Show also hole I 1 alil hal 6 tiny il abtil ATTEND at 11 AM at 1 I the new auction house home wool of 0 kimball d it lawrunce jAw I 1 urn furniture iture 1410 ca blat flowing lues gilel gry Is tit Alar blar A aam tc lault F 1 alir CATARRH vent jv 14 no ita dise illi cose as 0 prel lant than iban aad many who anro 0 will walli it 11 in its first stages do not 1 khov DOW it lland god ilio alno 1 ilia nhom vs from the digalo has become having spent largo going with doctora doctor nad ad arlous remo boino alca apall up all tho the only anly onto ro cura buru ever discovered it ati dr diamond catarrh remedy those theao who lime tried it say any that it la is wonderful low quick it completes a cale and hundreds linao culled upon the doctor to him upon tile tho discovery or of falco 50 cent A F co solo no 7 ilot ilo t S J I 1 cal i oll da A co hole olo agell for cah gifol territory majum FIRST NATIONAL BANK or OF UTAH AU tfX AXX jV 4 ll 11 me A N X atz xa COX ir twy 1 ain I zt f A I 1 iian n cid cal lg of k i aru I 1 I 1 wells jiin hot ft t beall r cuhl 0 I 1 aclid ti iril tru oooo iiii ri ii 1111 CA ri ii is oooo eats it lital far I 1 A it lila I 1 t I 1 li taji 00 50 I feket r institution in uta alb 43 GENE MICAL KAl BANKING BUSINESS TRA I 1 agencies Aeo acles in colorado and montana 41 collections PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO IQ allowed a on time Depo vital ell bl NEW TODAY TO DAY SELLING A AT air COST t 0 J ji 11 g g I 1 e i arg 11 4 1 A I 1 V k I 1 k ra jt I 1 MAI 5 P kf 1 11 I 1 I 1 L s 4 ill 11 I 1 I 1 I 1 4 9 nim 1 W s I 1 SEN in K slow now selling M MILS I 1 nl al coat amt ja in order to make fur for sprint goods I 1 tito ali extein Ive stock of fmc IL A abrl R aan AS SL nil children underclothing kid gloves point lace collars I 1 IA ls KIMS tn IM I 1 i isonoe call land inspect li our briot a clettar clett here lr I 1 11 ains ha C juzi tf lf lot black 1 II I 1 BUSINESS CARDS POOR MAN MAHS FRIEND STORE 0 CASH CA SIX 1 nid tor for L Cilen hotl tle anions cad cotton oil and for all la anda ot of vi also blua blau KoU toba Jew jewelry olry cloth lin oil 6 and alai by A C it annar D I 1 oil 02 3 main blain sti st north arrest omee I 1 17 JOH NW N W FAGAN 0 H nour 0 OV ann AD A nn NI A it FR 4 VOR m JI IN STREIT T and nil boats end oboes bioc hod and a nt JH cuaran tran guitian gui awl 11 clr 11 HB ar IT 0 L ill H liate HAI of Fa feln tillit A if alvinj sving 01 On WOnell fl A any PW store ml site bial in clial fcc par 1 to I 1 alt upon cuRto nun for firt claim biou ta nud bud bbosco A good tit nt gun vs jr d or on Is damm t I 1 1 J noog and I 1 10 1 0 60 SOUTH STREET theca loosli west of 0 J 11 0 done with neatress anil and ill 1 pat p ell JH giu H JAMESON JAMESOM TAILOR doors bouth of clite 11 iles J j received a fine nd of cl othar and year ijac to ma jouko IL on un P to 0 or r der berou on I 1 tho he li ortt cid notice t A antl fir fit clothing cleaned final and acin repaired birard in the best manner find and reasonable terms agent fur for Cilen cross aa 0 otle rial E MRS fl A MAC lini slog atilid M 0 olt a her entire late reat in the ahw board house homo next door to tire city hll hall hero ar her to tile it I 1 a for or P roil conage sod boli clia at I 1 tho hi n d of 1 1 at 01 tile saime to lice successor JOB iq A I 1 