Show representatives OF THE PEOPLE oar binl it leali who by the way ii orto of at our liberal conservative orv 0 md nan malea ui ill laub to lo affirm that tho president should appoint a governor for utah in harmony with the whole awe tf or anil and not a roan man whom nine or our citizens way may lonk upon ai dimir enemy this is r a uli ve lve said aid is the beat method to effect a thorough republican rule in utah will L li I 1 fur for pres pre ideal grant to appoint a governor from the th old settlers settler lul ll otic me it ht amoy wl purposes of he i tra tion km we maintain that abil is ill the e proper policy the only rule which abound bo be I 1 adopted in guy oy cue case is n to gir birc e to to a ico plo pl the icet people the t berj 1 best representatives presenta tives that can li found for far them to attempt the cure of alku ainuu W american regime by un amerina american means to ignore the rights of ofila elie people arid anto to violate the ille representative i principle would be no only al abominable P in policy jacy hot but would bo be abor abortive tivit and aid would woud cow cover any nitration irace grace tho the only wy dav to cure the defils e of tied and to lo disintegrate jhc thc power which wi was once absolute in utah is ii to 0 o apply and to travel into legitimate paths preserving tho the tentative rights righta of 01 the people which furm the very basis of allour all our nati n ortal it would tit be to our to de e tray furj the c conly af pf representation and subvert the inalienable rights ofa kofl iho the cis cao ci s or of utah auli affords afford s no do just reason fr doTia ting from this prin arm capla it if the republic Rip ablio cinalt grapple wilh her states aud comi bently with the gerlai of ins lilu lioa thou than is idour our government a fili fi ilare fure but bat she can do this and make herself every ease cise not excepting that ol 01 uth utah anil and the more ij i cin can fe beo affirmed that the ichele people is i t represented the mori more thu this will be illustrate I 1 we declara de clarc boldy and if it will be found cunil true that even theocracy cicini CM be overwhelmed by a republican cp amican rule rait and aad it is ii ugh high time that it I 1 be 4 applied app liei it is H the he fact iii ia tho the history of thu this I 1 territory that our federal fader officials off icil have not dot been esteemed as aa ill popl P ei c and out co arda lant thinks they ought not to K e we ve differ from hira and repeat that it is ia the policy of the general hoenl government to remedy the th palt pat treatment by the ao clention clec tion and appoint went of men team from among ourselves whose past record ii a guarantee thit they would rini aim for republican rulilo the ibe temporal rulo bf the mormon church tod yet ret who could justly be regarded as ag tc best frenda of the people surely this is sound and dettling lett ling lovi aids brigham young for governor it is not hot true tb thai NJ mr would be iti ia harmony harai ony wit with h I 1 the b a whole people jbf df utah bali the present time Livai 49 however irever much that might dicave bavo I 1 been the csc casto in pall there are ten C gentiles ven tiles in the territory today soother mother ten tea tha thoan van I 1 of out cormons mormons who bios re ial liana la harmo harmony ny wit h him aej whom ho he would not dot r c present I 1 as or of utah ind indeed eed mr wallter Walker would better represent the um ile of in ia tho the faturos under the fast changing circumstances jhb would brigham young for fai utah uta is i traT traveling eling rapidly howarda abo b plate sad ill republican rule and away fruik the church its temporal sway gway |