Show attention sir hir Ki tights I 1 rutih Com no 0 1 knights lits balls a conclave cou clive this saturday joy coa gsg nt at 7 oc look loi punctual at X dicio hill all lits templar tempi ar ato ate courteously invited to attend tho the order of it II C cutill ft ill be 10 cog confor forred T r E r I 1 C vaililo coal arrivoli rosh fresh from the alio mines dally Every everybody boly inov a it to bo be the alio best beat fuel for or any use une in ia the market it tout toutains ou tiina ains 12 bior tun more cl bon lliam any other coll coil in the west ten tea dollars per ton on at ata illicit in post kofl tan W rp r miner sni aln t IT ba lias arria ed ana ami is now amly ory cry gratis by our ar to all who may call for it oar may lio lie surprised to 0 o know inow unit that tuii little well bust bec HO 80 much june a a favorite in our section ho lini into ilia larg cit afy loo bool in tile boim except alo bible Iti it ia sprinted print cil in DIAL ninny languages and seat torel through many nations as well as still to almo 41 tile elii a population ot of our own vast arvery family keep keel it for or it conus con tiuis forms lion ellich alloro all lire liable ilius I 1 to a require c 1 niton sic ti cliness kneis overtakes t them hem rud may prove anim I 1 f from ro being lit at liand la in if you I 1 alo 1 our ri tivice you oil lull call anti mit got nn an ayers arrs almanac and adl ubbo got keep keel it acknowledgment at a meeting of the wasatch j fira company hold bold oo on thursday evening the ath a vote of thanks was tendered to icsis sharp sarp A sons son bros G tl Otti ottinger oger kimball kimal lawrence G C it IL savage SATIO bryant banco co jones corwall the city bao backers kers and ell all others who deflated au at liberally libe raly for no alarm bell for the waith fire station samson bros have mate eualo to import pore part havasi I 1 havana I 1 cigars aud and tobacco direct from cuba uy by thy this means they are arc enabled a a bled to a our ur citizens ci with w ali a genuine genuine article a about which there can b ba a no DO MIS distalo mi take staLo if you love IOTO a good cigar cigar drop into their place a few boora north doii of the walker house nad ad try OBO caudle lehl Caud leM uso use the iho pea beat ind the aati j I 1 0 acye 4 matli inc mining candles they burn longer longcr than any other tho the best in unc us bro i ciol nand for artall I 1 I 1 I 1 rrok llor Is in tho the only reliable nilta blo marolo merln the united mates donal tor MT ca tar ca I 1 el ton he WM wait consulted by over lamn 18 to lo entire and wrote broto novt ovir r ili 00 oi no tivit ios iio arow and in abo ton sunday kralj scion acton months wore it ic took plad the timo time and caaso of death of the lincoln LiD coln llo he ablo put pub greeley luit jut fail all IM can now DO lie ile L by y ictor naf t 3 ith awnee now york oly city T r ins 0 i fl tull full A fi 1 I cut it ihla ibis out 43 to tile the trade wo we desira to call the attention of r clo clothiers thiers to our stock of clotil ing anil and gents furnishing good a hichi wo we aro are manufacturing our soles and nd at aio a thereby enabled crabl 1 to supply alk aers at now york N wholesale hole sale rates or abo eliout it fifteen to bivia per cent less im than any other house in the tha Tern tory ry wo we invite osera to examina eia our our goods prices L golddena aco co noi tit of fit walker house manufactory 81 leonard street new york S san I 1 francisco ranc oco market mar iet has bos opened two doors north of the ho p babit store and tv 11 receive daily irom from san francisco fresh fish of sill all kinds kidell alao fruit anil and vegetables I 1 maltese I altese invites old friends friend to 0 call and lee him libia snug smi salo Sl lonii oll aoi ile The theatre nifA alre Is encil ying the finest in tonn town n hot I 1 0 t scotch towns it jerry ith nil all the of 0 the season call on wallace fet Et inton auton churs a DONT bo be without a cord cora of nico nice