Show VILL ROW OVER SILVER White Metal Promises to Give Democratic r National Convention a Whole F > r Lot of Trouble I Bryan Wants Specific Declaration on Sixteen to OneDelegates Who Desire to Carry Out His Wishes are Sure to Clash With > i Those Holding Different ViewsThree VicePresidential ial Possibilities Possi-bilities Have Arrived in Kansas City I Kansas City Mo Juno 30 There Is constant bang bang of hammer rasp mg of saws shouting of orders and rushing of feet clay and night at the big ball where the Democratic national convention Is I to bo bold As fast as one portion of the structure is finished the decorators pounce upon It and with bolts of buritlng Hags and pictures of Democratic leaders set In the national coat oC arms cover up the walls and spaces so that tho delegates who assemble as-semble on tliu Fourth will see all the colors and emblems of the national holiday hol-iday coupled with evidences of a Democratic Demo-cratic convention 1 BIG HALL NEARLY READY Fears are expressed by new arrivals regarding the possible failure to have the hall ready In time but the genuine Western push and energy characteris I I tic to Kansas City encourages the belief t be-lief that everything will be ready when Chairman Jones calls the convention to order at noon next Wednesday The decorations on the outside of the convention hall however are not yet In place save in a few instances and 1 only a building here and there is ornamented or-namented with Hags but on Monday there will be a great change in their appearance ap-pearance Tho decorations are being saved In order that they may be fresh when the delegates come FAMILIAR FACES About the hotels however there is already I al-ready briskness and moving throngs of familiar convention faces A number of the old lino Democrats who have been going to conventions for years and tho younger men who belong to the New Democracy have arrived and taken ta-ken up tho work In hand Several boomers of the VicePresidential candidates can-didates have come in and are making considerable noise Delegates arc dropping in from different dif-ferent sections and the meeting of the subcommittee on convention arrangements arrange-ments attracted quite a knot of men about tim national committee headquarters head-quarters LIKELY TO CAUSE TROUBLE As on Friday tho most Interesting a topic and that Which gives the Democrats Demo-crats here tho most concern is the I promised contest over the 16 to 1 plank of the platform The utterances of men like I National Chairman Jones William I J Stone and other Western and Southern South-ern leaders together with tho action of Western and Southern Democratic State conventions In their platforms would seem to Indicate that a simple reafflrmatlon of the Chicago platform is all that would be necessary Such actron under ordinary circumstances circum-stances would be apt to bo accepted as the probable action of the national convention but the reports from Lincoln Lin-coln indicate I that 1C tol must be specifically spe-cifically declared if the views of Mr Bryan aro to be followed There are so many delegates who desire to carryout carry-out the wishes of the coining nominee that the clash between them and those hodlng different views Is likely to be I spirited and the result somewhat doubtful doubt-ful t WILL SPLIT THE HAIR Chairman Jones said that the declaration declara-tion on silver should not vary the breadth of a hair from that marked in the Chicago platform and he thinks a reaffirmation Is sufficient The breadth oC a hair however Is still too wide for some and they favor splitting the hair especially If the Chicago platform Is to be the test Tho extreme silver men insIst In-sist that 4a realllrmatlon will be a concession con-cession Cold men and others wJio have returned to the party say such 11 concession is I sufficient So the hair that Senator Jones spoke about scorns to be wide enough to cause a lively contest con-test when the platform Is considered Thcro are some other features of the platform that may not be agreed upon at once expansion the present Chinese situation and the Cocur dAlene riots But tho differences over these can be readily adjusted as they aro either foreordained now or susceptible of manipulation ma-nipulation by the platform experts VJCEPRESIDENTIAL ASPIRANTS Three VicePresidential possibilities came In todaythe chairman of the Silver Republican committee who was named by the Populists for VicePres ident Charles A Towne Benjamin F Shlveloy exmember of Congress from Indiana and William Sulzer member of Congress from New York The latter lat-ter arrived late in the evening after spending a day or two at Lincoln whore ho had been conferring with Mr Bryan Mr Towne modestly outlined the rca HOIIS which prompted him to be a can didate Mr Shivelcy said he was not a candidate while his friends declared that he would be presented by Indiana No one is i yet ready to hazard a pre tlictlon that anyone of these men will oe I selected The arrival of these can lldatcs created talk and speculation out neither they nor any one else can now oven guess how many votes any ono of thorn will receive NOMINATING ON FOURTH There has been a renewal of the talk about nominating Mr Bryan on the Fourth of July and a night session has been suggested In order accomplish this It Is even said that he may be nominated before the platform Is adopted adopt-ed but many are doing what they can to discourage the proceeding declar lug that It will be crowding sentiment too far to depart from the regular and I orderly proceedure of the convention I BRYAN MAY ATTEND There Is still uncertainty as to whether wheth-er Mr Bryan will come to Kansas City lifter the convention makes tho nomina lion No one now here ia J authorized to tmcuk for him It has been said that the convention can conclude all Its busl neas In two days and the third day be devoted to giving a reception to 111 Bryan and listening to a speech from him This would be an attractive pro gramme especially for Kansas City as the t appearance of Mr Bryan would doubtless attract as many people as tho opening day AS TO PRESIDING OFFICERS Although the national committee has I taken no action there has been a great deal of correspondence and consulta I tlon mol1gl leaders everywhere on the 1 subject of presiding officers and the understanding is that Mayor Rose of Mlhvaukefr will be the temporary I chairman ahd James D Richardson of Jennesspo J the minority leader In the 1 Jfouso oC RepreeonUtllvcK the perma nent chairman I |