Show RESOURCES OF UTAH statistics or OF PROGRESS FOR THE TEE YEAR 1872 N allibee hinr S REAL nral I tha fal lowing syn synophia yn oppiA of the lb total put and prout out portion idon of rest icat matlon ties baa been furm ahod by Moss mown arno dorrn A martin of 4 abin city a firm engaged in buying and adi ing real feel estat naoto on 00 notwithstanding 1 tho the greet dimand for ca capital paw to bo be rind 1141 in developing the mineral of utah ilia alio transit tra niura ro of arval c tato in IB ono one word stone la in silt salt lako lake city chy lio halo lyca beco err in ono one month done dano g the post year tho tha ine reamed value of real total unco since railroad r communications have hava into way ciny bo be it at above bota mere per rent when alun it is that but fw few mi mine aro are As tot rot dot eloped kien fly to produce an equivalent for the ibo amount expended la in linking III I 1 I 1 wis otc etc thus locking up millions of dullard dulla its rw tho ilia largo large number dumber of of real abri bold beto mado la Is remarkable during the present acar it in almost certain that many mure mom milli milk and re reduction luction borkus borka will bo be and as ail no a hao every stamm to aioo they will tie ijo productive product ne capital will naturally look for othar adu that tile of elf utah or aro 0 mile iud salt like lake cry city w ill are ro long bocobo tho the great contro batt roer tho the lively and the sierra Avy Novail adAn vit it is ia therefore not surprising that tho the talon of real aflato should have risen go 0 o rahly in so 0 o short a period at I 1 any a amount morin I 1 of money can lo bo 10 bor boned front lanka banks tuil and private inan if town tonu ham laudics rauL liLl or farming lunn lands ladda bre are tho the basis of security imd and the rate of three per cel arr month line has in boino instances been awn atud for ur wine rann ine over I 1 r alm ilm I 1 ted periods Over poa 0 a such an anro r 0 of in an h aa lako cot county during ito year 1172 iti clenca hun drill and for iye tv cian tn illation total va of real cola to in 1 the le MOIO coll collnie nir fl lar ar terri 1 ennid 1 mi Auditori last report tot I 1 of ft na ty ly in I 1 be w I 1 into terri cory fro ironi to tholo Auth anthonty aullion onty ty tranger of nf ining property properly wind mid 9 peir or of Atlo roey y alto A e infill 1 nold ar ae m c gift M A notaries Not aries nib lic and C s WM to A 4 gould A 14 bon ilia oluric arm in ilia timoor Ti mior llao halo iio clio number of at clair unar of fico front rom 21 1870 to january 1 0 ami s 10 taint of confide fit tion t in coeds 2270 MO bowra of attorney 53 1 am ew ever building anti no ietter credence cri dence of confidence in fits alie colura of utah can to adduced than tho the nu ba marons morons both ofa of public publio an anil civite character ahiah have haro boon erect doing donn the abo put a 1 year the irant of euit ablo commercial a accommodations for the ibo vast tut aluz of visitors permanent remi re RideaU denu anil da at pm in bich to transact the rapidly of tho the tuii caused halt we city to bo be perfectly metamorphosed in ia iu ito ag tho the mout moot prominent additions to lo the abo architecture of the city may bo be named ilia alio 1111 alker ilonie built abo mcd by walker broa a four story brick witting building a try acry ing at r t 1 on tho the 01 bido of 01 jda main i n strook between and third booth td it hu has a frontage of eighty two feet with a depth of ono one hundred said twenty amt it contains contain il ono hundred and two 0 rooms room and is fit up dp with ich all 11 the iho and private gal as wor works a light tho 0 to is imon aid an alth rooms mth mill hot and cold watce are on me octy I 1 y floor tho the furm furniture turo md and fittings u oil I 1 are of the dow est and moot t atlo tt le s and an an ana compito conj paro isla ably iila t abo be adest hotels east cart or west the ibo cot cost of the iho badding alone was IM it cinn B co ca aro am the rhe first national drink or of utah hil main st it and nearly to walker dro bros store this build ilig ii u not yet complete com ind and will not bo be ready tor for occupation tion until tho ilia opong it hu beis a frontage froot ago of SJ feet and runs roni lck back foot foci is 11 lour four stories baigh with a mansard roof the and first story tro are built of stone uil and the u upper ones onca of brick anck md and it had a hudso me iron front IN bon cent complot elated bl it will bo L a the building boil in I 1 alio a city IU its out cost bol bo tS OOOO mr warren hussey president of tho the bank is dole bob hiving erected tho the me tor for a for investment the clift lilt uon also alao for ft a houi hotel Is on main