kindling wood when you yoa can get it de silvered lor for 14 1 4 75 i 5 by leaving your order in the order b box 0 I 1 in the fico fleo col co ni fui isling rollin lioom fur for will rincey furnished double front room e centrally located to let ap apply V Y to james Dinwoodey Arcade chop ulusc ouse rear of mile cannons Lan nans saloon main iain street selling sallins out at cost mr theodore hollander villo in ia boudi to la remain in Irti rope will soll out lia his stock ol of watches and jewelry jott elry a nt t cost coat tor for cash also fixture for sale anle HOLLANDER ASDER 71 main st duller taylor tailor hotel no coil coat I 1 famine iiii inc tit an abrin dance of evanston coal at the wyoming yarl dow bring being sold bola a at t AR por ton deliN cred ten blocks of 0 depot city office in E Bu bubbling ibling A L MOUSE agent SPECIAL HOT KlEg wo have bavo bow IQ in store the outfit oldest kentucky t whiskies that cm cau li be procured pro curol lu lia t be united I 1 r tor OLD ii 41 now J IV ra I 1 1019 1 C alith T stud abil abam I 1 LAN 0 also a full a talf ux it or of portal to a the liquor for bate balo I 1 lov nuie on alb rat ral terms MANSFIELD ATCHISON 4 STEELL ow old I 1 arlit MIl nil onil orink anundi lag 0 9 abiu ht sart reed Actu lalu in utah for it arlet a cos vr H which wo we lavo have lu in batore ILL gl gliem bud allu wood direct 10 lo Us u thai france mahsill 4 I 1 irum rum 10 to 10 SEIS SEES arom tog NO A P HL tt I 1 MT all anil and Kiro irv and uj a 1 laru of DESES it at J H M k turo wa 1 iia belo block ce 0 OYSTERS 0 Y SIVE R S I 1 L IV I 1 BALTIMORE OYSTERS A 1 II 11 listry bistry try lr day t LL IL ORDERS allom ill 0 TON on oft Z 1 WEI a try will relve q SHIPMAN A 1 adv tits for uth P P bai ra min main I 1 awl sill jain lily teai ri ria 2 i 1 tout timi will jerry aoki and all other which lac have a ten anoy to birc I 1 the bulj body cure the afflicted and eventually hend the be sou soul to heaven can bo be had bail at aach fiur chya occidental saloon no 33 35 first youth south street a J 1 G t 11 lUlli inis to aia to their friends anil and public in general that thai at their wine and liquor store no 23 25 I 1 airet arst south street corner of i commercial they have lor for sale by 11 the gallon battle or drink wian and n 11 aliquo of tile choice it branda T lami 1 I lies supplied at reduced rates the of the human hinnan fi family mily way iu in its early stages be ill attests and permanently cured WOOD W val V oct asil 1872 12 in DR it L V ru jarr 6 SL tr for tho iho mot at 70 ir I 1 biro bato boen using T conr 0 ar golden medical Dicov cry I 1 owe my mor lifo to it having twin afflicted fur did dia riot doi use DW it but ant a short time was bone fitta cl d at that time I 1 was KU atry try had dot ablo able to sit lt up lip much was kroat rutar rut lr with LOY iny throat wu was gottlog blind had a 1 iry I 1 v cough and much la in my lang I 1 lavo l cluid of uio ilia D iscoe y A and 1 d bin AM ai 1 mot well kath T D ell A son on of mr J I 1 II 11 I 1 Mx MoL tock sock of chatham your foor cordore CorD fre X N ayi 1 1 ajr I as hwn been cured nr 14 con gumption ly by dr t roes n mairal teal DIR covarr very to 0 o laya ur mr C K R candac editor of the chatham courier S 11 eglar P of west unions union 0 0 writes to state that ir dr pierces aiden golden medical discovery discko ry lies lias a in cure of consumption in liia his new york vork hobica bouc if you want a cooj breakfast dinner or supper go to ilia new lloud mccond south street opposite the cicat western hotel A hoard board per cr beek mcc board and lodging loil incila 23 5 cents tits bodi bed 25 cents oyster dreb A have atu ir elegant parlor as aa a frat blaies orter onster loom rock 0 batera in at ie cold hinch liui cli etc soto the adl 17 first nearly oi theador The ator J it llo dealer alcrio i a produce and orain grai n TIC the finest butter and ou oil ha I 1 a choicy Ci loica sauerkraut holland herrings limberger cheepo and kus altus n un an