Show is J 5 GARDNER CA UPEN alf 1 N ia it AND shop rear or of wona wei farto A co Ws K aall work done wallis prompt wattle and sul FIRST NATIONAL BANK or OF UTAH I 1 bazl lerm das g ted depository ami financial affect at gent i of 0 0 A unica tin ev A hi pr I 1 ny godl agn C calr his w 0 O 0 nalini 0 I 1 wil Capit 1 J 03 so otio DIVIDE mitis ID am 1871 50 1 au cr Ol delot ato aing in U dittli to DANZING BUSINESS SS transacted agendas in colorado and montana collections ATTENDED TO Alloo allowed seAl on OB time Dp Dope dyolf olf alto a m occidental FOUNDRY and fint street san Fronc litto BOLAND IV inon IBON C or nil all descriptions at 1 kebort notice all orders punctually ex in time oo 00 ion pau paid to an t aho wind nad lc arnoff the e cl of this arnoff Foundry aro iho J he well known callahan orl orate nr bar of af arlor merit for burning screen initial Ini 1 I 1 L a falk re bars bar stratton bacil crew al 6 blace bu perlor compact and effect effective lVe I 1 hors forms powers purnia C amt I 1 DK ingot moulds arraying AARA yIng rod noil refilling I 1 retorts anil and kettles and aad a great variety oj of other nod find A profile t poland are ill the role mole 0 tr IS ot of the she INI PAX the tern having all 1 l the ibe menta to t battern Eat emit pans wre at tho the total foundry the ibo to lo pao thereof bol fur tor talLy mity in tho the tat beat style kod and at the lowest possible price rati d the brode with liberal for erection A ac all persons tire cautioned looking axce except pt 11 the authorized agents ana nd man more VIA sto founds Foun foundry dj ri 1 ker WI wad n H URI OHN 11 sm to all whom it may concern IJAMES janiec it r Me mccon CONNELL of great 19 y lucke do de hereby alvo publio notly that I 1 have noi herft orore elva aco con sod aud am aiu not bow la III my any way or manner connected or lo in lickness its in the territory of utah wilh quantin A mcconnell or tiny any other person Noco illin sald PAYS ave ray after nos acting for thor purposes IS 1 authorized wart zed or to use one ray my name in or r present me inc mi its bring la in cea rio t d ath any baslow la in wd territory I 1 bold shares or block lit la the uth mining sad and smelling smelting Sm sine king elting company limited tout but beyond th ihla ls I 1 have and have bavo b n d no 0 to fojaco 0 t kioa oudin 0 aji b with tiny anyone ca nr ip a I 1 I 1 I 1 la utah JAMIN E F pt by marshall ila rhall royle bl Alt th ahli a december ml AS iw WELLS SPICER attorney at law AND FOR UTAH salt knit lake aty attention alk allou to P minloe sulta ab trail of to min mining in 9 property and deeds Ac knowl edged albo n specialty tande diode or preparing maps aap sad reports Ilc port ofAl laing property ollre lit li block dill tr tf r PROF SHELDONS r 1 II 11 SANTO DANCING AGAMY second south street ono one door west of GENT biaso NEETS MEETS ON AND AM ladles ladies and mildren on vvan day and saturday Sa afternoons selma every saturday evening MOS tf lf WOOD WOODS we wa keep constantly on hand SEASONED CORD AND STOVE WOOD ned BED MAPLE AND cottonwood ETC ETC OR SALE BALE CHEAPER than the cb climent CliMp b nt ft F FOB and wood wom taril tard ner near U C n 6 V depot just west weft of ea q e apo alai rates to purchaser buon 0 or oti arlof carlots W acol delivered in aidy part of the city rt at short horl notice wo we will rent ft a part 9 el 91 1 ou our r oo on liberal terms NEWMAN CO oct 14 1 me box ro mail ll 11 ke city DI D 1 A im 0 N D sum S I 1 UK a KEr rIEDY Prop nril ITI onla by DR A F EVORY no 9 pot iott he A ir cal 30 cent hent by mull for 00 cents co h in for utah territory adz im hn AUCTION I 1 AUCTION I 1 thursday I 1 jan aih at 11 II FIRST DOOR KOITH OF WALKER