Show I 1 BY V W V U telegraph emigration ESI lUnATION washington athe german am bs basto bador dor ador Schlott cr writes to secretary fish iu in relation to the emigration em ration of germans to this country acro was mi A timo time when the population of germany had bad attained such loch proportions dumert cally call thil that the government found itself obliged to favor emigration 10 in every wy it was u ordered at t that tbt time lime that emigrants should receive railway tru tran 2 por port tation atio it att t lower rates abao 0 her hei travelers two great ware hive have mean while lad had their unavoidable upon tho the or germany and col coi which de deprives Trives a country of its in laboring labori ox force fl orce aad an the army of its nia ma aerials cao can no DO longer lodger appear and can therefore DO loober bo encouraged as it formerly wai cy by tho government thero there is ir hoKe however vcr I 1 I 1 think an evidence evid enco eneo of difference act between cen tuc the continuance ti nuance e of 1 a I on of emigration and a direct prohibition I 1 or prevention of the tame fame 1 |