Show pioneer pay jj nt at the iha lalo lake on thursday the abo c nis at blk rock bock sod garfield will be varied and add as K they usually ore aro oo on goa days at then bicio favorite I 1 a of retort resort there sill bo be montc all 11 ll day ad ending by ilia Fir emens quad ilia bead ft children bil drens claice during be do X it ball in ID the cheu ean lag ing tub tob mcd back racing foot feet at aad swimming rating aro are on the pw pro arm gramme ine A grand display 0 of pire ure war corlia L 9 w will I 1 I 1 bo be bud bad to 10 tb be 0 1 1 0 9 from ho he top or of black rock U wk braid traid 1 will bo ruo run RI at all hour boom and nd the abo beat ol of order will lo be maint maintained |