street at the corner of third south street the basement li Is built of rock slid tho the upper stones of brick it is four high of a maneard roof the dimensions aro are 12 42 foot front with ft a depth of feet making act cac not frontage fron tao of feet the tha building will be completed tor for occa polity in march next end cost coat when about including lind place Is i a row com comprising priding six alx substantial brick hoang two stones high with i a mansard roof there tro are cigut la each house the iho row is ii fact in and nd 11 44 feet deep so tha mch teach house in ia ml III by 11 41 abo awl iru about 4 30 00 abe clarendon house I 1 also al the th property of mr cliff im has been remodeled model Ll u it ft house boum at an entity of about boix iO iX it is savi on main street a few door doon north of the cliff house homo the tb great gateris hotel on second routh street it at tho the corner of farat last cut street liu hu bid bad laio lai 0 o additions mado made to it and been both internally nud and alio cost 0 lim r ci cicca coa loubo lOU this ilota is 0 by mr cutt cliff ht hi marjii arki episcopal thil I 1 11 in ezba very namo gritl lC edico l on ell youth lit I 1 IK cloud cc oud ginia aad 1 I erd east eart street tree III the building lo li of stone fluno anti tho the internal fittings sire iry cabuto aud anil a I 1 iho he coet bet was w about mal lit icv D b TOW 0 el 1 D rector itcy llcy it if X birky As distant reefer hector st I 1 ll arka school lloyc connected with tho the of if mamo matew in ig adargo largo anti framo building of nua to domian and admirably adopted adapted for the ibo Kii IU its bra aro about ID ft by fat and two stones high it is u fattal ith otry ory anti and re for ilia comfort cleah lineve to and work A ork or of the abu school the cod tAd about ile location is 14 OIL first south mouth tho ilia city ull hall tho them I 1 IV principal wid 1111 wim mini J it II yen van ili li uilke lico iati tho total another of pupils laak and fe fe made is zion o in inell 11 littlest additions mr aff william awner of the pro property porty perty noon occupied died by thy fill abu va bas just juitt lete a matil mammoth moth addition adit idon three estrica bibb and fitt front b VIC W colp rho building fit bt tiry in oil all IN ilc suit aud li is for tile vilior alo fl it tnt and counting countin bel hoibo accod zack isme cioll 1 1 I lio ho building u 6 vt of 1 ell 6 and 1 1 11 no haiir 1 11 1 ur livo bin apai i I 1 in I 1 if t an rog tile tint coat iii fit in tile IM of tamo ah W it to situated oil 1 arst ionly otomi and ful ad avins ilia retail which is ii on oil the curier of lif ilia doing aint aud maui baui tf trott i A t tarve ta atory bi ick building bail ding op polte poetic tho the clift lift holton the dimensions ar aro a ti 4 by 7 as 4 fut ec the bi 1 I a A n 0 mca tr ruji nin bioff 1 bo w bo lo 10 g lh A I 1 bjoro no bot yc yet mccu up ou t alio h g ground a 0 floor r in and ad r un ill abo klond ad floor and ad a IT largo it ball I 1 I 1 alt I 1 y I 1 lund d for a ituala ler rink font 1 I 1 ortho bl building illing ia m F frank k pu proprietor koplo r grotbeck block A bandsma SOMO story block aock built 0 of f lilily aboto tho ilia bach is box 80 x 80 leol the loiter fohr floora are to of which there aro are foar and tho the upper floora we ire arc usra am vram bouws aud and otherwise cb t about boua gua building Bail ding 16 I 1 situated ui in ilia middle of tho the block on laan L aulion lot south and aj streets it is a well built brick buil building three stones high of if 23 foot and ou OLI abo floor 14 ulu jiu boico of the abo wt lako Nn Kat loual et iiams ilia ibo attend floor door li i routed lor for law toil and othar and ilia ali third floor is 0 by tile lose u to frat at tho the book back of flat building la is a largo billiard liall fail ila oct ft dap 6 it 11 it la is ono ol of ibo I 1 AD Ps I 1 billial brounn OU 1218 west a of f alo rock I 1 mcente ns 1 it in fisli lighted ell A it I 1 tra lim made mado on thu the I 1 Iru ru aLu intes charles trow cletur letur I 1 ilia ibo building costa chit K 0 ocr or X fUlly finished t building Liu liling clio HO sto rile and nl basement baso ment situated t on maln tile t dodrv from ilia first Nativa cd ilund nw new bu bullying bull illing ling the Is a restaurant the ilia first door is ij occupied byis iy ay eforo ty by ar ir art nig itter the and tho ilia upper flor door as law lav airs tn cices rot iho building east about IJ uell AW 11 h bac te A laa 0 book it a Io bostory story bault building about four doors mouth of a building it I 1 is now in coenia of if and mill hill 1 in renda for ml cot ly in tho s I rit 14 11 M lieu b on tile cost niu it be about r ufa coq ITO TO rr BE co |