Show BRILLIANT WEDDING MISS LOUISE ODELL AND JOSEPH H RICHARDS HARRIED Ceremony Followed by Reception at the Odell Mansion They Left for California Social News The home of Mr and Mrs George T Odcll was the scene last night of one of the prettiest weddings of the season The bride was tholr daughter Florence Louise and the groom Joseph II Richards Rich-ards u son of Dr and Mrs J S Richards Rich-ards both the young people having a host of friends In this city their home The rooms had been most artIstically decorated The parlor where the cerc many was performed at 5 p in by Chief Justice James A Miner being man formed Into a bower Potted marguerites with im hitS and ferns were prettily arranged ar-ranged on the floor near the walls tar rnlnnilng al the tjust window which was backed with plants Tho curtains were hung with ferns studded with pink burls On the mantel and In hangingbaskets wore cut roses and carnations In profusion profu-sion The bride was gowned In an exquisite dross of while mousscllnc dc sole en Vnilne with trimmings of Duchess lace Her veil was of dainty tulle and fell In I graceful folds to the edge of the skirt She carried bride rosen The maid of honor was Mlis Adelaide Odtll who was gowned In pink The best man was J Fred Odd and the bride was given away by her father George T Odoll Olrccyy after the ceremony the bridal party ilud relatives enjoyed the wedding rqpast tititi from C to 10 p I m the recop lion wait held when hundreds of friends called lo wls h the bride and groom all happiness Olsons orchestra was nla Honed In the hall and throughout the I evening rendered a choice programme Mr and Airs Odcll Dr and Mrs Richards Rich-ards and the bride and groom received In the parlor and tho hours sped swiftly nn jn ihcplcasantest manner Imaginable Punch was Borvod In the hall anti doll clans refreshments In the diningroom Mr amid Mrs Richards left at 1013 p l m fo California dozens of carriages with funloving friends following their car nagc I to the station and they departed amid a Bhower of rice and old shoes i They will bo away jjomc weeks > O The Spirit of Liberty chapter Daughters Daugh-ters of the American Revolution met yoHlorday with Miss Murphy at tIme Col Ipglato Institute and eieceti officers for the ensuing year flue prbjcct was also Introduced and dlscuuyccl of erecting a drinking fountain In Liberty park Theso founiulun have been erected In many of the large cities of the country and the chanter here will If possible build onu lu Liberty park A committee consist ing of Mrs Joel Allen and Dr Bell An derson Guinmell was named to communicate communi-cate wllh Eastern firms to get plans prlcos etc Mrs C J3 Allen v an elected regent oC the chapter Mrs V V Chum holm vlcprcgcnt Miss Murphy secretary secre-tary Miss Catherlno Lowe register Dr Bello Anderson Gemmed treasurer Mrs Llzzlo Lyon and Fred Klein schmidt of Spokane were marrlrd yes terday In the city and county building v Mrs M II Ueardsley and son Frank will reach this city today from California Califor-nia where thoy havo ppont the winter After u few days visIt lucre Mrs Beards hey will leave for Europe for an IinlciInllo stay While lucre Mrs Bcardslcy will bo a guest nt tho Knutsford o o < > rime dancing Hoanon at ChrlBtenscns will close with a military ball given by company U First Infantry National Guard of Utah on Friday May 17th Thtj boys will make this the military part of the season |