Show 14 1 S r 16 g wa ab 0 is 14 WITH tit UW T PRES tit i va AD n ls X qa ngok I 1 SA 44 afook ook job j ab printing at y dispatch and to do ewt master I 1 kaa F pilo lain I 1 mm gri bant 0 ta V BT T tribino publishing company k j mon orthis 0 bluj city orno EAST ST j T il rol Hann plan crr nger A agenas P Minco ANra Exon EXO nAKO AKoi tf fist mai ft CO i PARK pani now ILOW new kw TOM to N herfield STONE ft 81 MO y A agents AE 1 y Rr ENWALD ft ul liciana liCIA LANC NC arnin cm act caf 9 crowni N IT T y F OHN OFIN LOWE tc SON it IL it arror 51 I 1 C V IL 11 MCGREGOR A HEAD AHA CUT LIT la L alson VJ V J A STAR stan itt ITIL TuT U T LIAM I 1 bet wu gas rt aneer of md M t kinra ad and having ft w aci f sll all opposition idi has tl tn ell i widatte and of rae on and if n at ony enly journal through th 4 s it g tan can be i read A el va 1 1 toffic to the unfortunate I 1 i few remel es I 1 new kew remedies emedies It il 11 i fc DR DB GIBBONS GIBBON IS ASZA AS ZA dispensary 23 H corny street I 1 truer commercial m SAN lit fifth established of 6 zu I 1 ill baij 1 walsall buum loch u h U Gon obas By la in ill all jaminal Weak Impo temY etc to ote te CU of f years stan dIDE mentally so trul treated ku bm tl of oat bo h aroa vi ittig the th coial Coi tl 9 it Z arop toil led b bu roamed it at 1 1 I D r ma kearan emr oani em yr 0 aco abere hi hit old li kUant I 1 1 and those maak g ht makim I 1 lem my y nod cad aln A the doctor bu bas ard dolther uzo nor dor money its a out oat nw ra md and lu has lura for 01 the tr fr hatgan oz a ftc auba abl abia olt tery alc tlc or dp tsa sexual j a by the joth of both albu to a ai 1 I aou jao extent vita jtb coor ty the th f elowina train of morbid symptoms Is biml atad by br claudo medical dark pt la under tk idt ey byj patla to ID th iott ba b a la Is abo th er a not bolm ilk vz rutting of i jeu or ra it or of cb artof agul easi I 1 be XU awni the lot ill V knon of the 11 bs wo COO v rhioa wo low joel of deaca la Is dpn hibi a dislike 0 to o i form ora 2 v a to sham baa ao 0 o 1 illy lou of bowory and abi various rep about tho fact beado boff forrd too i faiad bath aliw ewt t X isenora doai I kj a 4 lu luanita anity if relief bo b set apply ottly elbr jib la is P aft or by letter uil d ate a can by bj baj ts kw dow bd 54 kilauea mede or of ung this dlou dl abl abdor a s a quick lad kod ri i cured at home borne I 1 sAdre lelos a atter to stating itally UM alowa pl owa ak dj iu h oata fc sod and ht bair tacile p amply free fief I 1 fra dudac and bd arl olty to ay art frt of the tbt lib ith til NO aud lid plats dj blohs jet or u w sr 57 ID la in cur racy la in a gj norel through Pta or barito ra a co JL A add pul iu let by clr I 1 erml to adyr kay arc C orabe of abc poisons wiling dottor dor lf la allf ft mr of cl ll 11 ifor I for thol sal this 16 all oom mabl atit itly adar IX ml fu rw H a STORAGE comma alons 1 MAIN SIDE 1 EJU AND THULE all promptly ani nn d i to lo chobo proff lollar bod and autore roni for As wn don of aurese fresn tun 1 I from chicago weekly I 1 vill mikios IMPORTANT TOMINES 8 da m B E CALLAHAN MINING MILLING AND BUILDERS HARDWARE stenia s s SAND ANH 9 STOVES ETC 1 roil awes platform hay I 1 Ralli railroad oad and