Show L lyceum sar 1111 ille at the re quett of wady ninny Ic roua nilso pies ezit at ilia die liall liolia toll at tile tn oil ive another I 1 ill lo be 10 given nt at the asame klace aiice ii ice to elling ol nu 1111 dr uio dio aspios us pios ot of the childrens Llull riua I 1 aru iru ira dewite alive lyceum fly ay in excle ively which eai ID bo ol of tallied if crank crocker j ju oin in K rickley ickley and IV 11 II I 1 1 le 0 he be red in lie io hall hural uril li union lii iiii all ot of the choral nunfun met el this evening ut alt st mul hirl s babool towns fur tho 1 of electing eeling oi and ami to practices ts alike agildo iller filer 4 I 1 wall ker brov lii aff 4 I 1 I 1 i I 1 iv 4 4 tai al 11 14 I 1 r ti f 0 1 phout at arut lr uT M mr r C U 1 I lyford will a chool in ill the llie ad K B church building luil on monday SIl Dilaj the ath dinst tern term to lo continuo twelve weeks tuition 1 1 r 0 6 SW e ia 11 1 hrin r i ar lif si m A ft B aisa i arfa A il 1 jat J at 1 I I 1 i A new and good thing L IV rivers hirers A 4 co kimballs Kim balls block have just jost received in an invoice of torreys torreas Tor reys celebrated weather strips applied to tr windows and aad doors they exclude the CAI completely alimo strips will L ace e applied LF f stivers co on any lo 10 loaec use in the city and till save sate liny fifty times their cost io in fuel and add per cent to your jour comfort i wroligh to alta 11 M street J E weigle and fi om the snowy legious ot of alta alia W 1 A co a agent J U weigle carried the 0 express x press on hilad abbo to tanner s V T 31 street post also carried the mail vil rn inow Thoon front that eliat point they fondl ilia iho biow along ilia road very deop deep aud holl hoft it van hard work fork lor for them to set got through still mill another knee walking job john n sud aud irk mow moore aro airo matched to run another race ou on day the all ath day of january Jj Ji auary nuary for five hun hundred arcil dollars a F side ide the race nice is ia a single willing walling jolin john to carry vi i pounds and mark IOS pout idi if old jahn dont doli t set get away anay mill diw ahli ime ahne we will lc be lally 1 nm yolk eryou wiot want a KOOI good breall Lre brea all kraNt r dinner or KO go to the alic new aorl if home ollie second south sauth opposite or tho thee dent cist western ahto haird louril lier beek t loarl I oarl and lodging CUO lucal i 25 L IC licis 25 cent cents q our aimi E b ed PA of donations to alis national Nati oDaI erasie kanj my name n is I 1 paid i A I 1 fur that object the TL il ii too loo ti flig to ni cation lad hot tile mat licau be le conveyed that tile donati om were acro ill ii luecil lul JC cil in D your lisl acre may c ollir gitnes n niso alio omitted emitted WM wit if I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 special N ottee notice to dispose ot of bleir furniture tie etc can got get tho the highest cabla price irice i by aplis ing at if ELLER co a auction fitus commission IIo second south will sell at ILE it if desire eircil il d at public auction horses mules and u aldays ou on liand hand TOM BE auctioneer salt llo lake city nov 28 1873 almori the rho only reliable as seria ger io tho united donuk tot iu ca brears liu be was a located in Bosto nho be aiu by over pur solis to entire and wrote over noties it llo lie roto rote and nj in tho the ian tou ton bloodily seven dwore it ic took place laco ilia ibo timo time death of ilia pre president eident lincoln Iio coln ila atoo ali l rub put alio llio ol 01 mr axt til call DOW DOB tc be by bettor t 12 bulb avenue nair I 1 ork city tyrnn Quest questions ious 01 1 full all 3 cut chii out ew NAl maltese tese san SAB francisco 1 market hm has allotted two doors doon north ol of the elephant store and will receive daily from sao san 1 ranc rn encisco cisco kloco frebla fisli of all kinds aloo albo fruit and vegetables maltese invites old frienda to 0 call and tec bee hini him selling arllin Sr llin out at cost sir mr theodoia Hol