Show FIRST NATIONAL BANK or OF U UTAH T A tea TAW ma MIR ozar dest depas depository atory and financil agent of the lae united stala slates warren hussey rrt prost an tholly 0 1 authorized pallid up capital 1 DIVI DENT IN 1671 BO 50 VEIL ien CT oldest banking institution io in etab GENERAL transacted I 1 agencies in colorado and ana montana collections COLLECTION II ATTENDED I 1 TO 0 interact times tim deposits m KA affail affil IW 46 so 9 loans negotiated on real estate attention paid to buying and selling REAL ESTATE AND MINES STOKES R IES TO LIET IET I ET ja HOUSES FOB SALE n HOUSES FOU fon nent HENT I 1 TRUE BURNS MARTIN real beal estate and mining agents agent 0 go 09 KIMBAU BLOCK I 1 I 1 salt inke ally fly gutish cioll J D LAMB CO coa X X n T TT 13 T C 93 T M 0 removed to lol lolo no o MJ 82 main st kt have a and d have opened a line HD und tied well ae eted binock node of drugs chemicals and fancy goods arc Arris rage ly compounded chui coui udel all tf lf nobe N E y i 0 SQ I 1 I 1 W V I 1 exa RA f D 0 TIWA I 1 f il tj C q 0 ai I 1 vel 1 I 0 0 I 1 AGENTS FOR FOK UTAH TERRITORY for the MILL MILLERS E it I 1 S E EXTRA X T R A AND J F CUTTERS OLD BOURBON fale in ID a importers of wines I 1 1 alea ale as cigars tobacco ac ao two doors vrest of r ale 1 I orders train tin 04 promptly hilll BUSINESS CARDS POOR POOP MANS FRIEND STORE 0 alil for a mil loor t ilar f v kni il 1 lr CASH inc menn dom CT t ell I 1 in is n d for a nil I 1 u ds of wearing appan 1 I at 1 jewelry clot his III I 1 Is a aad diamonds atia liy by A r C BER bereault oc oela huo 32 st north onic JOHN W FAGAN A AN AM 1 0 SHOE HAi irn MAIN r ladles and lur and ud phoeb mude in tho ilia latest clanton and A fit di gai strail toed IMI HU H U 11 11 ar ab IT p 11 11 TF flate of fa fin in 41 A litoni litt ni opposed A n new stake aloo op all 1 I commin last flable I 1 PT lareu 1 red to lo wait upon customers for arst claims D boo it choc A sool good tit guaranteed 0 or on palm llo am bool and no 60 FIRST SOUTH STREET theco doors treat or kimball Klinl jall A t ril fit 0 with and ilia patch all sm H JAMESON jil ERCHA it throe three doors south of white louse I 1 received 8 fine of clotild and vat luy to mink up to or der on tho the shortest notice A perfect and nt lit guaranteed clothing cleaned cle aneil and repaired in tho the befit manner and upon reasonable terms arnis agon for Olon cro fashions nov dov L tf f PERSONAL lil mrs blin erst slid and sri mianne I 1 ran mot I 1 t a T of raines and ledges treat coples of rock na IM to quantity iuan Uty and quality or of ores depth of ledges OM bho can bo be co suite t tier rooue opposite the great N 0 hotel F rali teed anso ly I 1 a C clan ajohnson heals bf by magnello louch Is bit nervous and add chronley d I 1 boses 10 lo 0 cr tic bes friends hi fit any aay distance dl stanco and r their minds alves advice in love and bu buell 1 I 1 acs t 11 11 11 n 0 fri cushi etc feo fees 0 11 12 alm audies it L ts hii Cp posits great western hotel nal n ly CATARRH van arite 14 I 1 ma more loot 6 than buil Ca catarrh CatA tarTh irh many is vilio bo P l clod with it alln in lui ILA stages donot do not know it and phoso with whom tho the disease ima hu become nea having spent largo large sums bums of money with doctors doctor si anti varlonus vari oai remedies have given up till alt hopes of it c cured the only auto care ever descove 1 a dr evory s DIan diamond catarrh berned remedy ye who have tried it gar that chat it LB Is wonderful how quick it completes a curo cure iliad hundreds have called upon t atie lie doctor to congratulate him upon the discovery of remedy A P F co sole