Show A FOB S speculation P iivori Iivo it ki i 7 there 14 but a small proportion of salt lake lakai valcy alley proper but what onder e certain conditions condit ious may be made aTa ilaU Hatle for aMS tho the min main condition or belog a good gup ply of bf water on the it side bf jordan ii a madd good for tilt tili kill capacc of cf sustaining sustain inc of at elio time 0 o it is 13 alyin lying 9 idle and wista imply fojut forT of supply of bater water tho the tract c 0 if which wo 0 speak M 1 lc be thornly trav creed by aboe and ita which will grill in abtil il i a location loci tion lor act t them the means of ol 01 cheap home beads I 1 tract net ot of land can and ought to 3 bal W made to contribute to the lc of of and ald tle coocen orAl risa population on it would of course c ito bu tusin ainess of salt lilo LAU ailt 3 and ii 4 lc be cai tAIc in ia every way I 1 t jhb otal only apparently aly conda 4 tion lion to this largo jorge p piece bece of 1 a country i t fl tr water for itt irn ig gation aicon which ill ia orally 6 fl alution ution iu elion of enterprise and aad money us as tle lle diverting ol of the jordan dan tit or I 1 ficai the point of he Maun dauntain tain louth world woula not lot only bacco n this desideratum lut but wc another great purpose that of drai draining a very large amount of alanl on it ebli side of the river soo sooner n er or later the boope of salt sal lake valley ailcy will be al the thai homes of of if people contributing tri butini to trio tito build frIg up of our oar moffo a Go poli who yi to sees noney money enough anth ID th i rojett to in it |