Show iati there is nothing so depla deplorable rable in social lire life as a a gool Igol look tin iriz man once in excellent finin financial cial condition conil ilion gettine adt ina down in the kleeli on bal seedy the vasser by at llie life coop co op cor corner nee ot of this city is n forcibly reminded as aa kc he looks up tt at that dented oloe cloel t k and aej sees it broken arol en on two tal sides and split in lie he third out iu ill the evening oia altogether lile like a will the lle now brother broller hooper lucli as we believe in you B U was more of a man than to us in darkness dar kucas and dilapidation ilease light up the X Z C 11 1 I clock i sea mile make it as aa well as ornamental I 1 I 1 louil a 11 hat ilac ikc y in this 5 celeni COU M bearor 0 are I 1 ulc 1140 ly IV ut ul ancient times by this ili ou ot of the hie pout pact of alii 0 o mero ore forcibly baruck by the ad ca wool io in the alio uart news neva of 0 win will 11 II Hoop ortho recent delegate to cun gross geasa asking the Mor 2 ulous to mend in tu to Z 0 X 1 I 1 I dried pea clies lard and tallow hooper had a I 1 big i diioia rlou lio ito became superintendent of Z U C 31 1 13 cellule bet IC at the ret request auest of ninny many who vero pro at blau lull ball licud ill t the hie on in christians eve another w nill ill bo be gin acu icu on at the lo worrow morrow cN ciu liing elling tim der the ol of the lio liu ilu gres sivo Lyco lecoum una ly by in air caa ulo bo ob of mabs ro I 1 ronk brank crocker crochier Croc lier mill lud av 11 IT s can be procured in the liall hull lir hue apple Ip lili cirild at wilu wilur r vito V C clatl lift clause ariane and mirror to u be 10 Ita filed om 3 sir f r kitchen icing being anxious to lo close 0 out ut the remains or of the fire las has decided to put up the piano piano and an 1111 or mirror 4 to bo be raffled fur for the piano i ii q a of eilau ica dij did one coating in ia the ibe stated aud adil the mirror and in 10 order t that h at way attend it has haa been deci d ad to have the raffle tale take place at the b e walker wall cr louse houie parlors where evereti if og p in connection with it mill ila conducted in in post manner tile the tick tickets alii will L be distributed around town tomorrow to lo morrow and will lie sold fur for 5 each aul and we have no doubt will til ill all lo be sul gold ia two tro or three days hero is dunce Bome boly to go I 1 a a piano lor for nothing nol liing ill 1 mr hurst fai farmerly merly for j rock restaurant ito BO un till izaakl on oil albir bluck ho lat att a low figlie I 1 abul eum on oil the dihe I 1 ill 11 alltus I 1 1 laid fol 01 houba holl hol 1 adjo I 1 all Cranfi chafi q i so no U commercial garect near birst south lie 11 ado in ever e ve r 1 I I 1 king burrer Er strip leeps out cold and winds when applied to 0 o acors and wn wadow dows ditc LI ilar r is ilia only reliable aale olo pria the united stews during dav ell cn years he bo WM WAS in 10 doerin ho he wea by over persons to their entire satisfaction and wrote over ovar na lie ho wrote and published in ill tile lira los boa too ton sunday budday herald seven acton before it 11 took place tho iho time litno and nd of ilia Pru ident lincoln lie ho abaci pub lahod tho the ot M r ir teley lut rail fill cm call by letter sty 3 sixth vonus e sow now york city cily terms Ques questions tionA 1 full niti Tily ea cat ibm out dal new fw york boac Io ac isyou want a good break brcak fast fist dibner 0 or dr 1 supper go to tho the new york how 1 second 1 south street opposite the heat western hotel hoard per nock boari and lodging buo ameal 25 cents beds 23 25 cents S maltese M 1 etc san francisco marlet lar lct has baa opened two north of the elephant Ilc store and wll wil receive daily from yan san francisco Franch co flesh fiali fi ili or of all kinds also fruit and Tege vegetables tables 31 maltese altese invites old I 1 friends to call all and 1 L mo M co o him bim selling out at tw cast mr theodore theodora hollander