Show WERE TO WED IN NEW YORK Mrs Sarah Sloan Formerly of Salt Lake to Become Bride of Wealthy and Prominent Eastern Man I Yesterday afternoon at 3 oclock Mrs u cr o o o o o o cua < o o o 9 Sarah Sloan and Dr Nelson H Henry < o 1 were to be united in marriage at thcu ° home of the bride No 20 West Eighth street New York city 0 Dr Henry belongs to one of the oldo 1 cst Knickerbocker families is a physijV clan and surgeon In high standing forjj five years past has represented the0 5 h o 4 I 1 ii I4 Tiicf jI 1i T = 5a oan I I tMIhJQ J I A IW f 1WK1h U n a 0 0 1I 1g tiI Fifth district In the New York Legislature 4s I Legisla-ture Is surgeon of the National Guard of New York and member of the Governors Gov-ernors staff bachelor marriage cerc S 7 sjmony performed by president oC Sa SiEw 2 jlem N C college where Mrs Sloan 47 > graduated S S t75 It was announced they would be at v i homo after May 23rd at No IS West Eleventh avenue New York city DrIleon HJfjZnry i Mrs Sloan left here in 1801 She has = Z T three children In school at Salom N C |