counter scales AGENT ron FOR r F IL A co i EUREKA KEROSENE OIL ja tr mm HOWLAND 54 south trot NOW mew york tork am KIMBALL BLOCK S L city will advance on i ot of ore on noil and aulbon baj lion En bullion Illion purchased ul at highest market prices tazi U AUBURN MILLS N and clr onry ill III 1171 2371 ibi ll 11 0 onins LANI mil and Con ilDr WILL PURCHASE SILVER ORES ORE S at tile the f fol lolli NET KII rat tm y r too K 40 10 23 po ct C MM t assay 11 TI i 1 I 1 11 0 U U II a II 11 II 11 4 aj 3 1 90 WU as 16 60 1 1511 IMM 00 lff 63 XI 65 6 u a a BA aien 74 36 IS n at 83 aa 61 a a ta 2 1 1000 83 no N charge for far t inice milling or amy A ur 1 s guarana d to 10 with attl P r 6 mist or or 0 backs turned to shippers free ff of f charge or VW ty battory or at t of F FF F illano nov february IS 16 ima HIGHEST GASH PRICE PAID yon FOR ca cz az 1 4 rn 7 6 9 of aim 0 tito 8 CART DOT 01 25 tf at t wesel brov CITY I 1 I 1 N H LAWRENCE BRO PIONEER outfitters OUT FITTERS Pro violona GrOO crice ad hinerm toole always on band buqo THE STOCK IN TOWN 1 SALT LAKE wells farro CIs C office in 11 tt forwarding commission AND forwarding bunimo or OF ORE AND BULLION AnvA MEi 01 0 1 Consign consignments ments of ore or Buff bullon lon grain PRODUCE al ami MI LA HAT COUN conn OATS manley AA AN AAD D CRACKED CORN I 1 agents for betar hol freight line we W inake lodor rates to ill all p principal al akst ern em cities than any other company THROUGH BILLS of LADING GIVEN CIVEN I 1 extra inducements for the shipments ORE OR AND bulla ON AGI abat Ai AT oil or hinton coal for the entire portion of utah have bibri bi large lri mill commodious ll JUat ut ul 14 kaat A LT LA LAKE U E SANDY 14 TATION AND 11 L TAM uio the of utah southern K and american tork having ample room to baure auy amount ol of address all to DUP CUT CUTTING oct 3 if SALT BAJT LAKA CITY AL A 33 30 is 7 astel SS tel 44 1 C AGE T FOR arall three to forty horsepower horse power ROTI schoolbooks SCHOOL BOOKS AND AMI all ALI SCHOOL furnishing AT TOI TI sa s1 f to poor noor loner or of JI t aw christmas Christma and sand new years I 1 ant jn l arrived its GIR G A CO an immense stock block of GROCERIES CROCKERY GLASSWARE 7 AND HOLIDAY SALE A netali CALL AND SEE THEM at Groes becks block second south street SALT LAZE LAKE CITY f 44 glassware Glas a socially jiff t medic na who cures cure s Is 13 the iho best ap ati 11 MT am HERBAL MEDICINE STORES PHIL PHILIPS irs BUILDINGS TENTH WARD SALT SAIT LAKE TA CITY ALL DISEASES SPEEDILY AND FX ET PALLY CURED CUBED it ali I 1 h Iler IK abi rbi hoof boots chipi barks barki leaves bowdem gums elal tinctured tinctures tures etc tic etc BY IR T E M aj PI P 1 A NT N T who may bo be dally at the above address WORMS DESTROYED OS OR REMOVED IN TWO HOURS TE T TERMS E OWE DOULA 1 IN cases or of ronear coldi cold IDU Is ordered bic holc headache bc adache piles led gathered gatti ored breta lum bag buo blaw as eruption 83 syphilis aill etc amora sarola ato ab abet e s kings mil eu astute 11 am lings thick decks diseased and cont contracted etc 0 cue c 0 u w womb 0 etc 0 apply to ibis e v a b 1 lh i i ni en t tarro e t a n not n 9 e bo it 11 ever e arso toli bad oil tint but ahat relief tell f can