li ho in leads to romeu in i i leill sell out liis his stock of 0 and bory at cost cos t for cabai also fix hiras for sale bale timo tin 0 71 main if st under taa or hotel xo N 0 coill ral mille i au all abundance of evanston coal at the tha wyoming yari yard now being suld sold at M SUO W per ton delivered within ten depot city office E A L agent I 1 SPECIAL MOTTOES AVO V bavo now lu in store oldest kentucky in ak w fackles that thai cau can bo be procured la in lb I 1 be JI tta ficat of I 1 OLIA k atoll Un a fAILOR ra I 1 1411 11 it 1 an 1 also ft a full of everything per catalog to t 0 ilia liquor trudo for auto low sod on alb rill nl terms MANSFIELD a STEELL old lint kirst nationals Nallon Natio nall nl dank a 11 indu direct afentis Atto Liln in butali for tait titon d C u tt a cognac Coic unc ahlich we vo hao base lu in store in aud and wood BUlli pu direct tv tj Us un fria linnet 31 lor 1101 TAUL 11 arom I 1 10 to 30 50 III ra ni 4 arom ev to MO I 1 ft rmon PAI NIT N T ill all and ui 1 I a alif IN I 1 I 1 jani I 1 t ite luj and a 1 large ot of DESKS a t it j vs nil kovs furniture warehouse meld Oroee becka bioc OYSTERS 1 1091 lS fl BALTIMORE OYSTERS irish licay ansty t t LL Olt DEllS SEST FROM TOWN on olt 1 country cotui try will all I 1 t agents for lamb r 0 tint noi 54 mil in stevet t laie city 0 ia iad jeiz Ameri call luls has ar and is now really delivery ery gratts ba y our dill gist 4 to al nil I 1 if alto ito may call for or it our oar readers way lio be ti 0 know inow that this little il thich has lundli a filoi lift ita in our so clion litia has que tile larski lair circulation of any book lienk in tile lio boil loc except attha the bible it is 19 printe in many languages leg anil alli scattered theoa through h ganv v nation all wc N IS sup abol to to almost the entire population of our own vast dowain evera fa daily should keep it for or it contains tion firm nil all aro are liall liable corol to roi yoiiro uro iro nallon hon s ovel overtakes takes them anil nf chich way inny piove giove invaluable mal front from being at hand in season if yon tato our iuli cc you will call ana got get till an ayers almanac mil aia abon got leep keep it I 1 anin flat and jerry crry and all A other drinks chieh have a ten doncy to strengthen the body care cure the afflicted and eventually wild the ilia soul to henren can bo be lial bad at auer mur or ilya salao Sali Xin no 3 y first I 1 street 4 G 11 il lialas co to their friend q 31 an I 1 public e in general that at their wine wina anil and lique store no 25 1 arst south street corner r 0 of commercial m u othe they y have fr for tealo aila e arby ly t tho il bottle it or r drink wines m nes and ami or the alie choicest brandl Lra nl aa iii lies supplied at reduced rate raaf I 1 lat byrn A hale L no their elegant elo guit I 1 barlor ax for As 1 a I c tubs W 14 oyster room genuine AV arld K Su adlo lillo idock iii lu oscr every twylo rola etc noto nolo uto the addre addres s 17 firby bouth street neatly appo to theater 1101 idol M 1 for callula C dif vif mado ly lor for thai mailet mail et haiti buooa lumber wagon itil uio tale largist gi st and iet et stool block to bo be found in weare we itrel selling at tho acry lowest prim price lit fit the dana U im wagon da pot first yard south of the theata 0 1 I 1 bodna s saloon haloon ht loon tip opposite posic abatte alln lb alic atte Is I 1 in willi gitig the finest dri tilis in toll toon 11 dot of scotch jerry ith a au U the bibulous bibo lou lauriea luuri ea of 0 tile wason season call on 01 williece Will INal luce itce e Stan stanton tou proprietors I 1 dil bast ft bo be it houk I 1 a coid alf u aco kindling wood 3 oil cau can gt git it delivered tor for atle order in the order box in tile nymn tm va co I 1 buthe Nu lic the I 1 the pi ices paid lor for and liberal adNa adancia rices made on oil Consign consignments ments auction and returns lafile the tha rimo fame day E jacobs jacoba auctioneer aj W airi t south street ca i ini Illi mishel