Show anniversary the of july ought to be generally celebrated in utah it la Is the ilia d dale a te 0 t ran an epoch the signal station which the beginning of civilization in 1 what hat was waa then a 1 w till the picture lure which aich that first band made as they made their first carlp here Is a pathetic tilt lie one walled availed in by an ater alfar of oc mountains 1 in tho the of a desert surely it was a desolate place in which t to 0 drive tho the first stakes for tile tho begin beginning ing ot of a settlement no meu men not no I 1 inured to hardships and content with little could have lone done it their courage und and devotion ought always to bo by their descendants when wheat ilia light artist child of utah glidell be inspired it he or site she will I 1 the scene in it a awl and that picture ought to ho be abe first in it a pan panorama oraina to contain no I 1 III ik tho the progress made at firlit art there va max rieal iov orty but at al length the harvests began to alpen and the flowers to bloom then tho the fears ot of starvation were driven away coones began beean to 0 o graid TOV into inlo torn form at first I 1 ude ludo enough and poor pokily ly furnished but as aa tile tho picture advanced ono one comfort after afler another vas added ono one joy after another succeeded eucce eded tho the dounda ilona of more pretentious structures were laid then beyond the th cultivated fields tile abo mines began to bring forth their treasures tures tho the greeting of at the locomotive vas heard and with it the songs ot of children aho vho lie had been born lit in utah and so the picture grow grew until statehood came smiling and robed lit in the azure ot of the flowers land and the gold cold of the mines the songs that greeted tho the immense change chance were very it is 13 a pity that they were not sung bung into a perfected phonograph a so that mith lah tho the next jubilee they might be awakened reawakened re rc as aa proof divine of the joy the hope and the exultation of this people if tho the celebration today I 1 licks aegis any ally of oc tire the of two to years ajo it hlll ill bo be for ilia mornion mormon people them selves to explain why by they cannot point to a pledged v that the gentiles here have lar to a covenant on the ne part of the Covern meng that lias has not been faithfully awl scrupulously elt if there are apprehensions of troubles to como come lit in silly any hearts if there Is any ally bense of shame upon any portion of I 1 ibe lie people if there ibero Is 1 not apparent the bici universal joy two years ago greeted ilia I 1 lie day the cause does doa net rest nith mill the gentiles we chopo that hat the saints as they celebrate will vill fantl little lime to remember that dinki no other oilier government on oil euith cuilli could the int maracl blitch alch lias has been wrought helo hato hao been that a close milk ilk with all tile people oc at all the hie states tit 0 this Is coliat thu lie men and women of ilia most need and that jt it Js Is as ne cessa as it Js Is just juht that bileto ubbo bIll lute to good cooil falth faith be kept with the gon government erni nent find and people of this cou countey lifty wo ve liopo hope that it bo be cl a joyous day aiom lom idaho to arizona |