hollander landor inho in i in fonds to 0 o remain in E t iro p 0 u all ill R 1 11 I 1 as out t cast ids s a block ot of wo watches t li e a ami n t 1 j jewelry 1 r y at coat 1 for cash Is also lis lumores tor for bale HOLLANDER 71 maila tt bl under taylor hotel 11 I 1 arili 1 ir e Han fitl ted the highest prices amid tor for house hueil Iam iture lit at colu jo u cranos Cr anoa no 9 commercial street near birst south he trades iu in evora ever thing a kno a toil coal tit an abundance of Evan stort coal at tho the II 11 awing daiil L ald now being sold bold a at f liuo all iier tou toil ddn orcil within te tco 0 1 locks aslock ter 0 ot depot F building duquin Dui Uin A L morser agent SPECIAL MOTTOES Z L wo we bavo bate slow now in ili store lore the keo kell tucky that olon bo be procured JB in the listed bt blutt attil at ill t it ests a allt lla I 1 itow 4 v U afa to I 1 0 it L tt t t inal ant AIR ASIliA MD it 11 rull full or of cerl blus pertain pertaining BE to the trade for wits low and on an librat clr 1 Sallani il l 11 II 31 main tot reel aimoli in ili lauli lur for 11 Cal tillen dl A co 0 o tokuno wihib bleil 11 we AO ave in abere in klum rua wood direct to us 1 bauce X ironi I 1 10 to ISO 50 sitf alt 4 from to I 1 10 AIA A I 1 K 10 ft b bet LT au tiles and UtI CIREN iriti w leturc said nuj i a large 0 of t J V W JOKI ware boue selo aloit I 1 WIt bitet 1 BALTIMORE OYSTERS I 1 goolt asery day ua t JL J 1 L 1 SINT aiom I 1 TOWN TO IV N vis I 1 V 0 11 it try will rea rivis lin well lilt attention AN 1 for rUtth fi utah 1 r 0 t POT lioi CH 46 u alln KH LAW city or es I 1 4 I 1 linn out anti and jerl Y and all other brinks winch aich lave have a tendency to strengthen the iho budy body ture the afflic afflicted tod an abd send the soul to I 1 heaven Hc avci can be hall at airry y af phyla occidental no 35 I 1 iral ira youth south street J 1 G 11 iiIi allis A co a wih to inform their Iric nia and public ii illic in general that at their nine arid liquor storo store so no 23 25 fiirst south lit cornet corner of they have lar sale bale by the gallon buttle or drink wines a and a d I 1 luor of the choicest boic cst brands limi I 1 lies supplied at reduced rates to alie we nye degitis to call ilia attention 6 oi clothiers clo thierl thiers to our block ing ine fin and genii flum shing ghods INI ft lich wo we ore manufacturing mid and are arollo eby cual led to otney ani ply dealiea ri at new york IN mosaic rates or cr about 1 moen to twenty five l ivo per cent less than any ny other honjo hon jo in ilia hio territory we e inn muto ito curf I 1 kamers to examine our gools and prices prices L in to co coith of leonard conaro l street new Y yet k al r rown di ciui lit Anco lavo lava ellerica oll ericA lenir i r elegant parlor its 1 l tot first cleis cl cr room by and astle coll antich etc cie noto note ilia addred 17 mirat south lit nearly theata r livi cledt for r culon t use c made aly for this HIM macket hardwood w lumber wagon ma material mat ciul the um air IF sest acet and bot boa bo t selected stock to bo be found in iu utah wo we tire are belling at tile alio nery lowitt prices at the iain agon donot first yard south routh ot of eliol be atre batig salo tt loon oil loite I 1 licastre 9 Is if supplying the I 1 11 to town IND not scotch itch A jairy inith itla all tho the bibulous loc luiel VI u tho the seators sei tors call ou on WalL tco Stin tou iolli actors DON DO 4 r bu be INith out a cord of 0 dice lund luig i n g M henvit can act it of ilo ai littrol ad r e i lor fo r S by our oi der in the order box io in the Posto Mcc N LIN 31 I 1 C co 0 olaf notice alo lii highest elicit prices paid for fm fin nihart and audibe liberal l anajo ou Goola at auction and returns malo tho the barbio lay day E jacoba ua fin t houth 8 street cac 0 fur for tt hint finely f I 1 double doit lilo front twin centrally located to lit la apply allay to jamet cloi aluinc rear ot of hale laguana Lau uana salmoa sal iluigi M 1111 burert a nay day board pert oils tle