liugi fur for real furni furnish cd front room loom I 1 Contil tur located to ic let t aily i ily to james climp 1 roar rear of halo Lau launena nand saloom lluu street lay beald brsus di siding iglay lo a at athir mr carver cru BONY house ho io kimball mock block townsend house A rare kara t bance shares for salo in ia the co operative store at a largo discount apply at this ln office only one sharo share left house wanted A small loudd with tour four looms viLli 4 inC efto minutes wall wal of tho the post office adar A office if r cr iii prodico slid uj grain the rbt finest buttor aua coggi alwag alays on oa hand choice sauerkraut herrings limperger Liml erger cheese anil and sar lelian HOIM W lali afcan can do the bitel ablio ing in ill salt lake oily city all horses cured in ill nil all curable clr ablo cases casc of forging speedy cutting etc NEW TODAY TO DAY 7 i NEW HOUSE i jenfu si treed four lour 1 lielot I lol be ft drug SALT LAYE LASE CITY C W tappan proprietor OPEN ALL MIGHT I 1 I 1 4 leiis L CALLED AT ANY VEW k 1 macd 1111 cd N itt willa awra licud no i frol rot ro t oytt acts fiahlo ditico fee e will mil alq so could lr night filsht week ta 2 1 anil and 2 so 50 inor roon lit tl 1 30 aul I SJ 1 per r ditl lunch ready it at til hit lioun hours la in the diolun room loom llo below at i cents aull nit firlit aclus clus fattip 0 centa i ua a BASKERS BANKERS C CE 1 POMEROY B B 0 10 E aj 2 I 1 i to 1 ON yorki york sv 1 I 1 r AND EU iori gold and silver bought and S sold old SILVER BULMON BULLION BOUGHT SILVER TRADE DOLLARS collections MADE i OA MUE M UE I 1 ion OR OTHER 1 I 1 J on ico hoi and anil jond bonds boright alta nil fold fiu halll ll liMl oad bought and paid biml 1 1 I migrant railroad to the cut colln 0 mil and ati arago pros afre to carolle chack cashatt after hours hour attil wert ages and nl all drawn titles examaire l ifton if yon want hesp to tho lt if you want to lead money to the me old country i to tto ef eatto a lalond from europe all it nt at the ibo ducr lit in DRUG STORE A W 1 I I 1 ir W tl I 1 K WHITE CORNICK Br BANKERS east easl temple I 1 st salt lake city 1 gold dusti dust coin and bullion on gal all tha principal alt ler fog of oath the united and europe PA allcut A it ATT ATIt TIl to 10 1 vane ton and proceeds cremated kt elt current rates of ori on day of PAy alent GEO E WHITNEY attorney attorn ey DENT link lank of san newyork anui York iti ullam A co agat of C New york childs A prince C iwago 6 at t L louia ui anul eink dk 0 M ftc roylet M yla tf MT WE UTY RURAL capital ASoo oon SATT SALT AKE TAKE T CITY UTAH alel 1 I 11 jo jot 1 if I it orleff cashier hempstead 1 atto attorney aft con SEW NEW lork barkr rua don elf lawen A co BOSTON brict third national bank uk ST at LOUIS third national bank OMAH 1 sill Nati antl DAI etal is k rr l N N gold cia butil said dili company Con rny I 1 culloch mi A co cwi 01 in the nam C v of utah montana idaho blaho arizona aol aal tt AN and nl california niti nevada lul I 1 orean ron goo an tny liy by to an any yr art of tile unit oa battes tat tes or canali money depo atod for or out op credit willi our london now new mi orl chicag st I 1 loni 6 LO anil 1 site san I lad will lo 10 to ph paid by this bank nt at night or of transfers Trail cr or iella of exchange this bank tit jining saw lar to 0 o those by the ibo union L alon bank or of lon LOD atu end other bankland banka aad and bear bearrie rig ax per colit adte m 0 of f pro in this llna ono one fact the aucy allou A canilang inter wt iland Is li still on donland don jand from roia iwanio or Foro igil corro cornn PO ud 1 1 nt 4 A AI i to etab U t a b nt aiding ieng interests will ill r i y e s r e cl al sit attention c n t io HI 21 drella arm IL nova 12 as I 1 tit I 1 0 F TRACY C jr THEO F TRACY CO i TIM T IM TIN JE al 32 pa M DEAU II kli re IU IS 13 lal oil rw borut lork anix SH cetteo Il leago nul asid hie ali and europe Lu roc A general banking BLI business SineSS transacted At ataul cul to 0 o unit d nt lit