proprietors no 20 7 post poat kl W godbe jt io coa hole agent to for tinb tab territory j jaa 0 jol jm PUBLIC READING ROOM AND free circulating Lib library AT A T the lie library Awaa clation bloom 0 o U over baak afi open e very every week weck lay day from torn 0 6 to 10 20 it in fand id day front from I 1 to a 6 p do all at aro ws welcome m invited ln I tf MATilE HE ORE bior or smelting smelling Sm elting furnaces r ade advirn bit co ln F ap I 1 THE T pointed i h ho BULB Irn C A 0 a N tast a V 0 O for 0 abo a celebrated arba alfild r I 1 t 1 aron n oro by Furn ea ar A 0 a flux A are no now pr to ibo almo ns ou 6 r 0 dollci O call on or address GOUDON OL half beolk south of rall railroad road depo sail lake city JA tf if PARIS to confectionery first south st ihrke clog elfort cost coat of 0 1 LL kinds of Fr treacle eacle la nu it 1 I 1 candies Canil lc araudo fresh eno cery r y day AND SOCIAL PASTIES SUPPLIED AT SHORT natice CARES CAKES AND PASTRY ELEGANTLY ornamented TO large block ot of CANDY FOR THE HOLIDAYS A line or of cakes hul table for mud aud new years ALL GOODS WARRANTED fuite dyer arbogast Arlio gast formerly beed gk 1 I iyar gj ami a w 11 ll 1 GENUINE ENGLISH ALEI ALE AND A T aw W X IUD M hiir if SCOTT DUNHAM CO iron steel fittings fillings iron iron pipe and fine girat B ral 14 N SIC I 1 MINERS TOOT boott carpenters TOOLS I 1 I 1 aare Hard hardacre agre Jisi rdward Mir dware I 1 afa w w 6 r HARDWARE lard warK hardware R OPE FAIRBANKS scales BLOWERS FIRE SAFES BOOKER PUMPS row POWDER etch AMBION AMMONIA TACAL CAI tar tile need re set nl or of pallor sit selle If tion incise red by t 10 1 0 miles ani 4 an 1 ATTENTION A NO I 1 nile initia III w SCOTT COTT DUMIAN fc COMPANY AGENTS GOLDEN CITY FIRE BRICK I 1 which bro are rhonl not ir if not superior to lo lite hot beat will sell mill sit 1 l tile lonill marlita prim price special ayea by the car loal loa L na I 1 f s HOTELS BOARDING HOUSES WALKER H ON S be EAST 17 SALT LAKE CITY UTAH I 1 13 TUB THE AS AN T THUS it bent m tum 0 ted louse in territory till mid I 1 b ino dation tor for three hundred hundred and A hercel earn cure mid and conn t th the ibo white liatha containing from all dl 0 1 JA I 1 h br aard Tole news W md and E 1 9 al tak balad a i tacho to t iho grahl 0 cupo H 8 GREELEY CO a tr proprietor cosmopolitan HOTELS HOTEL MAIN SALT LAKE CITY hotel Is 1 on oil 1160 ali mm J liln an boist been or add guests opposite Ur n lial alan kor house 0 tf A LEVY proprietor washington HOUSE third morigh st cant rn of lf inlall 3 MA CK ca amro a board aal rr jeer brok 6 board unit lodgings leer tony iny ly board T k 4 singie french Iren cli sitting beds tier atti a elci per ir SO 30 5 i 03 25 olf dair tr white house rel EL fOniE ClI JL j close main tt salt IALO city utah la Is ITO bod and well bloms and all the delicacies ol of the iho season kuon A ROOM por r day to per week az tytha the stages lum leave tho the hotel eve pvn me fining for orall all the iho mining camps cairl cm irl and the train esst tt lt GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ON T TIB EUROPEAN VAN FLAN fit CLASS for or banit UMI a nad A d travelers baom leasef foll soe 1 I 1 also pr per ly day dining H RAN ind and restaurant Il under ithe mon man of M EL lite lato of the tb mor bloj BOUB will kad nor house houdei llano i a neb niek OMNIBUS TO THE 1110 TEX eor board per for week ST 7 ael soe ry Mana manacled cled with the hotel SMITH A RIGA aad sm proprietors VALLEY HOUSE city on ODO alck ct drib id ard west of the tha pott post offelo the ati red roame are re clean and wll hnud Tn Ud t libl with she BEST THE MARKET AFFORD board bobal