sur fc ur doljan NEW TODAY TO DAY washington HOUSE I 1 1 I if IRD ST T SALT A LT LARF WILSON 1 1 thid noli oil house under new luto ilia olic ellent fare at ii low is 11 still in full blut 4 besot I 1 marij toil and lodging jor week t 5 i 0 fioura rd alij d per diky day I 1 0 01 day board boam or eel i 1 W hols V a VIST per win 1 sl 2 0 01 PEr night 4 of 9 oali aur air llight lii flit IOWA tun 31 ahll 11 I 1 LIN S TWE astl fill mi 1 t ANT I 1 tow 1 C a ru ill to la 8 p in copt dreuy papers p alot ai J STORE FOR RENT N tl DOOR I 1 0 walker BRO 18 a bic J south samol uso mso bix bis lined uz crt upon tile favor store loro cl lil ahll po fig fla C I 1 I 1 FOR RENT 1 JOlIS It liques hillh not ui ill it or ol ilia be pant on 04 mat I 1 tr 9 TO RENT J i N ECI I 1 11 1 l or without laird heard nearly tojo upp orita liol I 1 t ashla of tile tit a private family r fh I 1 al aar 1 rip 9 A A 4 I 1 0 0 I I 1 ii i BARKERS BANKERS C E POM POMEROY roya B mra 0 MC 0 2 ar to tap 3 cocja dealer in coin and exchange SILVER BULLION BOUGHT SILVER TRADE DOLLARS COL collections MADE MADE roil FOR L boina J on farst claib lUcs awk and bonds bond bought imil and onto ili nail rowl tickets bought lion clit and sold old railroad tickets to ta ilin 11 ral emit cabin anti steerage pt maro to chocks afu r hours finlee lii I 1 DRUG STORE A W H W a conICK iak WHITE BANKERS BACKERS east temple to epla st salt sal lake W I 1 tw lii gold oust dust coin and bullion on c all the principal cit lea la of the united staton states and europe AT CITOU to collection collect t foaad and od remitted at ai current nit moa ot at ott day of pAr GEO GEOE E attorney CORRE bank or california onist sao aill A co aos agu back ot of cal CAI sow now yolk I A chicago amai amali 1 ani bank 1 omaha my royh 4 it if MT ME MY RUSH UNK Cai kial SALT LAKE CITY UTAH n aiji M durtell Dul tell joli aoi if t cabitt attorneys 4 h NT 4 1 NEW YORK national park back don ill lawson co roston national ran thira national bank ST LOUIS LOLIS abird national bank ban amaila arasha habrnal bunk bank sk SN N IT encisco national gold litah and nd trust company Co miny LONDON malcook JaA cook McCull mccullock McCall ocl co OLT in ilia territories C j of atall montana ntina idaho arizona and nd anti and california nevada and ore von fon sud remitted by draft to any part of tho the united baates or Cat coattails cattails tails moury fur fr our credit with our or london X new york C chicago ell 0 st t louis and karl w tan 1 franciaco Fran cinco will by thu ab aliu B liall s n 1 raigh tl glit NT of s or eill bill sol of Fich nito this bank li ja ining hulling depolt aiala inn lir lar to eliaso issued by b the iho ailion bank of lon arn aon and anil other Yoro pein lanka and hearing fix par cent tha of are in ID t him ono fact faa tho money is t earning and is i still drair ablo on oa demand inquiries from corno horno or corra poud iDU as to utah milling inh ruto will vo special pil att attarin atin n N NJ ar DOZELL Dc rELL nova jj 45 president TUF r chacy cna r M THEO F TRACY CO coa j as al 11 BS W a 30 be R F 4 I 14 C Exha nuo on ole new lark korli san aran elco thi calro and 1 t recited state nol and iii ropp A general banking business transacted COliff tion promptly attended to lo and nt at current atala attorneys begnett whitney sheets ua RUT DAR 0 ral salt lake city see special y on haorld page choly I 1 ANGLO californian BANK inar rp alifornia street r louan loudye onico 3 angel court new york aglow J A W iva co 21 11 browl street j CAPITAL STOCK ILL leferve DEPOSITS ope at W counts milli coll buy and tu 1 I and bullion low money idd and ateno letterson Letter ot credit cradit lL dallo throughout tho the world ION ST billant Ii llAnT it G 01 0 33 1 illaria Maut gora ors ASSAYERS v FRANK FOOTE 1 t t MISE MINE din bom L CRYL chy oi aclo ali ta U I 1 t saz das i W bradour hlll evl SANDERS SPRAGUE LIE aa ja ak I 1 30 ED or all inako A t 4 SALT LAIO LAIC CITY 0 I 1 t W rare rully filtHy mayrl 0 put from a di