barrent nar rent banuett whitney sheeks Sh eelis ftuer aga at ignal ml BAR w ff M ITAR salt lake city st arzi on second pasc page ly ANGLO californian BANK lanin LM LD nin ha 11 california off rr cl 1 london omen 3 audd court now lork A Agen exits jt J A IV A co a 21 broad CAPITAL STOCK 0 vy TILL ill brenac arrn I 1 collat col lut mako CoUitt iona buy bay and ud biml I 1 anil and bril billion liou iwu money slid uj lit no loroni ot of credit 1 flable out tho world aurla I 1 1 IGN it a BM irn cn 1141 aj magliere Mu Mau liere ASSAYERS FRANK FOOTE 4 I 1 bS AyEl MISE LI 1 0 be tal city utah za li 11 8 6 ast J w knolt SANDERS SPRAGUE a aa 93 I 1 W rutx 3 ao 10 I 1 wo moore boulb or of wll A coln 1 ill ny Y SALT cily will aryed halu fitall from a dipoce kro promptly nappy attended ALtea ded to 0 o SU d returns uio the aliv ful lowia spi I I 1 J B EAVER A aes 5 MM a aur aa xe 3 it BAIT A TT TA kill CITY JOSEPH GORLINSKI 4 alt I 1 L tallied lulled tinier slates mill erni an nuil d I 1 P it t y or our ulab offee ro t arat Q south call street nearly 0 1 11 II mrk ta st bt ifft t 1 tf f J ASSAY 0 ohl MAIN MAII SILT SALT LA LAII LIS CUT CITY on I ft leuico Leu oco attended to 10 sod loin ill on I 1 bo be fol fullow omir mr d 1 Ci larres lhost pate JOHN afu OR elf Aaa fer M me T BURGESS 9 I 1 I 1 ml AM efimm rf IMM tl ll 11 hlll irenr tl ile 11 r c jr poll t i erg erf alij d p hatco a te n ta u and arv P H icka coated l or beneral liu I 1 li ilg u HOTELS ni r IV lio flo lati EAST TEMPLE ST T 14 virt fr ik u t C IV T r I 1 D ft PATTEN to g pr WHITE HOUSE liaf rn ii P min street stroet ai gili L 1 c m it 1 1644 arl ite laif i ii lamm it in all posed and room ei 0 1 I hr hn 6 meal I 1 ur 61 L O 42 is r lorl by the h mouth month 1 ij 1 hingle meads in alss 1 we I 1 room 7 P 1 al ln in advance lul 0 fda mt ekl 1 ba jeaa GREAT WESTERN SECOND SOUTH STREET late LAKE city on I 1 JI j Z NN 1 I 11 1 ll II a i c it elty I 1 t t i art r t ln z y M ll ii mill ra velere ou tl g 1141 klonins PL onins per day Ito olno per we ck k I 1 bord board per week lt air jhee ma 4 I 1 hill 14 darber shop BLOT find OB abe u 11 tol tula I 1 A lit A iti ll to at nog noall 1 washington SILT LT filly itt board and ud lodging per week bt Bourda ail 11 ll day board rr per weli L ani it bil pr per week I 1 iti per might zos SL I 1 Mr int r i iii va ril r tta thirty caplett eft tern hoori woori id OXE ONE decleir MEALS St bortni MONTANA I 1 main tai andula salt like city B LLVY LEVY Pro t AVLO aswan THE IF ky w it ari to r bip of this I 1 tar beg h wl ts public W tint that this chii boa I 1 aakhas nid and will bo be kept in cr ark I 1 i in ii at ircel afred to tonyp keep A allt I 1 I 1 oc I 1 VALLEY HOUSE I 1 SALT halt LAKE catir flit one lilick cort ca rah 11 tal mil 0 its li fj 2 i rite rhe ar arh IAH cleate uj aw table appl lied q BEST THE MARKET afra board and lwi lavix nii 1110 K ir driy boarde fai amk CIUS DAIM I 1 J P SOR fee P OVERLAND HOUSE hollst i IN FT leht lnor aits cluis 8 F fillar rowne nui per to ich t i bloomi iw act ita LL 1 I 1 load awil per ir amk sl barber bhoj and nd ad lonely or arft i tho hotel goo 2 aaa rosily belic KV na IP kaija ARCADE CHOP 1 OF HALE 4 llulu street noland dinwoodey I 1 woodey pro brors rillie have jail iut ial v aple L akito ro re to bo gri up to order on oil thant elion bu batt letlo sta 10 all the chois ed i b ased kv r 0 OPEN PEN DAY AND NICK L of the BEST and IT I 1 I 1 call A 01 ol WM oua nola L ap 4 ma JASS JAS DIN DOW L MINERS RE NO all t I 1 oil it I 1 i rr er I 1 BAIL it mile I 1 proprietors mil call the i t T 1 fr do and the public t they lioy ml cupply WT ai i th ilia best fie 02 T rian 0 A a aini 1 1 W CENTRAL MOM I 1 corier malli ml Noo jonm leall ab if ae CAN CO FROM aj A at ft RI 1 1 F I 1 niu I 1 all 1 ia l ONLY birst per CLOS IL IL L lac C arn r new ac cret kg I 1 arco 5 A airy 11 bloon in au bcd i ip tei 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 to be 6 epli S att all 0 rde xa 70 at dm freo boac lito 0 o a 0 6 EL |