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Show Wcntz's Father Opposed Marriage His Action, It Is Alleged, Caused Son to Commit Suicide in Virginia. BIGSTONE GAP, Va.. May 17. IL has developed here that Edward .L. Wentz, whose body wap found In the mountains near this place and was burled in New York oiv Saturday Satur-day lai't, committed suicide because of his love for Mis Cornelia Brookmlre, a beautiful girl whom he had known for several yeurs and to whom he willed the sum of $100,000. It is now learned that the family has feared ever since young Wentz disappeared disap-peared last October that he had committed com-mitted suicide because of the parental opposition to his marriage to Mis9 Brookmlre. In an Iron safe belonging to Edward L. Wentz and which was kept sealed until today, has- been found his last will and testament, made just befortj he started om the trip into the woods that ended In his death. This will bequeaths" to Mirs Brookmlre tho .sum of $100,000, practically his entire estate. Mies r.rookmirc is a brunette of 20, the - daughter of the late James H. Brookmlre. for,. many years, a member of the Board of Trade of St. Louis. That she and Edward Wentz were engaged was known only to the- family of Mr. Wentz. It was while visiting here at a small house party given by Mrr Daniel Dan-iel B. Wentz that she met young Ed- ; ward Wentz, who was at that time ll-ing ll-ing with his brother. Their love developed from the first time they nut, antl when Miss Brookmlre Brook-mlre left they were engaged. At the first opportunity Edwar:! Wentz introduced intro-duced his fiancee to his parents In Philadelphia, Phila-delphia, but while Miss Brookmlre was cordially received by them, Edward faiW-d utterly to shake hit' father's opposition op-position to Ms marriage. After he had built, at a cost of 510.000. the magnificent magnifi-cent home he intended for his bride and had furnished It with the costliest material ma-terial he could bring from Philadelphia, he- wa? told. It Is said, that if he married mar-ried against his father's1 will he could no longer expect to hold his position an assistant superintendent of tho Stone-Gap Stone-Gap mines. This decision, it Is believed drove him to suicide. |