I 1 jaza liv MARY MAHY MAC I 1 butr ou tr A opened tire ilia joll fir formerly morly occupied by airs il aj tabt t beas leave to the public that ht no will bo be parol to make this ibis holdso I 1 farst CLASS cias in nil all its oriental tito table radio will be supplied with nil all the delicacies tile market affords jail it 21 JOHN A wc sir II pria lr konce 1 tf I ill tha guj grist MIJI ml AN IXU ING line lh abate conill 11 HA fornica forni ct owned ou nod by arif harti and ivin billoc it tile kit alerd john lafler tier anil ad akere okere an who ho formerly rau ran the enill we no promise to malcom article of flour as aj can ann bernade bo made in ID theao who wish to this mail con can their by our learn which will travel to and from halt bull lako llly city dally c cicat and delivering flour all ordas attended to tobytha by the team teamster Os 0 erman coch cacti paid for vi beat nt at the itie mill rolald JA gamt tle january lot 1973 JH lm line corx kir atut jon itra C Z M I 1 LICE IKI I KI S picnic calle notice I 1 bait wo we to tile und have liono alone vork mork on t liioi I 1 mount of brono ono hundred dollan for you liala lade I being situated in tire tho alining i denver braver county territory and you jou are borely noLl fled to pay tho the amount within ninety C 30 jol days daya from dato date of allx advertisement other otherwise wine your lo IQ i forest wilt be henold gold in IA altu 4 ith the lat lato act of cou irona T V FlIT flitar AV AS j PERSONAL di 1 ERA L and 4 inirio binl ai ant bit ani 1 arcemant bil ueral and Nilo lug can give definite de scrip tiou or of mines nod ind ledges frem frein samples i ople of rock nil as to and aau quality finality of ores drw depth etc cla obo I 1 he can bo be consulted atner tit tier rooms the iho great AV extern hotel rooms so tie eliou guaranteed nau ly I 1 col cann ri bima ahson licals by touch all vicarious rod chronic di dilees describes at any distance and reads rhadd their minds div esad vico in love and bubl bes ness tells of spirit friends ete etc fees J KI I eilf sl tl western futol ogi ly THE COST IS NEVER FELT I 1 1 E 4 qt 3 I 1 Is catlen oad and 1 borks the works corya of shakespeare byron byrod If moore foore hogarth Tn roer ier ATI an ac aa CAN TIE ISK nv BY st gitil LT pig opposite I 1 flouter jaw call and examine ja aint PUBLIC READING ROOM AND free circulating library AT 20 the iho La dielt library AN afi boom nob no Q 90 cr r birst int national aal anak open acry wack adny from to aj p n aad sunday from I 1 to 0 6 p m W all aro are bolcom 0 strangers chilly ION fled d u tl il IRON ORE I 1 FOR tiD furnaces naces T alir air Idel gated baling beer n pointed ul utaji 1111 fur or it alie 0 e obralee wyoming Ilenia lito iron ore extensively aked by bur elting furnaces ad 1 I lux aro arc now Pre prepared lared to fur tile earno arno on short notice cull call ou go or of addre jonroy HON et A MUR murrail itala bilock bouth of railroad depot salt lake jake city ju ir ill PARIS confectionery birst south st fit three tie bloor ors chirl of LT kilitis of r I 1 rellah EIl day A CL Indica buado stab anery WEDDING AND SOCIAL PARTIES SUPPLIED AT SHOUT SHORT NOTICE CAKES AND PASTRY ELEGANTLY ornamented TO ORDER tingo fargo stock of CANDY FOR THE nolida HOLIDAYS as ril lAIT MENTh A fine bno