n nbc 1 i r radl c D cr bcd nd in woo 6 cases a cure per ji JU J U theodore hollander A doa ar IB 2 a ud mad aitt ua 4 A i IC WATCHES CHAINS DIAMONDS RINGS CLOCKS california JEWELRY FRENCH LOCKETS AND KECK CHAINS BOXES BOSES AND ALBUMS FIELD OPERA MARINE AND EYL ETE ml 4 jewelry rep repair alrod and warrants warrant 4 for or 0 o far 1 THEO TAX HOLLAN HOLLANDER dera tl I 1 main sti 81 OWE ra EWING MACHINES FIRST SOUTH ST A WEST OT or tim CO coop OP THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE 9 A As perfected by ELIAS HOWE JR machine REST HEST IN THE conri won ri THE HOWE SEWING MACHINES r Unequal led for Ilant excellence and tho the areat range of work of which able bl china Is or of CUD CD ruction st til union sod it t ra ciar b I 1 lity mako ll it THE VERY BEST MACHINE iv IN mi MAURINES MACHINES manufactured DAILY I 1 OVER SOLO SOLD IN 6 YEARS R B I 1 U it that ELIAS HOWE JR aa the odthe ami the arlu cepl luven luventon tod by him NEVER HAS BEEN IMPROVED ON cull coll had aud examine our oar style bayl and Irl cco auis okli 4 WOW WOM south tt a tow few doork dooni weal oj of coop CO op bolcao Whole bol clo ralo tI HSIN A at ly lf abenis professional CARDS TUrO BD A MAN tillord MANN MAKH AT LAW 36 litteer Sit STILE tEEr zT SALT LAKE cirr C u T DOT 7 tf GEORGE C BATES UNITED STATES ATTO atton NEY OF starr AND an COUN AT LAW AW E ESIT ECIAL attention given to la pur i e chiae h a and milo aale or mineji find and ilon of 1 tat and cortinca tex thereto th oreto doors coltof deseret nation al I 1 tank aw JAMES M C CARTER A R T E R ATTORNEY I 1 orrien orrick over remt national caos jakat cant templo street oa lf CK C X a HAYDON GILGHRIST GILCHRIST AT LAW Or orrick ricie over first national bank of bait ake city anu tt tf BASKIN attorneys Al torny and Conus elora at law lair orrice over storo main st MARSHALL MARSHA LL I 1 ATTORI fEYs AT i office over wells faro fargo sc co s bank auka nna tt tf I 1 8 11 A rosborough 1 MERRITT ATTORNEYS ATTOn NETS AT LAW salt lake ciet city butah arih offitt south templo to 81 uti ft bill IdIng out must of deseret bank aldu JIL n L ju 0 baratt ROBERTSON SPRATT ATTORNEYS AT LAW SALT LT LAKE CITY UTAH WN WM P APPLEBY ATTORNEY AT taw AND iBE REGISTER IN bankruptcy office nert door bouthot auh of contro ce build inc maln barott salt lako city in rao a in I 1 JAXU y F hl bonn MARLL ATTORNEYS AT LAW uj LUT t arr room 11 and ill 12 JO JOSEPH SEPH cirii cl TI L ENG ison IN ker rEEn I 1 states mineral adill deputy depauly bu rr utah ilau omae colw first lewt sout nearly opposite 1 s st L 1 mareci I church al jt tt 1 joua IL it eo L i WOODS 1 mcbride mc bridee WOODS A TT T T 0 RN it N E Y ft B A r I 1 A W MAN MAIN SALT LAKE LA KB UTY LITY JIL 3 jm WELLS SPICER attorney at law itaw ASU AND U S FOR UTAH salt lake lk city P attention bild all to 0 o sulla suits abstracts aud tran it to property i nod decies ged 1 I 1 also alro a spec lily anade dlauro argand jud of b miuor Miu I 1 Jr property ad lu in Ill ocla i alit tt lf M T BURGESS civil r AND V h N AL v L i prepare the no ceary rv 2 li bals V ers mild for patents an pro tatt cirice 1 IQ n building occa by sarv survey or benl r jl tf J B MEA DER yim g r csc jr SALT JAM LAR OITT