aid d ff to 0 o FIO per week norl and I 1 tl ua M to V 3 pr per day dy day bairdi ia por par week CIUS CHAS DAM J P lelanda 9 yew NEW HOTEL i sturtevant sturtevant HOUSE it D R 0 A 1 IV A Y 2 twain salti uil anit alb str PL N I 1 american plant plan per day I 1 1 AND G MO axi tm 81 11 ayr HOUSE co cursor haili locast street TOOELE ample ass an for Fam farlies lies ie B P WA X mr slur B ft AT A greatly 11 ailts AT commercial LODGING ROOMS 43 S commercial COMMEnd AI r AXtT EI 93 X TA FI 33 CT V cleats raring harln arl 23 to SO 50 cents per night to lo joo per week CALL AND clr US tf if MARGETTS SALOON OPPOSITE 1711 FATER holl of call lor for oll nil TIT A vi lio he enjoy a 0 ur rl ahm lui l ui of BEER ALE OR PORTER AT MODERATE PRICE OF 10 CENIS lilt 11 r jl 1 lot hn 11 proprietor AUCTION I 1 0 AUCTION T b f didat Prope Pro irly ordy will be alj al Atit aultmon AULt lon tion lit to re bt at allo ohla of the th kal 14 0 e gel ludan agency Alf nry danl 1 deiv coiner uc of isal nol ana third Januar yi bl at 11 10 ol hollox luct lox A M I 1 spass valuable t I 1 ABbu se balance linc ir 10 1 I 1 H HTA A 1 1 ince DIMS emki I 1 bince T bli it 1 alc 8 neof 1 ov 0 1 it tacui am i steve a 8 folce S this sale lakes lake place bac to lo clono up tile or of thou 4 SM this si which bit br been felcon if a ned U ea W DOD 0 E V U ff V N I 1 icil test A ae c 1 Luke cly jon 17 itic J in nale nl I 1 LIQUOR DEALERS I 1 T 14 Cutter Itter fl Z 11 0 I 1 0 EXTRA I 1 1 4 I 1 4 4 0 1 1 EXTRA OLD belll OUR WHISKY T the sat alc above s 4 ii brands branda MILLERS a E el OLD a aahl J r OLD h their fame as be balt best beat and only Ce cerineo tho the market the neon ts for utah territory bontly recommend these bra the trade and public 13 N E P solo role ascott ascots fw for uta atit rt It DUDLEY mm CONCERT aa H HJ Woodman ballal EAST T fr IF jal licer I 1 i co chat 11 0 follows n my y e t ties 14 son engst tj ople aj an and 4 it nightly it y lint until I 1 I 1 farther doll nolace CO 40 hlll 9 11 1 lindin ila ain MONDAYS MONDAY JANUARY ml kiss the ing 1 ng prime deana and character r I 1 11 I 1 C M 1 FITT N E the her t ing anil and st II it it iffat conceded the finest baritone borl lonc volet voice on UK const aib Tilo js ta ti ne the ill alon ia a clog li liander ancer I 1 ian ito luNNY in his A in jig 4 IT 11 III miars iett 14 JA or 0 and AN 10 1 LAST elx BUT vot not 1 iku I 1 ain ft DICK tile niba of doors open tit bl e p in certor nice fit 7 a 0 clolk TV of I 1 tl at abrou 4 of an are ter raiq u apply to 10 LACK 1 I a lau if scandinavian SALI it 11 commercial street i I 1 DEST OF ALY ALE rOWl llAND all ALWAYS WAYS OS ON HAND 11 s IV IL N co C 0 0 nov abio M T PC R 13 1 A ian salt I 1 ill I 1 WHOLESALE F I 1 LIQUOR 1 HOU u zabriskie wit now noir wines and liquia orders solicited wid K satisfaction GUARAN main streets two doors door sc c 11 wells rodirgo st COL co SOLZ BOLE AGEN 1 8 FOR re STRAIGHT WH W the fine finest st bar in thi the connected a with ill tho the it r ye nis myo 1 lt 17 WAGENER waa BOTTLED BEER ALE AND PORI at the choa s mil and delit I 1 gotico litto year oroon depot of the california CALIFORNI BREWI second south street gram vorder ja 11 7 englebrecht ECHT CO null i aind ANO AND AND cicaro south street silt salt lk city 1 A P HOT AILING ac sat ai jackson street sall ban or fine it nisim nii gilts iM and 1 astry to the trade in IB bond 0 1 11 oia it J H U MARTELLE BONOIT FEEKE and OTARD DUPUY cot cos HOLLAND GIN JAMAICA kua and FORT wa SCOTCH IRISH and V whiskies Pla Sulva icila for ilia nellic at 10 celebrated J he CUTTER old Hour boll D whist T his i ble broat 0 K aa 1 vwe P P 91 ti l |