or cake suitable for christmas end ew years ALL GOODS WARRANTED luiei dyer ai arbogast it terly heard dl III art iian IJ FIl schoolbooks SCHOOL BOOKS r AND ALI SCHOOL F I 1 S H I 1 ilgra AT W will 11 1 I 1 t t two tile doors doom of roi tollice I 1 11 1 iw SCOTT DUNHAM CO I 1 iron steel iron pipe and pipe 0 fittings I 1 I 1 krim alis uil aill steam Cl ool 93 carpenters CAll Is PENTERS TOOLS 1 t I 1 Ilar dware hart were t 1 d 0 11 HARDWARE aa edzar re re hardware hardware hardware Ilard KM WM ir dull ita I 1 CO S MANILLA ROPE FAIRBANKS KS SCALES BLOWERS FIREPROOF SAFES ROOKER BOOKER rules HER i F ill I 1 GULES CULES POWDER eto etc lor for hie prevention arf trillion nl remos minor ml at of patent nifton ciann furl fort lared n red by the san nun lif agn I 1 i company furnace MEW MEN ATTENTION A k yo 1 faite I 1 SCOTT DUI S matia 92 i ARSA CrIM GOLDEN CITY FIRE BRICK I 1 which tire ir if not superior oper lor to the lb bent beat awal Bl arlish 1 will ill tell sell lit at the lowest market price i i dit tf ir BOARDING HOUSES WALKER HOUSE I 1 EAST SALT LAKE CITY thia ME his HOUSE IS RT AND abst appointed house in territory and bat accommodation for abr three cc and fin anny guests cuchta birto tears and carr hilles conn walh fill the gallitte NAl litte sulphur baths glooms containing from all I 1 n is ur gar News ratia nil vo ig kland to tho the a loube llo I 1 ilc H S GREELEY CO nov novio 1 20 tf proprietor cosmopolitan HOTEL MAIS MAIN STREET sast SAIT LAKE LAILE ITY CITY hold aps fps fi conducted on the T Luro peau pinn alood for boarders annj gadth opposite walker house IlOU itO olo ole tt 11 A proprietor washington HOUSE I 1 third south st eng t ll 11 l l or main eaic X drw CM W a board legal atu Ledgin IC or er weed 06 board nul and lodging per day i silly DAY board per perach perV bec ch as f 1 sinae 11 rench deal per It M Seark tit a 2 neds I 1 lr let IN ight so CO metals 1 21 nl tf lf white house FAMILY hoarel 2101 El A main SIMON salt bait bakar llio city utah la Is ro anil and rooms and oil the delicacies ot of tho the son acason BOARD pr per tiny to 12 per seek the stages leave tho the hotel holl every mo tor for all the mining camps nod and tile ali train tl GREAT WESTERN HOTEL ON 04 TUB THIS PLAN F FIRST CLASS accommodation tor for fin un and Tray cifors Itt mitts sere I 1 st abo 50 per dy and restaurant und under ertho iho mo inse sprol mot of M X H irdill Irdi lr late lat of tho the mor mae riton cad and boom I 1 nob FREE anee 01 91 TO TIIE THE eor board per week 1 ST I licals cor LAIU d connected with the hotel hotel A ape P am proprietors VALL VALLEY rz y HOUSE i SALT caje ake catir cat onica one barck north 44 4 4 j west ot of ili ike post poat ome offelo tito elrd ato re cheran cleran nod and well nellseen nell seed i tall table flailed Pl ailed jib site DEST BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS board lod and fc orlD 14 to per par week board and lod or ilbo to 10 VJ per dy day day benl week CHAS J T P SOR fiNSON LELAND LELAN irS 9 NEW HOTEL S HOUSE 13 it 0 A D IV A V atten wh and ul will att J T Y american plan per day lfona ABC OJEO 0 21 I 1 cornor miln M a locust Str toti ciar ampe amda bols for camilea r ryotei in llla t ag d aff 49 ft AT greatly AT TILE commercial COMME ECIAL LODGING ROOMS 43 herfi ir AXT O CX