ll tance mince promptly to and returns abado tile day huzl if J 11 MEADER N A Z a RZ es MW 2121 aa AIT OITT CITY J MCI ASSAY 13 AT 0 F F I 1 C I 1 MAIV MAI eiban SALI BALI LAKE allt 0 M masica fio ft a dufilo prompt jy aul eireos mada an tio bo following day rat JQ JM movie W charar JOSEPH J 0 S EP 11 G 0 R ll 11 1 3 X I 1 4 11 IL we beseem seem mineral ant our lr aim artlee l rat boutu ajio tat barka alv tair if 1 41 T BURGESS 03 CIVIL at 1 rs 1 13 L st P dejure iho file ary pap hersrud en for lia tents bioti pro iro lu in by ru riD nanal tr it haf I 1 GEORGE M BOUTELLE 1101 billil U US S juliel ol Siiri etor 1 I ol 01 fill aimar fu ilia hip building ami by tn tit a X or op to uin on to witsel I I 1 yips halt lo 10 l o puy V lf 4 I 1 I 1 hotels Ls Z it RAST EAST temp ZT ABI car II 11 r I 1 0 R PATTEN PATTE co jlii WHITE HOUSE A rotc rs Tc I 1 main timi sin ml laii k av grent f nan inet I 1 in 4 it board uil and P meal 11 n baril byl by alio llio bonto oth 71 ancill iff 04 t IKA room ID A moo lm a 1 26 4 GREAT WESTERN I 1 hajj I 1 TO ND Z SOUTH lare CITY I 1 1 I T 1 I 1 R 0 HT for 24 1 4 r I 1 esau ll 11 ma th lau ll rc le tand 1 r tati Ilo onas per dy day per week 13 ompa bait 1 ti board per week H blest i IF iter OHM s h to TI in br barber sh shop p and lo inan 1 tile aill aou 1 RUJI 1900 1 pit oka J q 4 NEW CENTRAL holas SO 10 main is f ur doo ajl 1 1104 drug droit str SALT LASE CITI cin C W V tappan OPEN ALL if KI ihl E s CALLED AT AST any 4 gorl B br fro t ot got gets L mal sc nice well fo rr SaT 1 l I 1 ima T lr fir not ra I 1 1 L room 1 1 50 aw ta choice I 1 iacch or ell reada at all tn is X room below at t sa Z ocala fa risi il 1 hekla jil GO cd cents di 1 ac MONTANA TANA holsi opp salt lake I 1 i B LEVY H AVISO ASSUMED kc I 1 ot abl 1 att kis public that this boom li is 1 i I 1 and will be 1 jupa leptin in r e s pedio wit will I 1 ho I 1 taral ra clr lakamp A rort lamutt VALLEY how hoesr SALT LARE CM mi I 1 ono block darts h 1 tho ti arted anre nr aft GB aw V tl i BEST THE MARKET afat I 1 r carl dr day card ame tvr IT cilk CHAS SQ D DAUL AUL ftp J P fo ekr it abom rf 0 ID hilss 11 1 11 2 r I 1 n ILIN STREET SALT HAIT LISI Y CLASS 11 L 4 BOOMS I 1 t r ai I 1 i i A Ramira r r w im I 1 ti so ikard wo M 1 I barber shop lud and lanna y cor if tb the 0 hotel good g rom r Fl alray ray T r 1 1 jr local jul enn I 1 I 1 i in ilce C r 12 p pw I 1 1 ARCADE CHOP HOC an OP olp HALT nii ii L 1 a alada FI F alrh I il noland moland arv ir A ranc FIE kate HT jan SK 1 JL damoe ta t ly A to bo bervol up mp to order oo on i a L baft style lit the lit OPEN DAY ANI AND XIV it everything of c the arst vj J PRICES chii aiki iw u jet noir ya iab J jve IL L 5 IF 1 I 1 1 1 hotel HOT IN 4 is L orner NIeth mind im E murceil aco ilia A p F IV r dihe ahe cuyet ti j I 1 1 TOE eni cm now filid fru large lr airy vanilla and goca C P irl jhb bablo will bo be k t Ike tOed 1 rree free comb to anil irom tu bitica CM ll 11 6 t ba EL DORADO k it war of tile TI iril at m jd ali city sw hl u tf TIIE their r ewh ar cd d tf ibs F pt 43 nil I 1 have 0 omard tho the above 0 it 0 I 1 w be ro tia will fit ilia hit h I 1 Is W nita a mirko djs if meal J 4 W mt 0 I 1 hj V teri in 0 cry style J MA ia IL r I 1 C 0 DW DLO I 1 I 1 a 8 fr 11 r I 1 asti k W 0 sa s1 3 I 1 1 11 I IT ta I 1 I 1 1 commission boll I 1 mw ire er q I 1 T aai aira 44 ii I 1 m boreale boi eale braller in wine it I 1 it I th tab brails rl terro batzli fl can izuno lies solola Sol sahi Pla i 1 j I TT IVl tog lote A IT boll 19 an 3 ia low rf to fill online thiv an nd U alati mil loa V is a fiut tam SA linol ry IV r TI idour troa from wl 7 go 0 W iwa ID iii 01 ua is 07 fruit alb FL h cr ri APT i carefully ed fr ship dt a act cclif tai ot it liv HT 10 ak rog ro tuii asje ia i R A T rt ahlm 1 ira 11 w orp 0 IA 6 i w it 1 I JOSEPH JOSEF 11 stelia bill pa k a 1 1 0 a o us as cof co Cam mc f ajai lie SALT laza CITY CIT 4 I 1 MS n W 9 it 1 ih ri j I 1 lt J h if eiliv ill lilt 06 tani arl rl I 1 izz adt milta 1 |