j I 1 J ASSAY 0 OFFICE F F I 1 C E WAIR MAIK SALT lukk LITT oros oro care kampic bat fraaz a diet ca row to toi and wedo OIL oa t tho jond A chare clircy on luodo ode rt rate jom ORKA amdor JAMES T BLANCHARD I 1 analytical ANAI AND AM CONS LILTING L ASSAY afsar aiani A alj 1 itaru gui tr re turns I secretary hindi a B jl am u W Bm luburn ch att ctt A gould STAINBURN COULD 4 I rUB LIC of ofEe Fa cords conveyancers and commissioners of deeds for now ohio jowl aws Nub nulia uw on tan tolia novad amron colorado district of cc lumba kod and other baates sail and territories lor for patents bcd agreements and bonds for doods power of attorney less Cont mets all nil ocher instruments of unie drawn with amonacy and dispa teb and thor ancor borated f orated under tho ija aws of utah abstracts ot of title 1 to minlue md and other property P arty diage in the coni plot let form forio ng property 7 caad aal nd r ro p on ornon AT NAST TEMPLE TELE ST SALT LAKE CITY 17 T from tao findt mining records ads lu la tho county comity 01 i halt tilt lake ll to la nil ait ahw of wo lake lift di dib triot ariot now big aud ud little dlo dl tricel tl and art frt m choto of the he big cottonwood t A ridlia ALWAYS is 11 ra or nov flog from ft ran toa 0 m suo tt WM 1 M I GILLESPIE WOODS NOTARIES PUBLIC AND SEARCHERS OF RECORDS H ll 11 r k lur fur the lb bevera allu bojito n ent 1 W djus jhc houck from 9 a m to 10 9 p ra ilomin NL ho 6 over rm national rk SALT LAKE C ii u NEW HEW YORK QUI and william street N Y GLASS WARE 0 t ty twy b aroot i af pf 5 ax ato to 0 order LARGE assortment OF KEROSENE LAMPS BENEDICT ML HALL do CO ts caci noa NM LU ft grand Q nad st fan C crosby sa jg wy quo 0 WM M FLIESS CO IMPORT IMPORTERS Erks commission C om mission merchants AND ShIp shippers pors to au all parts odthe of the globe lw IW bf 7 fx an axy NEW YORK a atto ution paja to abo shipment of ORES and advance advances made on the kinf lwft ft grancille whittlesey co rib dealers la in hats caw cans straw gooda umbrellas and parasols manufacturers of Li diesa ji broadway roadway Kro It adway now york THE graffenberg GRA EFENBERG MEDICINES tho the most beasing cs of bernale cn nl weakness iVe kaen and uterine COMPlAin tit of wo men are permanently cumm by abo graef enberg nar uterine cA cathell cou con THE PANACEA Is the best elno in ald for all dl die owl came to por for Ale adache baillon and aad inai baill gatlon avory one oa should talce take the TIMETABLE rills then are for salo ty by all anif flina SO oa lr 7 SAINT LOUIS WILLIAM C ir jl II 11 ORR LINDSLEY max nw D WHOLESALE DEALE 3 lj IS cassom X maie a de boots aai slices in every style trade groan from 1127 LY lr RODNEY D WELLS co to bywords wells con co AND or 01 ab a sa tw 3 a aan ABD D QUEEN ali north main hala street bot bet plus and oliva fuer LOUIS SAN SAM FRANCISCO JOHN CO 0 1 washington ST N maa A N F fit it A 7 0 1 wc 0 I 1 artoni and calra to in assayers materials 1 CHEMICALS AND ACIDS solo olo agents tor outline fine away balances Balan coa a AND MINING COMPANIES COMPANIE 9 furn tabo I 1 with ellb com oo plato outfits for W 9 me aylus y gon aach d at abolt notice dealers clr la in Gl aWare bad and ck OEMS AGENTS FOR FOB THE PACIFIC