Show Z caysi r 4 r 4 ay t 4 41 I 1 I 1 I 1 T int TW lw p lac EASTERN dispatches DILS 01 r q snow N bound milwaukee I 1 I from the letra ill dl vision of the anil st SL pool railroad say my I 1 hot have bitto in romr i th alio I 1 trin line enow ll 11 bound all ad conowit a ad and nj baye th superintendent prior let abhat that thoro thore are tight freight trains biow lorod aid aulio alio enow in bricked no tight that snow alom lave hato lie DO cimeot on it and it will have haro to bo be ollo out all that hat can hewn bo bain of como trains in here and there ilia top iop of ft a brolo J mot protruding abai abbio a tile aliu nor iba oll clothing but tho the top lop of c tho the smoke of an engine marks the aher cahoots of some omo the thermometer ranges between twenty sad nod twenty fire degrees wow zero avid tile wind driad blowin blowing i a peril tet atlo th tho 0 drivers vibo oho drove t tho a teams of re cef cro badly frozen 4 1 I 1 L I 1 Bt loton ll 11 at maine this ll 11 morning tho the WM was thirty below tero A slight hock win was felt at 1 I brunswick maine this hi mornin it at live a 0 clock joaeph A whitman 6 lawyer Is il under ar r rest charged with irich forg forging mortgage morl gs al noto to for tn bbous and dollars dul lArs an inja fand uttering I 1 tho ho nina the to alleged to bo be ito of with irith charles Cari cariens eds on cin charges of fraudulent transactions deaths for ili th lot six bli from small rox pox washington washington ll 11 tho committee on c alco ice biond clammed a number of witt icea JD in tho the caldwell tortal bribery case ase it appears ap peart from tho testimony that bit doocy ww frogley used to secure memo election but not so fr far asti fied through tho the direct agency of caldwell Calil irell the of botell it ll 11 ppearl il varied from SOO dollars to 2600 deli dol lr a to ILLINOIS tile effe nrc I 1 of tho i amendment to the ali inden appropriation bill chicago Wast ilAl special itaas the to tho the indian appropriation bi 11 which passed tho ilia senate day providing for the appointment of lire inspectors with extraordinary powers has a ing than it it considered that the r 1 ac test c act if tho the am amendson endmon t becomes a r hiir 1 1 will ill be the abolition aboh tion of the indian peace commission tho the vill till bito bavo nil all powen that the icaco now not lave bavo without out apparent antagonism I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 MINNESOTA I 1 terrible or of the late sue byorni it 11 tho stoina on tho he st SL raw and abdi crucific railroad Hail road oatt was i tile tho save rest ever known at a station called kirk haven thero there were vere booral farmers in tona ton and w lien t abo he storm first brit upon them they left for lome homo sith etli their and nd very few have been beard from one wagon was waa found mrs mn wand saland md and a loy boy frozen frozin to death MOD teams of both oxen and horses found orozca oj the ibo fatooh their on in unknown util coiro LOUISIANA tasiana Tf SIANA FOR lii of loii 0 ahead now orleans 11 aitho tho fusion I fully organized zed yesterday bix front from appeared and took seats an vent event which chesas a lively stir tir in poli political tacal circles tho the atelbert that hat 11 cher bator BD tor tors will desert today to day probably lir taking xi ip tho the quorum the se coding pub ich an address to tho people mi gain log sit their creaso gruodi fur for uio the lion of Pinc liback his ille gral ata c djs and add aasumb tiou of arbitrary wen ui in organizing a IA aak statute by who are ill known tu to to lo legibly elect elected and aqil Putt lilliC do fealon candidi candi datto itu la in their places and in bribing tho the board with fat to make f falo returns in order to secure the clec lection clention tion of kulogo to the united stalks babito I 1 NEW YORK Bou bounnell lnell tnt n tile senate coran liftee vu ott k innate now kow york it says sayi the ho bedame finance committee los haft decided ham no aut buttion bonty for a ang any portion of tile forty four of ica lagat a I 1 tenders which ho be chums ad a acerro frind annd tim this travel leaves iho but four id a hilt half millions of available curre currancy ocy the seart tar ames if congress cn on dorata dorace the action of tz lb R committee it kill causo t contraction u litho tho Treas Treasury nry will lo be comp tIled to kc kap cp i a much larger curr ricy balance on land hand than guao at present WESTERN california foan ban francisco it II tho steamer cost coble arrived this afternoon in tow of tho the CISt ciston tn tion lion at due ile broko broke her crank pin PID and on alio ill fol following 9 dat dat met act sail eail for Idanza trillo 1 oro in januray lit eglit 4 tho the constitution which banio aladico ala Dido and na on januar y took on ward tho the cast and 1 anc ft gago gaho anti ailed for this port with all on boa board r ballast city II 11 wo had ad a licary rain nun today da y fiur mcra are abiad with all aked t tock dockton toc kioa ton II 11 tho the bew ottar dr r hattie built la in una this placa left for san SAB 1 rau citco thio ibia inith tons of wb cat owned bylut by rifa ers ere A about have bavo already amu to the A nualla narrow gaggo raili road A rifle las I 1 beta 1 formed by a few butchers of this thib place fur for abu of tile alo meat An N NEVADA el VADA T virginia ciry 11 ll today to day 11 ial lo 10 hot IN in in tho the laft aft leg bat n tda ana laro iamo 01 wv as some b just jubb out on 0 from ilia burlier barber kop chop a when len robey fired with wilh i a ahot fan a word paving n aillem dpn alii ho cause of the shooting is ij said to lo bo fluidly lairs if itoney nis ass examined befaro judge and aej committed committal to aitio clinnly jail in of hundred dollars but bill Nowa leg will plo probably bably halo ln 0 to lc bawd |