rW clann sprine betts 21 3 lo go SO 50 tents per ll l to lo tuu per ir CALL CA LL AND SEE US ill J U tr tf MARGETTS SALOON 1 hITE ill fral Griff hottle of roil mil lor for oil all till T aho he a jappee b ships or of BEER ALE OR PORTER AT MODERATE TRICE PRICE OF 10 aill U B l TS AUCTION I 1 AUCTION 1 0 O T the ire ir HUI Al properly Perly will be hold at public amilon without itlo ut rt ae ocrie cry attla at abc conice or of the bott HII HI I laan xv Alco vicy thirteenth W vuria rd near incur erncr ul or oud nuil third south streets thursday january ji at 10 0 tax it A M U 1 VI clorn oreall 11 r I 1 A s b c e mariy ersy kowt I 1 itt t 11 it a alf I A offrice abl J X mor fiscal W I 1 4 until 3 aulce tha chatir tir thin sale takes place in ilo affairs or of tile U H special lalaind lan or of this dili district ach hiir I 1 been oil ill I 1 terms CAMI ua aldo a I 1 late tf t f w dodar r U 9 gi said A git hath bill loko boko city tan jan 17 37 1 J 1730 17 SU 30 mrs LIQUOR DEAL dealessi ERSi ETC jr IT 37 PO A emitter 5 I 1 UT I 1 pl 0 1 r i 4 c T d I 1 I 1 I 1 EXTRA OLD BOURE OUR WHISKY W tho unplaced aerated sale 0 ai above branas MILLERS S E r OLD BOURBON and ana J T p pi OLD BOURBON 11 ln their lamo fame As g badir boat beat and only genuine abt thlik the na market ket the neonta for utah tah territory torr bontly reco mend these thee by bun the trade an and public N E BOUKO Fg I 1 so 0 o arcata for utah rot r n MUM DUMS 6 CONCERT CONCEIT HA bullian EAST TK n stilt id InfluX bons afe I 1 1 bounce thal hilt tho the following opler roy boa boo emar aired and iii V peat pear kightly until further belles tills ILI irala Irn 11 1 la MONDAY JANUARY 1 niss JINNIE the c ins ing arl mil anil allt chancier vo V liw I 1 alif 1111 1 E 4 at the pa lag jug comic singer and oil YE in if it if it A let it M conceded cona aej J the finest baritone voice on the coast ain ft ill ahe i plon plan clog dancer 11 ft in till air jig 1 lilt I izanir s Nibs gic and dance artial ANT AND LAST BUT XOI NOT LEAS M it DICK file banjo 1 doors oren open at t 64 C p m ni tir of bell now 1 edged aali afan of nn ere are r ettor apply to lo dim DICK PROW NT MII t ia ar scandinavian SAL 41 street BEST OF BEER ALE politer AND ALWAYS OS ON 3 r if iv A N A C co 0 nov not 5 amo M r Enz ni san bali li IA WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOU zabriskie era now ow o conf so hear and liau aliquo orders onion tol tod anial I 1 satisfaction GUARAN ghanami main street two doors door so wells welle bargo cola co SOLZ SOLE AGENTS N fot FOR STRAIGHT whis thi the finest bar in the conD octal with thi the djs ly I 1 I 1 BOTTLED BEER ALE AND mi FB it at tle the cheapest chet pitt rates and d delivered shortest notice your orders drain depot of cl uia the california BREWE BREW second sovila Atre embree door lc plant let englebrecht LEBRECHT ERG CO and ml awl dalt it Is FOREIGN A AHO AND boond south salt AP A P H HOTALING AC C jackson Jact ton tirma sao san froncie 20 issa 4 firine L nort lion offer to tho the trade la in bond bo 0 1 pa it j H MARTE BONOIT feekes and OTARD DUPUY cot cos HOLLAND GIN JAMAICA RUM HUM SHERRY MERRY and PORT WE W SCOTCH H IRISH and NEM 8 solo 0 a arcula U for the recite 9 celebrated J he CUT TER old bourbon whisk fisl 13 at t C solo agents tor for utah A ua U A |