GLASS ITI tf 4 AT A commission ll AB D purchasing agent no 3 front S st tu 10 san Fran francisco clico wis T C cani TOX APPLEBY CARLTON REAL RE AL ESTATE AGENTS SALT LAKE CITY n T am G GIVE IVE ATTENTION coq TO tn E and bla in lath territory apply lor for entry orilla oril lu on camb scrip crip aro olo eption and adl homestead 11 P P bro PU tents luy buy anti sell I 1 in fealt lake LACO city collect rents rente ruy pu taxes prepare rc piro tako LOILO and burnish fernian abstracts of title orria bit BI MAIN grniet Hr ot 01 3 lf if EXCELSIOR COAL VOIL roil 4 A T S Ans lyal from institute of al whit IA I 1 00 AM I 1 aa 11 1 burboa atit nitrogen OT 4 dmn ta ly ity LM coke tool lood 00 W J IV if WN bt agen 1 idaho batore corner greal stern hotel ula 2 aw LUMBER YARD I 1 0 ALL KINDS OF bejot SOS doors windows rW St SHINGLES INGLES LATH ASID alii al 31 X ar AT WHOLESALE T B R JONES til lit hm muth TP U C dy doi SA stiens ETC A W WHITE CO BANKERS east T templo st si si salt alt i i like lake city chy in U gold dust coin and bullion exchange on all 11 II the tb principal alt loa jos of the united 8 state atos and nd europe given toCol to colico loo MO 8 and proceeds kl as current rates of on OD dr day of payment I 1 GEO E WHITNEY attorney correspondents eua bank of california ain francisco lee leca A willer now york cook county stale ball bank enke 1 st state 3 it to eink bank ot of omia WMS WELLS FARGO CO boj EXPRESS ers and dd dealers dealer in stehan go drafta on europe Fu rope calleo tons tiona promptly attended itten jed to east temple street salt lake city tino P F TRACT XA try A agent gent SALT LAKE CITY NATIONAL BANK SALT LARZ LAKE Author authorized lied capital benj M D ai eff president HUGH WHITE A MIMI I 1 MR salt cae CM city y see special ad page pace MO ly ij masonic savings loan bank alo Q foat la N 1 C SAM BAN hi nt Gua guarantee capital K president 00 IM foe lr I nax bonx duj A oso ci BANKING HOUSE STEVENSON no 41 40 haiti tim st it oon silver bank and government itlay ADI mad do OB a 11 II 11 1116 pulu pilots in 1 the tb un edun aid L I 1 b tibt and told old on com millio it al P ta ur olAa lIIoi web ma fc a from ta utah territory and id padilla aw sum all irr Matton la in regard to t ship in so mine 19 1 D 9 it at ibe lb united t ad hint in t may to bl all staby difrulo di rulo us cai JE M X I 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 owr rt drei i a 0 10 jy jay a CM powers i A D 1 A 37 mryr f U corts haq aj phi sham ie ar co talt I 1 1 t lk city I 1 i r 4 I 1 ca 0 1 4 pa 01 P PA 4 9 14 ri k 0 I 1 12 cc 0 la ca 1 I M z 4 ra W 4 0 qa a 4 IS q C pa pa iq zd C A lai C security against firo fird and burglars hall halls patent concrete rire avil PROOF SAFES HAVE H ATE been tested la in over pines mil and not dot on hu bu TT ever WW to voits r am 00 bulf teddis unan jurod hills im improved proved BURGLAR PROOF SAFES have BT all U til egerts of skilled took burglars not potoae one has bu vor ever boon been entered by combination EANIE BANK LICKS t for all kinds ol of safes mi and faults ban vault V fronts a and ild linings kgb with aly looft hadIl tite we at caled n total to oar our celebrated BM lad nl lotka KB la OR on better forms than ibm |