siring day auielo ir curca a DOW house mcball Kint bAll mock townsend ud A rare karo hatie bharms bh ares lor for balo in alic cu 8 store 0 r e gt t a 1 largo ar g e co t aily i alt it ellb apply t aliis 1 li s ollie 0 0 only n 1 y 0 buo ouo e ab aar e lef kt oil w lV anted A saull loubo house ditl tour four rooms I 1 didde ille minutes walk ot of tho the plat PLA t officio address A tribune offiel II if I 1 dealer loal crin in produce and grain tb finest butter and eggs abw always ays on choice C h joicin sauerkraut hollame hollings li w berger cheese a anil sar v del dallass lass c ml horse Mn sho icing ollig V W DOWLING can jo do the sluicing blu icing in ID salt lake laic city all 1111 horses borics cured iu in alt all curable mes of forging cutting ink inter etc MARRIED TAL tair BILEX Y in this thia city january 3 by bj RL bt li it tito ol 01 the iho bride brid its otts mr frank tat to w mid laidal riley of council conned NEW TODAY TO DAY DAT I 1 A R I 1 E S D 41 V AT arst brohl or w willil it is ittis JWJ administrator administrators NOTICE P IN ASU ANLA 1011 I 1 olt SALT SA LT ulio lake cout coulty ity atah I 1 labh regular li lu alio llio or ilia ibo estado of I 1 lietard mall doce mod tin till boj lifo betin appolo stol ly by the court of aclid Coutu nihl of aid to tilita luss on olt tile day of t JP i 1071 1871 all 11 II hidola hido lW to ilia md chato tro are fied to ahlo 1 at Gral granilo lito cit M territory atud nil lit pt irbing havin osis sit tho RAW ail will ilia to the tha withie tin atom tile data barcol or they will bo be ba babrel irel JIMES of uio tile estate of It ichard dudu ilc dw cJ WALKER EAST TEMPLE ST halt LAHE CITI U T 11 D DB R PATTEN CO jan i BANKERS A I 1 7 CE C A E EI koy B B T sa S 11 1 jle 3 t to 1 I ON 3 ew york SAN 11 LN L u eur Eui orr gold and silver bought 6 and sold SILVER 13 OUGHT SILVER TRADE DOLLARS collections MADE ion IAin iLS I 1 oana IAN I 1 1 J un AA ilant rittS itolo and oil lul koufi mil jilla fjeld 1411 roid aull ua rail rua to lo II 11 jewl I 1 jil cauto and itcan to europe roo anit abeld ahalt so brust I 1 to lo the rist 1 1 l 1 f ull clatsop kawage 1 if f Tonii ton ilalio it to lo laell a tile old ein aron tu to LynlL rat L from LUIU fluture tall of at file op oller it lu I 1 DRUG STORE IV 19 CORN RK A w alter fa BACKERS A PJ kr R S cast casl pomplo st salt sall lake city PEA TIts iii 1111 dust coin and bullion exchange ra chanso on nit all llo cit tall 14 of the united states and europe alt ac when to colacc woo and 1104 p proc ro cerasa rt current rates ot of on day of 0 GEO CEO E E WHITNEY attorney correspondents hank anit of california sia ilia FrauL Frami irico geo laidlaw Lill A t co agu I 1 cuili aik of cl cal I 1 aw urk lurk bellid jl it st lour baik royh tf lt effit C ME ITY HINAL UNK l cal lal SALT LAKE CITY UTAH lse 1 if ll 11 jov lo 10 it 1 president cashier A alloner Allo nir 4 ailt F NEW 1 bonx Nati national aarl bank lan dun oth A co roston ozial of north Aull rIca chicago third national rank ST LOUIS third national bank OMAHA national N bank SN SIN gold bank and rnest company Jay haycook Cook co lit ili this k J of 0 MAI montana Slon idaho aruora noil and duj nevada baid oro ore goo COD atac aej ro b by draft to auy part parl ot a tile valued L atal bbate or canada money deposited deposit cd fur for our credit with our boudou now I 1 ork chicago st lour louis anil sun san francisco will lo be paia by ellla bank at eight vi ol telegraph a or bold of if ric hinge I 1 uku bid bank ad dipo it joi benil lix lir to leauta tov by the L asian bault bauk of lou lots doriand coq and other euro n lielia lasiloo aint Lc arin mt alio c of llis of ahro in thia hill ou buo ouo fact fitt chii lio lukuc ue 3 1 i 4 e n lu ni lintt lud ill u still draw lra ia allo 1010 ou U d e aar ut d frons from mato HUDIO or formiga 8 to utah illuming Ill luain using will receive C lic cial NJ 31 ill no 1 ja 4 tit nt t HAS I 1 thitu THEO F TRACY COAT CO au AL aj M am 17 ba X abs a ato 3 UT ila ou alv jork