HOUSE ILL be roll nold esith ant reachie acrie re r W 4 licay icily brussels corput corp tt 6 0 win meta alno 11 no chat wit I 1 argant lt tint 2 fine parlor heating blaar heavy cur burtaine taine 23 25 one floo cb romos 2 ana counties also badi bed bemlott bedding mattresses flae 1100 than deller di iller tables tabled etc cie JJ 5 it ifa LAuc U conr I 1 PARIS confectionery tart sl no three loore cast of A LI kinds wr of I 1 luell Is haud and A luy day a d lea ad a faeh entry WEDDING AND SOCIAL PARTIES PARTI ES SUPPLIED AT SHORT NOTICE CAKES AND PASTRY ELEGANTLY ornamented TO ORDER lait block 0 CANDY ro FOR R TU THU 11 A line BD talent t ft cukor bult ablo fur for sad now yen ALL GOODS WARRANTED I 1 I 1 I 1 dver dyers arbogast Arboga at t r orla orly A dyer WWI STOVE DEALERS tl P i M e t V I 1 I 1 h 1 10 R 1 I j 77 I 1 I 1 id al PA U 4 1 ii 1 I 1 0 P att V I 1 f r s V t r 7 7 n wok 6 ili ib I abw clocks tilli L it IF 11 la it abi mt molt P bert it hekt it 11 it lorf 1 tsi ibe jt ja a ll it at 0 to lm ely n Is friob mor ides of f brkl flaw sta b ba ln L 10 0 sold old 04 are r la in aes ae 07 uy vr every stove is Warranted BUCKS GUARANTEE ell forene fo refe nd jtb fg m t garg yf I 1 Is 01 ol cook C kt k low t obyr it 1 ft baker ll 11 ILI acael fot it li Is mad with ith our oar cadt D team box fr fir linit hah which till 11 1 lut t I lodgar wr ili abd tbd or t ef CM it will till dw drew in may nf toa gas oa kod god is bi lid ilia call cooking stove first alco e buck wright cwright 7 mf N maln mux ft so x ac u X is ro of at 11 II 11 of cookie boil od bestial stoa tt clarecie Cla crl aa 4 1 91 r i c list Is 04 34 on oa appi katim t woe k I 1 1 1 I 1 ftc 79 Z L 1 R 1 1 1 I K r 14 4 1 2 at in Z 14 a P E AK li jo Z r am s i Z af 5 7 wo u V I 1 V I 1 m 7 I 1 I 1 i diw L ARE undoubtedly THE CHEAPEST TO fists BEST TO US I 1 EASIEST TO SELL sella I 1 AND never rail to give ENTIRE satisfaction in any and aal all localities SO p 1 3 GO 0 a SOLD 1 I IN PAST THIM YEARS I 1 every e offered la is a proof that the ibo CHARTER OA OAK K Is 13 dolby snore more work doing ll it Beti betherl erL dolek it doing it il nl AL aban any ny other cooking stein model SOLD BOLD BY excelsior Eicel bg company comm SAI NT LOUIS wholesale dealers in ila nil kinds of JS tools AND BY ALL LIVE STOVE DEALERS LI LISZ KE J M ALLEN CO TAYLOR CUTLER ZIONS 0 bl L C n H BASSETT BASS M E E STA TE salt lake city ut utah novla daw E ELS I 1 A 31 I 1 I 1 11 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 1 e I 1 ii I 1 1 I 1 1 iw 1111 c q ii 0 I 1 STOVE STORE I 1 J 31 ALLEN CO wholesale and retail dealers dealer in of 0 COOKING PAll LOIC and HEATING IC E 3 W P 7 3 0 ea ft temple street salt lka lake city js tr SIMILIA HUMPHREYS AVE Pl lOVED FROM THE MOST AMPLE R an aa entire success 1 ud they are tile only adapted od 0 o popular we oo no simple that hut cuts can ot bo be made la in using no BO harmless as aj to be free arc from danger and so 0 o efficient ai ar I 1 ly b plate a rat able tacy athly have the c moo iiri from all end will ahwal a no mon cents conla I 1 ac cares areri ja 2 0 it barins worm colto colic ai 26 3 ort abin of abi ta 26 25 4 w alar of children 25 5 P Pul colio colic 26 6 it I itol wailing Voni lUu 21 7 11 25 8 taits fact bo 26 9 A 25 10 0 by Sto BlOID oh 25 11 0 farless 26 INg it it allo ties too loo i faso W 5 14 12 J 4 rom za 21 I 1 14 4 hewn lrI pal I 1 S 1 li ila cia a r 1 I I Z si 11 16 is ago 60 I 1 17 allm or ill fu is 18 flor or uk it eyes 00 29 0 50 30 20 be zi a Attili iun Brt in 60 50 21 impair jag 60 si ri 0 scrofula cirp lood wr I 1 ato 60 2 4 general yit I 1 tc be 26 aroy Diro listy 04 04 at 60 id 26 w pie hn f 60 V r kidney Alfe mimie Or sJ tu bit SS go