilcrs in all movements for the establlsh-itcnt establlsh-itcnt of clean, legitimate sport In Ogden. r His bride has been In Ogdcn for some tlma as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. ' 1'owc, at the Virginia, i i 1 Tho railroad section hous at Kynno ) 713 entered by thieves Thursday night nnd a Pla watch, chain and gold lodge I pin stolm N ' I Sncalt-thieves desecrated the First Pres-I Pres-I hytcrian church last night by entering tho I wtcr's studio and mealing olght dozen l ' silver spoons Tho spoons had been usod ftt at an 'c cream social last evening and i were locked up in tho Rev. Mr. Carvcis's II ftudlo for safo keeping over night. When f,t)e pastor arrived tills morning ho found jnljthe door broken in and tho silverware oe. . . . rlltvrord has been received In Ogdcn of the iTftniiath of Arthur Gray, a former Ogdenlte, fjAt his homo in Brooklyn, N. Y. The Democratic primaries arc to bo hold I Jono week from tonight for the selection of L J fifty delegates to the Stato convention. 1 o a Frod Gray and Will Smith, tho two I . r.cgro bootblacks who wore arrested some 1 Jjays ago on tho charge of having driven a horse to death, were arraigned before Judge Howell yesterday and, upon con-.1 con-.1 vlctlon. wero fined ?K0 each or 100 days I. each In jail. J. S Carver Is back from Mils eastern ' trip. - A man supposed to be Charles Judd died at the Sebrlng rooming-house, on Lincoln j avenue, about 3 o'clock this afternoon. ' The man was about CO years old and was ' i stranger In tho city. At the baggage . room a trunk was found belonging to tho ' man, and In It were several deeds and poll 1 , tax rcilpts made out In the namo of j Giarles Judd. but nono of them were of more reerrit date than 1S2C. and they wcro ! dated at .Shoshone, Ida. From these it Is taken that the man's namo 13 Judd. Dra. 1 Dixon. Coulter and Smith held a post ' mortem or. the body and gave it as their I' opinion that death was caused by neural-pia neural-pia of th'' hrart. The body was taken to Rlch's morgue. Capt. Wedgwood of battery A was up F from Silt Lake today. o i I'nitr-il States Marshal Ben Hcywood f ttas In town today. i Rud"lT'h Kuchler left tonight for Soda 'i Spring", where his sheep ranch Is located. i A committee of the Bartenders union f Tfns ar..uiirl town today and this" evening humuA f-r tho scalps of all non-union f wnrkm- Ono bartender. Walter Seellg, tmplnd at the Board of Trade, quit on ' account f the- fact that the man working I' on tlK ..ppoKite shift Is not a union man. I The Shrriff from Rawlins. Wyo.. was in town t.id.iv after the negro Jackson, who wis arr'str-d hero some days ago by Of-!' Of-!' Ilccrs Wi)s..n and Farr. 1) ' aj Coromcnrement exercises of the county mi fchonij; will hn held at the tabernacle June fr 4. County Superintendent Wilson will prc-I prc-I sent tlu d1ploma8 and Stato Superlntend-t Superlntend-t cnl Ne'.snn will deliver the address to the fi gradunti'S tj V The PIngreo Kational banli was organ-1 organ-1 Iztd here today. It is understood that ''. Joseph Plngree Is to bo at the head of , tho bank and James Plngree cashier. It Is known that M. F. and John M. Brown- ing, Joseph, Heber and Albert Scowcroft ' nnd James Mack are Interested. Tho bank is to be capitalized for $175,(00, nc-jl nc-jl cording to the application made about a ' week ago to the Comptroller of tho Cur- rency. |