has ranso alco nod 1 title kllc all I 1 itell I 1 orope i A general banking busin business ess transacted 1 to lu bild at 1 tair kirmit a whitney slice sheeks ks R uga R 33 HUT REM PINK H ETAR salt C city i ty ste sit special ois oil luve sam rub I 1 ly y ANGLO ANGIO californian BANK Lull ril ai it fornia s li r doudna Louil iii office 3 augel au tl court nom w york bork ai ag mits uki J A 1 W ita nian A co cill 21 broj broad CAPITAL STOCK WILL ITS counts nulo buy ami arll all I nul I mantl in adai t ci lit A ti t 10 h u LAI tile world corli IOS tta I 1 1 0 5 eel noclla 1 33 Mas Ius sagers nr ASSAYERS 7 4 FRANK FOOTE iva t layf gayell MA Yf NINE aise city mill B V A w SANDERS SPRAGUE I 1 two lur toon 1 I or of 11 llull im IKI ire U onit ally nn SALT SAIX LAKE CITY 0 oltis 2 ill apayor nt aA il I 1 ciolk astle ajit t from ww a ua iz to u and re turio ninde tile day arzi lf if J B MEADER Mh ADER zw a ft R M ams VC BC 10 B at 2 ATT I 1 I 1 A RB KII ritt JOSEPH GORLINSKI ILI I 1 L lUll lH calel itel bi 1 ral all alli I ernly hurt 3 or ter 1 tat luti office HL H L irly arh 6 81 L Mrk lburn r J ASSAY A S 13 A y MAIR SALT SALI lass oros oro carefully alala plen cm aroa 6 promptly A tat anti dado ori abo last chames wide rota rt 7 flow adf JODI me alvo vi ci ill abet M T BURGESS 1 II 11 aimi K M rs 11 I 1 N r it at al M 11 im 1111 allt ir artur rt burp ur tile I 1 lift ey IIA ur em kud all fur air alij all iru JA azais 0 cical tn III im by irvel 0 or r dlf D 11 lf t I 1 I 1 maw HOTELS 1 whitmon WHIT ae moi i E t N I 1 I 1 As POUL lalu 11 P A NA lwon lw sn 1 S li ih t burri tj t 1 I 1 fl Q I 1 lord loard rud ml rown rom wets binl tat fur for 1 a i lford 1 tile violists vio lists it hl k I 1 airl asti 4 elurio tx lah 11 it annoni i daam 1 in cco 1 3 aw I 1 I 1 I 1 GREAT WESTERN holk hn kap 41 SECOND anft STREIT ai LAKE 1 I ally f I 1 I 1 11 n I meliv fit 1 k ll 11 art r i adz TOD ilis and lC hi zi 11 per icily jay I 1 IWO ali lar it it III I 1 ver wk ill ali 41 a 41 TI to 40 rump fily plo shop tall 11 u IV 1 I 1 11 I 1 1 dolfl tel tol iri alt nw ii A tt g 0 0 I 1 W 0 I 1 WASHING washington TON HOUR hoult sav 11 nill ITT i I 1 Boar dallA 11 baet rn 1 at ll 11 kull Il allut lUt acl lly ai aay ill ct it ladt per seek ack dedi alight I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 C I 1 fri 11 dally ua thirl capra 1 essA lo 10 lons RUN k nl 5 L 11 MONTANA 11 hoit ill aalt LAO quy B lavy ta I 1 na I 1 ik V ING by 8 1 lr l r of alln helcl I 1 1 iti to 1 I hilt lott I 1 1141 lh Hira roligh ii and nd nill dill to lo I atlo firs kilak ae iacueo will 11 M n III kitred to anti inti A ain oct I 1 VALLEY HOUSE halt FIALI LAILE ITT OD Clu block eblock cortil ehod wept a till iki IV I 1 A tiac tb flear dr al are HC auf taj W veto I 1 laed z table I 1 BEST THE MARKET MARKETA alq Rj day board ja per CHAS PAUL J P S OR I 1 TOM 11 M lim riss OVERLAND HOUI 11 it I 1 N S errit if rR it IF riT LT h Is t CLASS 1 J Geri densen haoold lenta to pr va 3 irl wt fl Q cirlor alop tad and boj ill alio a ilota good ilovic r Cju terill trat LOC kocl ia perd UMI lula fcc t ARCADE CHOP or OF HALL A I 1 lnla a kr ili 3 noland D inao W 11 L late lost t 11 alad I JL k iw im wl wi vol up to orji r ri ua on hart rw eft I 1 all the 1 OPEN DAY AND CES call kiil M m w soun noun M JAS 1111 MINERS RESTA coill to ill I 1 a tc 1 r t 9 1 P 0 al L or cr I 1 I 1 io u f 6 enok A 0 k ra 1 1 L tont call 04 tt vaz tle i T JL A ds all the bulbe to list 00 which taley will dill bumpily baujan oththo at rates C sinet IV CENTRAL hotel 1 4 haltli abill uil son t 31 E r CAM MILL L rot I 1 4 W it IN N r ITAL I TAL I 1 rah ON LY cua I 1 E dilill L tur TUK 41 i ir new brick dan 1 a large alry airy it lud til gal 4 tito timo mil be w vill IV m ulal al lordi evor I 1 d 11 1 Is il cc n coath codih tu to luil aud from ux ca EL DORADO RESTAD lt I 1 It estrol site ll 11 11 bera Ural lo lW till 11 I 1 bi arhe 11 US U dx 0 I 1 T JL t fravi ild and nil tle be tl e 11 bavol the iho bo vanual 1 1101 hero alty 11 will |