gervous al au chlOO IOD i tiu H Mi with aws oo 00 0 13 vial of err to la sort rt on oui aji cj i 1 mw 60 ya 9 0 more kore mouth cla kor 60 30 iel 01 00 30 31 laibl sturn lai nl periods Period ss w lit temi CO 00 33 32 10 lo ai 33 at 61 vital 24 1 I nai ln ul crl M ted gore or threat 0 FAMILY radix mea of aa 33 to no 60 I arko ice vial il morocco rose for overy a a family f melr is I 1 subject to land books or direct smatter meta w ath 2 to lo S 8 lal fra arom 99 9 9 for nil all IU dis woo abom wb both om for curlo KaDd and lu visa ali and ad locket caan a to 0 o so 93 PON da EXTRACT rare cures burnis brute ll nil lase h sor burst Elp hope ar ey yea Illee dinor OF or the be Lian inanc In inc xii 0 oae o fit Mo macli acha or or of piles I 1 old floremor 6 0 aa bents nl rinty 1 1 00 ace inara isaris 1 8 I 1 7 73 a Av althe The mccal PONDS exa by coso or blumle I 1 box are re seat out to stay any purl vf of the ibe cuu ty by tariff or x arra fits of at charge chr ou on celii of u the uj pries price yd mw CO 10 and od depot vo ito broadway Broo lwy york roll OY BY ALL ill ao 40 and X Z OP 11 31 1 I s ac 1 alk 0 C 1 dy i aufai g d d qa W 1 y an LIQUOR DEALERS ETC t J to JT IT ire Ci ilter V I 1 0 t f EXTRA 11 1 i 0 4 11 11 I 1 I 1 1 cam t J I 1 11 4 EXTRA OLD bou bourff RB I 1 WHISKY WHISK 1 the ted V sales al of f 4 above brands OLD BOURBON r 1 I 1 and inda J PC 8 OLD BOURBON I 1 bags h 1 their fm fame a M bl eta go beat and only bonu n emki 0 I 1 the market T tha 11 a u n it erg 1 6 tie a I 1 a y I 1 agent for ut aih ah T or t dently eromm end t ahta it ese b ato c dl the trado trade and p public ab I 1 to 4 0 O 0 N 13 1 3 LF 8 KI belo directs fur for utah pith ae MARGETTS CELEBRATE cili iRAni I 1 I 1 A BEER BEDR and PORT FORTH E 1 I 1 in four pr or right fight gallon beator kiy y 1 I 1 christmas and new I 1 y ea i t bof 01 edlu ironsh il rot oni t hiilton opp ito prompt attention altin lira I 1 1 1201 1 scandinavian if 11 Sl rl i I 1 OF BLER OUTER I AND CIO ALWAYS ON lad I 1 r P SWA AN V A co 0 o nov khuo af ailt T nir loewi r B sao san t k tait i I 1 WHOLESALE I 1 LIQUOR HOW HOUS 1 zabriskie C are kr row now ope alti cited wines and liquor orders fd pd anil oil satisfaction GUA walia malu street lyv two door 8 SOB at wells wella riuso cos co SOLE AGENTS FOR FOB HOnS EBS STRAIGHT the finest dar bar in tho C connected with the ati Establish establishing ine ly WA ara AIM BOTTLED BEER I 1 ALE AND PORT at tho the cheapest rates rate ud and dell verial it at shortest thor notice leavo your orders lit at depot of the california BREWER second month doors I 1 L lepha tit corner torn Tr Is ohl oh 13 li l englebrecht CO and retail doa Is FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WIN LIQUORS AND cicaro south soli salt lra Lr OILY 0 vl cl woodmansee philadelphia BREWERY S SALOON ALOON 13 SOW NOW TO allt 1119 celebrated lager be FROM TN THE E ABOVE oft 1 winch Ova lerm lei in lery I 1 1 I F FOR cold oia kong anlo 41 ile aff eta ta to the phin 11 ry cry any noall 11 J Du eruik liLLIC Pro propriety I 1 L A AP P H HOTALING CO VI jackson street san ean francisco Francl tco 1412 armi PORTE 1114 of rine ivines and V 11 a bioni to th tado in boud bodil orall or uc paid J H t BONOIT FRERES ind and OTARD DUPUY cos coi 13 BANDIE om GIN JAMAICA wait BUM SHERRY and FORT WINE 4 SCOTCH IRISH and WHISKIES agents fur for iti ci rac ifill clout for tt ili celebrated J el CUT GUTTER TER old bourbon whisky I 1 1 IVALUE 19 BUOS aco fil sale filleti leti alt fur for utah I 1 A 0 ii me JOHN we FAGAN SO AM AD HOOT MAKER a bof tta chiq CORN elt ERTil 11 A IV ladles and gonverd Gon vern ns boots oil ni atilt 10 in the west tat blon pud a il sit alry 91 root t atoil 1 A |